Chapter 2

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My morning consisted a lot of my dad swearing his ass off at me and my sister, saying how much we are a disgrace. It took a lot for me to calm my crying sister with kind words and reassurance but eventually, I got there and somehow I managed to make my hysterical crying little sister smile once I announced that not only will she be getting her favorite ice cream but she will also be getting a teddy bear of her choice.

I dropped my little sister off at school, at first she was hesitant and didn't want to leave which is why she clung onto my waist tightly when she saw the building, but after I told her that she would be making a lot of friends in school and learn many new things she detached herself off my waist and gave me a big kiss on my cheek before she took off running to school.

I walked to Lincoln high school with headphones blaring Tupac on my Walkman. I put away my walkman in my bag and approach a skinny figure, brown skin with jet black long straight hair and gently tap on her shoulder to get her attention, she slowly turns around and as soon as she lays her soft brown eyes on me, she flashes a warm welcoming smile

"Hi, how may I help you?" She asks me with amazing manners "Can you tell me the direction to the principal's office?" I ask her shyly "Of course" She clears her throat before telling me how to get there "So enter that building and take the stairs to the right-hand side, walk down a long hallway and make a right then continue to walk down to where you'll come into view with double brown doors that says "Principals Office"" She points at the building I need to enter "Thank you" I kindly smile at her "Have a good first day of school" She waves at me as she walks away to her friends who gestures for her to come over after exiting from this other building that is rather far from the building I need to go to.

I walk inside the building only to see the inside of the building filled with students who are either sitting on the benches eating, drinking, talking, or studying, some are standing and talking and of course, there are a few boys sitting down on the stairs laughing and chatting away. I approach the boys who have barricaded the stairs "Excuse me, may I please pass through?" I ask them kindly, they stare at me before they burst out laughing at my request

"You hear that? She wants to pass through" This male punches his friend's arm laughing like a maniac, he looks at me and smirks "Find another way" He challenges me and I sigh. I walk over to the handrail and jump, I grab onto the handrail "What is she doing?" I hear one of the boys whisper.

I use my strength in my arms and pull myself up. I stand on the small edge of the steps and throw my leg over the handrail and place it firmly on the step. I throw my other leg over on the step and I stand in front of the boys confidently with a tight smirk while they stare at me in astonishment "You were saying?" I ask the boy who challenged me "Didn't think so" I laugh "Thank you very much I must head over to the principal's office now"

I race up the stairs. After some time walking, I make it to the principal's office. Before knocking on the door I take a few deep breaths in and out to calm my nerves down. I gently knock on the door "Come in" I hear a female yell from the other side of the door.

I open the door and she looks up from her computer "Ahhh, you must be Amanda Vanderwall" She gets up from her seat and walks over to me "Yes I am" I nod "Pleasure to meet you" She shakes my hand, and smiles at me "Please, take a seat and make yourself comfortable" I sit on the waiting room style chair that is quite comfy. She sits behind the desk and smiles at me "I have heard so many great things about you from your previous principal at Dakota high school" She smiles

"Really?" I ask her shyly "Of course" It's 8:20 am, how is she so energetic? "Class starts in three minutes, so here is your timetable for the rest of this semester" She pulls out my timetable from the drawer and stands up. I follow suit, she walks over to me "Your first lesson is English" She points at the lesson on the timetable "Where is that?" I ask her and she walks me over to the door.

She opens it "It's a few classes down from my office" She points to the very end class on the left-hand side "I don't wanna hold you up on your first day, now get going to your first lesson" She smiles at me "Thank you" I smile at her "Glad to have you part of our school" She nods "Have a good day" She waves at me "You too" I wave at her.

I stand in line waiting for other students to join the line. I'm the first one. I recline myself against the wall sighing deeply. I close my eyes for a few seconds until I hear someone clear their throat. I open my eyes and cock my head to the side, locking eyes with the boy who challenged me earlier on. I must say he is rather handsome and has a beautiful pair of crystal-like blue eyes I have ever seen on a man, with messy dark brown hair

"Like what you see?" He smirks "Cocky much" I smirk back at him "Feisty one, are we?" He asks still holding that annoying smirk "Well, if your ego speaks my attitude responds" He laughs "I like that" He smirks at me once again and I roll my eyes "My name is Marshall" He introduces himself "My name is Amanda" I smile at him "Never seen you around here, I'm guessing you are new to this school" He says "Was it obvious" I roll my eyes "I'm trying to be friends with you since you are new and probably don't know anyone here" He shakes his head "Thank you but I'm fine alone" I tell him without a care in the world.

I'm an alone wolf, always have been. Never relied on friends. I just don't care about making friends since the few I had in Dakota high school turned out to be snakes. Friends seem to be a disappointment "Lone wolf" He guesses correctly "Yup" I nod "How many friends disappointed you?" He asks "Too many to even keep count" I sigh "Give me a chance, you'll learn that I'm a nice guy who doesn't disappoint any of my friends" Marshall gives me puppy dog eyes

"Please?" He asks in a really cute way and I can't help but let out a little giggle "Fine" I smile at him "Thank you" He smiles. Soon after other students join the line. The teacher opens the door and smiles at all of us "Come in" She walks back inside holding the door open for us to enter the classroom.

I make it to my desk with Marshall and put my bag on the table ready to unpack my pencil case. That's all I brought with me on the first day of school "Students, I want to introduce you all to our newest student in our wonderful school" I look up from my bag feeling nervous "Amanda, would you please come up and introduce yourself to the class" She gestures at me with her hand to come up in front of the classroom

"You up, fresh meat" Marshall whispers in my ear and I glare at him as he laughs. I gulp and tread my way slowly to the front of the classroom. I turn around to face everyone who has their eyes locked on me including Marshall, but all that bastard does is smirk at me which is making me even more uncomfortable. How do I explain myself?

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