Chapter 23

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I don't know if Marshall still wants me to show up to his birthday because of what went down in his house but despite the argument I had with him he is my friend and I love him. I brought him, Tupac Shakur, The Lost Tapes. I know how much Marshall loves Tupac, I also brought him Run DMC album the expanded edition so I hope he likes them. I get ready for his birthday by wearing a bodycon little black dress spaghetti strap and paired it with my black thick heel ankle boots with a leather jacket. I'm not wearing too much makeup just eyeliner, mascara, and light pink lipgloss.

I decided to try a wavy hairstyle and I can honestly say that I love it, I'll be wearing my hair like this from now on. I grab my bag with the albums inside and head out of my room. Ian is coming with me to the party because he kept bugging me about it and when I refused to bring him with me he kept calling Marshall my fucking boyfriend SO I had no choice BUT to agree to let him come along with me.

I look him up and down as he walks over to me "What the fuck you wearing?" I ask Ian "I didn't say I would look good for this party" Ian is wearing a grey Nike pullover hoodie and blue jeans and converses "Ughh, lets go" I roll my eyes as I walk to the door of the house "Be careful guys tonight" My mom says "We will" I nod "Keep an eye on her, Ian" Brian tells Ian "I will, I'll keep her safe" Ian nods "bye Amanda" Kristy smiles at me and waves "Bye bye baby" I blow her a kiss and she pretends to catch it and places it on her heart side, my mom giggles.

I walk with Ian to his BMW Dark Blue car, the seats are beige leather and surprisingly comfy "This car is beautiful" I smile as I put on the seatbelt "Thank you, my dad had brought it for me for my 16th birthday" Ian says as he starts the car up. The engine makes no noise, it's so quiet. The first few seconds of the drive we say nothing "You are gonna have so much fun with Marshalls friends, especially Deshaun, he is a really cool guy" I smile at Ian "I know his friends" Ian tells me as he concentrates on driving "Wow, I had no idea" I say surprised "There is a lot of things you don't know about me" Ian smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

We make it to The Shelter and I see Shanice outside smoking her joint, we both get out of the car and walk over to Shanice "Hey girl" I smile at her "Hey sexy" She gives me a hug and pulls away from the hug "Who is this handsome mothafucka?" That's Shanice for you, she rips off the bandage. I hear Ian chuckle nervously "I'm Ian, Amanda's stepbrother" Ian sticks his hand out for her to shake it "Nice to meet you, I'm Shanice" She shakes his hand with a smirk "I'm gonna head inside" Ian says and leaves us be

"Wanna smoke a joint?" She asks me "Yes I could use one" Shanice rolls up a joint and lits it, she passes it to me and I smoke the joint. It feels so good "Ian is so sexy" She breaks the ice "Eww no" I look at her with disgust. I need to change the subject "what's going on between you and Deshaun?" I ask her "We got into a big fucking blow up because he was hitting on some bitch in front of me last night and when I called him out he called me whore and said I'm fucking insane for thinking he was hitting on that slut Lisa" She smokes her joint "Oh and then Marshall defended him and started going crazy on me saying I'm just some easy pussy Deshaun gets with when he is bored which is true because I'm his booty call" This is a lot to take in. When did she even become his booty call? I thought they were in a relationship

"Why are you here then?" I ask her confused as I smoke my joint "Because Marshall is my dawg and he apologized to me in the morning, said he was high as fuck" Shanice chuckles "Marshall is pissed at you" I roll my eyes "Why am I not surprised" I shake my head "I asked him about what happened and he left my house quickly after visiting my brother so spill your guts" She raises her brow at me. I explain to her everything "He is so fucking stupid" She laughs. I stand beside her and see the boys get out of Marshalls 1928 Delta. They laugh as they walk over to us.

Marshall glares at me "This white boy got his panties up in a bunch" Rufus laughs as he gives me a hug "Shut the fuck up, Rufus" Marshall glares at him "Hey baby" I hear Deshaun say to Shanice "Stay the fuck away from me" I hear Shanice say as I see her make an attempt to push him "You still mad at me about last night?" Deshaun asks her softly "You were hitting on that bitch in front of me, what the fuck do you think?" She yells at him "Baby, you know I only want you" Deshaun smiles at her "Prove it to me or stay the fuck away from me and find another pussy" She glares at him "Come over tonight" Soon after they all head inside and Marshall shoulder bumps me as he walks past me

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