Chapter 26

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Amanda's POV

I feel bad, super-bad to be exact. Marshall has been living with me and my new family for two days and I haven't spent much time with him since I have been cramming for my exams. I need to ace my exams as this is actually the first exam I'm taking as a high school student, then I have SATs when I'm 18 years old. I haven't started studying for SATs because right now my focus is getting my school work and homework done. I have spent such little time with Marshall and times where I don't spend with him he sits in his room with his pen and pad out writing rhymes.

Whenever I apologize to him about not spending any time with him he always tells me it's fine and that he understands school comes first for me. He is so sweet to understand. Today is my exam and I'm feeling confident that I will ace this exam. I make my way over to the dining room as ordered by my mother so I can have breakfast. I see everyone gathered around the table eating breakfast apart from Brian, he is drinking coffee while he reads his newspaper as he always does even when we eat dinner. I sit down next to my sister "Morning Amanda" She says with a mouthful "Morning baby" I kiss her forehead. I look over at Marshall as he wipes Nathan's mouth with a napkin and he looks at me, he smiles at me "Good morning" He says "Good morning" I begin to eat breakfast.

I'm honestly so worried about this exam, I can't make up my mind, I'm either confident about acing my exam or I'm not. I'm constantly thinking I'm not gonna do well in this exam. I have been cramming way too much for this exam, trying to obtain as much information as I can because I'll need for the answers to each question for each different topic the exam will cover. Pretty sure if I tell Marshall I'm nervous he'll call me crazy because I'm apparently smart according to him which I kinda agree with him since I have always gotten A's in all my classes and got good grades on tests.

After I finish breakfast I get up and throw my backpack over my shoulders "You ready?" Marshall asks me as I walk over to him "Yes I am" I say nervously "What's wrong?" Marshall asks me concerned "I'll tell you in the car" I nod "Okay" He says as he pulls his car keys out of the pocket of his hoodie "Bye" I hear my mom say "Bye" I say coldly. I walk out of the house with Marshall, we get in his car and I put my seatbelt on "You said you wanted to talk in the car, what's going on?" He asks me, I nod and look down "You are not breaking up with me because that would fucking suck since I'm in love with you" Marshall blurts out the L-word "You are what?" I ask him looking at him with wide eyes, I did not expect this at all "Oh fuck, I wasn't supposed to tell you that til Friday" I grab his hand and give it a squeeze "I appreciate you telling me that" I smile

"Do you feel the same way?" He asks me. Do I feel the same way? I don't know what love feels like but every time I'm near him all I want to do is hold him, kiss him, and care about him "Marshall" I sigh "I don't know what love feels like" I tell him "Don't worry about it" I feel like he is mad. He begins to drive "Are you mad?" I ask him and he side-eye me "No I'm not mad baby, I don't blame you if you don't feel the same way since I was such a dick to you, ended a friendship, blamed you, called you nasty names, went back to Kim knowing how you felt about me, I don't blame you if you hate me a little" I place my hand on his shoulder "I don't hate you, I just need time to organize my feelings" I tell him softly "Then what happens? You organize your feelings only to fucking find out you hate my fucking guts" I see his grip around the wheel tighten

"How can you say that?" I ask him "Because I know it" Marshall raises his voice at me "I know you hate me for what I did to you when you were nothing but good to me" Marshall raises his voice at me "You wanna know how I feel?" I glare at him "Yes" He yells "I love you, I love every part of you but I also hate you for the way you treated me but that hate is not big enough because I'm too busy thinking about hugging you all the time when I see you, I love how you always make me feel better, how good you make me feel about myself even when I was down, you were there for me even when I didn't want you to but fucking fine if you think I hate you then I guess I hate you" He turns the steering wheel quickly and parks near the sidewalk "What are you-" I get cut off when I feel his warm lips smashed on my lips.

We shared a warm tender kiss which gradually became a heated kiss, I love every second of our kiss and he pulls away to catch his breath "That's what I needed to hear" He grins "I hate you" I giggle "I love you" Marshall kisses me again, the kiss is nice and soft, I feel his thumb caress my cheek as he kisses me. We finally pull away from the kiss and he drives me to school "Good luck on your exams" I smile at him "Thank you" I smile at him and get out of the car. I'm so nervous about this exam but I'll know I'll do well.

Guys a quick apology for being away for so long, I'm sorry but I have been busy with school and studying. I have devised a plan to balance my writing and studying out. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday I'm gonna study. On Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday I'm gonna write. Then when I have my break from school I'm gonna focus on writing and getting chapters out.

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