Chapter 28

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Today is officially Friday which means it's date night and I have no clue what me and Marshall are doing tonight or what should I even wear. It's been a pretty quiet couple of days, Marshall went back home to his mother. It was hard watching him leave considering I hadn't spent so much time with him but I knew it was right for him to go back to his mother. Shanice is back home in Detroit but hasn't been in the mood to hang out with me because her grandmother died, I guess they were pretty close because she is taken it hard.

To cheer her up I'm buying her favorite snacks, chocolates, and booze because she is gonna need some and a box of tissues because she will also need it. As I walk over to the till I see my dad's sister grocery shopping on her own. I don't want to see her at all because she has always been horrible to me but pretends to love me since we are "family" I walk in a different direction from her "Amanda" I hear her say, I turn around and give her a glare as she walks over to me "Auntie" She gives me a hug "I heard about what happened to your dad, I'm so sorry" She says apologetically

"He did it to himself" I say without feelings "I tried talking him out of it but he doesn't listen" She says "I would love to stay and chat but I have to go home, I have homework" I really don't want to chat with her "Of course, you should come over for dinner sometimes, your cousins miss you" My oldest cousins are the coolest people ever "Ummm sure" I nod "Great, come over tomorrow at 8pm, I'll make your favorite dinner" She smiles at me. I did not expect her to be this nice, she looks sad under her smile "Are you okay?" I ask her "Yeah" That doesn't sound convincing at all but I'm not gonna push it "I'll see you tomorrow" She gives me a hug again and we both head our separate ways.

I pay for everything and head over to Shanice's place. I knock on her door and her mother opens the door "Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" She asks me sweetly "I'm great, how are you doing?" I ask her "Raising two kids is not fun" She laughs as she lets me in. Michelle is always so sweet to me and her husband as well. He is a mechanic, a popular mechanic to be exact "Where is Shanice?" I ask Michelle "She is in her room" She tells me "Thank you" I smile at her "I'm making my fancy chicken pot pie, would you like to stay for lunch?" Michelle asks me "Of course" I walk with her to the staircase "I'll call you both down when lunch is ready" She nods and walks to the kitchen.

I make my way up the stairs and walk to Shanice's room. I knock and she opens the door "Amanda, what are you doing here?" She asks me. Shanice looks like a mess, her hair is messy, her clothes look baggy and her eyes are puffy from all the crying "I knew how much you are hurting so I came baring gifts" I giggle and I see a smile form across her face. She pulls me for a really tight hug "I love you" Her voice cracks "I love you too" I rub her back softly. We let go of the hug and walk inside her room, I sit on her bed with her and unload the bag "You brought me peanut M&M's and barbecue pringles" Shanice smiles like a little girl "And I brought you Jack Daniels" I pull it out and she cheers "You are literally the best"

We sit and talk about her grandmother, reminiscing her childhood with her grandmother. Apparently her grandmother was like a mother to her, she always visited her after school because her parents would be working, and sometimes she would stay over for dinner "I miss her so much" Shanice cries as she wipes her tears with tissue "I'm so sorry for your loss" I give her a hug and wipe her tears away "You are gonna get through this, you are a strong girl" I give her shoulders a squeeze "Thank you" She smiles at me "You're welcome" I smile at her "How are you and Marshall doing?" She asks me "Are you sure you want to talk about me and Marshall?" I ask her

"I need something to get my mind off of my grandmother's death" Shanice tells me "Alright then, me and Marshall have a date night tonight" Her eyes widen "Oh my god you guys are together" She giggles "Not only that but we finally said the L word" I smile at her "I'm so happy for you but you know what date night means, ehhh" She smirks, old Shanice is back "I know very well" I giggle "You have to tell me in detail what he is like in bed" She smirks "You know you have to tell me what Deshaun is like in bed" I smirk at her "I got that covered" She smirks "He is so good in bed he has me screaming like bloody murder" I become red "You know that's not something a brother wants to hear from his sister" Ali says "Oh my god, get out" Shanice throws a pillow at him "I can't get out, unfortunately for you, I live here" Ali smirks at her

"Yeah and how long that's gonna be?" She asks him "When I get into college" He laughs "Not with your low IQ" She crosses her arms "A squirrel can score higher than you" She laughs "I was hungover" Ali yells "Kids, lunch is ready" Michelle yells from the stairway "Thank fuck" Ali says in relief "No swearing in my house" She yells "Sorry mom" Ali yells and leaves the room "I'm starving" Shanice says as she walks with me out to the kitchen "Same"

We head to the dining room and start to eat lunch. After we get done it's time for me to head back home, I say my goodbyes to Shanice, Ali, Michelle, and Alonzo and exit their house. As I walk back home I get a message from Marshall, it reads "Hey baby, you coming over now?" He asks me and I have confusion written on my face because I thought I was supposed to go over to his place in the evening "Now?" I text him "Yeah, my mom is not home and my little brother is at Edna's so I have the house all to myself" Marshall texts me "I'll be right over" I text him "I hope you are wearing something sexy" I'm wearing sweat pants and a hoodie "Oh yes I am baby ;)" I text him. Fuck, I need to head home and get out of these clothes "Can't wait ;)" He texts me back.

I race back home and head to my room, I rummage through my clothes and pick out a black halter top, skinny jeans, and high heel ankle boots. I mess up my hair a little and quickly leave the house. I head over to Marshall's house and fix myself up before knocking on the door. I knock on the door and shirtless Marshall opens the door, he smirks at me as he catches me checking him out "Like what you see, huh?" I clear my throat "Yes, I do" I say shyly. Marshall pulls me inside and in one swift motion he pins me to the door as he locks it and starts kissing me eager "Someone's in a good mood" I mumble against his lips referring to his already hard member "Baby, you have no idea how long I have been waiting for this"

During our very heavy make-out session no words were spoking after, he carries me to his room and begins to rip my clothes off and smirks when he sees I have no bra on, I quickly cover my breasts and blush deep red "You don't need to do that baby" He very gently removes my hands from my breasts "I won't hurt you, I promise" Marshall gives me a genuine smile then kisses me. I moan softly in his mouth as I feel his hands caressing my body, he works his kisses down to my neck and I roll my head back. The pleasure coursing through my body over just kisses on my neck is something that I'm gonna be craving for more. Date night is sure turning into a lot of fun.

Marshall stops kissing my neck and I help him take off his sweat pants leaving him only in his boxers, he hooks both index fingers in the waistband of my panties and kisses my stomach as he slowly pulls them down. I see him toss my panties on the floor and his head is in between my legs. I feel him kiss both my inner thighs and all of a sudden I feel his fingers in me. I start to scream out in pleasure as he fingers me for a good few seconds then comes back up "You ready?" He asks me as he removes his boxers. I nod.

He kisses me softly and I feel him enter me, I gasp. Marshall slowly thrusts into me and smiles at me as I moan "You like that?" He asks me "I do" After a few seconds of slow thrusts he begins to pick up the pace and I cry out in pleasure, he pins my arms on the mattress and I arch my back so my chest meets his. We have amazing sex for over an hour but I'm not looking forward to having dinner tomorrow night with my aunt. 

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