Chapter 29

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2 years later, 1993

A lot has happened in two years, where do I begin? Two years of being with Marshall had a lot of ups and downs, we broke up twice because of his jealousy but we are doing so good now and stronger than ever. I haven't heard from my dad in jail for a long time but still, those words echo in my head, for some reason I can't get over them even though it's been two years. My sister is doing fantastic, she getting good grades in school and still is freaking adorable but she seems so mature which is strange since we are living in a rich lifestyle where Brian and my mom spoil the shit out of me and her.

The time I spent with my mom and Brian made me realize how much of a family they made me and Kristy feel. There was a time I couldn't STAND those people but now I love them so much, my mom is really making it up to me for being a lousy mother which I very much appreciate. Brian became my father figure and has helped me so much with school, and with stress. It's strange for me to say but me and Kim are somewhat friends, she isn't bitchy towards me anymore but it's hard getting Shanice and Kim to get along because they hate each other.

Shanice and Deshaun broke up because Shanice ended up cheating on him with Kuniva since Deshaun had no problem verbally abusing her each time he got drunk. Kuniva was always there for Shanice which I can understand why she would get with him but it broke Deshauns heart and I felt bad for him. It doesn't matter about what he had said to her while he was under the influence of alcohol I did see the love in his eyes whenever he'd looked at Shanice. I'm sure they'll find a way back to each other but Deshaun has trust issues and isn't ready to forgive her, she is trying so hard to get back together with him but he won't budge. It happened last year.

Tonight is my high school graduation party at the mansion, I invited a few of my friends from school, I invited Marshall and his "dawgs" and of course, I invited Shanice and Ali. I get ready for my graduation, I'm wearing a red bodycon dress and have my hair curled. I have a little makeup on and all of a sudden I hear the door to my room open as I spray perfume "Hi baby" I smile at Kristy "Hey Amanda, are you ready?" She asks me, she is wearing her little pink dress and white flats "Yes I am" I walk over to her and hug her.

I see my mom poke her head through the open door "Marshall is here, Amanda, do you want him in your room?" My mom asks me with a smile as me and my sister let go of the hug "Yes please" I nod "By the way you both look very beautiful" My mom steps inside and hugs us both "Thank you, mom" I smile.

My mom is wearing a black bodycon dress with black pumps and has makeup on, she smells like Gucci "I'll let Marshall up now" My mom takes my sister's hand and walks out of my room. I sit down on the bed and put on my red pumps. It knocks on my door "Come in" I yell as I buckle the strap "Hey beautiful" Marshall says as he enters my room "Hi" I smile at Marshall and get up.

He looks me up and down and smirks "How do I look?" I ask him as I spin around so he can get the full view of my dress "You know, the dress would look better on the floor" I blush deep red "I love it when you blush" Marshall cups my cheeks and caresses them. I kiss the inside of his palm and kiss him softly on the lips

"This may sound fucking awkward but I brought Kim with me" My eyes widen, why would he do that? "Why?" I ask him crossing my arms "Because she wanted to come, at first I thought it was a bad idea but after she explained you and her were on good terms I agreed to let her come" I shake my head, he is so fucking stupid "Isn't it gonna be awkward because, you know, you are dating me now?" I ask him "She brought her fucking faggot ass boyfriend with her so it shouldn't fucking bother her we are dating" Marshall says angrily "Where are they?" I ask him "In your living room" Fantastic, I dress up in my cap and gown. Me and Marshall walk out to the living room and see my mom, my little sister chatting with Kim and her boyfriend.

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