Chapter 24

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Marshall's POV

It's safe to say I had a shit start to my 19th birthday. I know now I really fucked things up between me and Amanda, I know I fucked things up between me and Kim because she is flirting with every other guy on Dresden behind my back. This relationship was clearly doomed from the start since Kim's parents hate my fucking guts, Amanda's dad who is now in jail hates me. I'm believing wholeheartedly that I'm the problem, that I cause messes. I hate feeling that way when my mom makes it perfectly clear that I'm a mistake that she made with my deadbeat dad, I wish I could come face to face with him so I can fuck him up for abandoning me when I was only 18 months old.

Half the shit I been through with poverty, bullying, moving to different states every other few months could have been different if I had a dad who could have helped me through it but I'm happy I have uncle Todd, he is a father to me. Taught me how to be a man, taught me how to fight, and taught me to overcome my fear of fishing. I was afraid of fishing because I didn't want to hurt the little worm by impaling it on the hook. If Todd knew just how I became, he'd be disappointed.

There is a large piece of me that wants to make things right with Kim but a small piece of me is begging to let go of a dysfunctional relationship. We fight all the time because she gets jealous of Jenna and Amanda which I don't give a fuck about Jenna, I only care about Amanda, and I accuse her of being a cheating cunt but one thing that always kept us together even at the moment when we want to kill each other; sex. No matter how angry we are at each other, sex always kept us together. It's usually hard and rough but casually becomes soft and sweet. I can never find the connection I have with Kim with another woman but even at that though I still have doubts about her loyalty to me. I have always ever wanted loyalty.

I fucked things up with Amanda in the worst possible timing. I hate what I'm feeling for her because I'm not the type to catch feelings for a bitch but Amanda is a different kind of girl. She always seems to bring out the best in me and that's what I love about her, I can tell her almost everything and she won't judge me. She just sits with her beautiful self, kind smile, and caring eyes and listens to how I bitch about my fucked up life and she always gives me good advice that I need to hear at times where I feel like shit is about to hit the fan. I can keep my cool with her but tonight was different, tonight I lost it and it wasn't my intention to treat her the way I did. I was mad because I had invited Kim to my birthday and I had invited Dawn as well and Kim had said to me "Fuck off, you fucking asshole, I ain't coming to your fucking party" That was the last thing I heard from her.

While I'm sat with the boys, cracking up jokes and getting piss drunk I see Jenna with her friends. I can't help but think how fucking sexy Jenna looks in her tight red bodycon dress that's above the thigh, if she bends down you can have a perfect view of her ass. I normally don't think this way about the fucking slut but tonight I'm piss drunk and pissed off that I need to fuck some whore to get over Amanda, that bitch is the only thing I can fucking think of. I get up "Yo doodie, where you going?" Proof asks "Getting a drink" I say "Doodie, we are dry so make it fast" Proof tells me "I'm fucking drunk, can't one of you fuckers go get the drugs" I want to try something new "Kuniva, can you get us drugs?" Proof asks Kuniva "N**** I ain't going, I'm fucking drunk" Kuniva shakes his head "You bitches are so fucking scared of driving drunk" Bizzare laughs "I'm getting the drugs" Bizzare says as he gets up "Thanks man" I nod and leave.

I walk over to Jenna and her friends, I wrap my arms around her and smirk "Hey sexy" I whisper seductively in her ear, she turns around and faces me as her friends leave us be "What do you want, Marshall?" She asks me "You know what I have always wanted" I pull her close to my body "You always want me when you are drunk" She rolls her eyes "That's not true baby, and you know it" I lean into her neck to try and kiss it but she pushes me off "It is true, if I give in and have sex with you, tomorrow you are gonna be fucking pissed at me for ruining your chances with Amanda" Jenna says "Jenna, I don't give a fuck about that bitch" I get angry "Me and her ended it a long time ago" I tell her getting frustrated "Do you have feelings for her?" I burst out laughing because this bitch is dumb as hell "Fuck no, I don't catch feelings for bitches" I laugh

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