Chapter 17

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"You" My eyes widen at the sight of this male figure "Hey, can we talk?" Tony says a little nervous, I yank my wrist away from his grip "I have nothing to say to you" I begin to walk away "Please Amanda, I just want to say I'm sorry" I stop dead on my tracks and turn "You are sorry?" I ask him in disbelief and he nods "You humiliated me in front of everyone at the party and you are sorry" I raise my voice at him "My step sister put me up to it, it wasn't my intention to do it" I see the guilt in his eyes "That's such an excuse" I laugh "I'm serious, if I didn't go through with it she would reveal something I'm trying so hard to keep secret" I'm curious to know what it is "Tell me"

I find us a bench and we both sit down "What is it she is holding against you?" I ask him to engage in the conversation, the one conversation with the one person I didn't want to have "Nearly two months ago at our parent's engagement party, my dad is marrying her mom. me and Taylor got seriously drunk and one thing lead to another, we had sex on our parent's bed" Ewww "What does this mean?" I ask him "It means a month ago she got pregnant but lost the baby because of her excessive drinking, if I hadn't gone through with humiliating you she would have told our parents about it and work her little "magic" to get them to break up" Tony explains "She is so evil" I shake my head "You don't know half of what that bitch is capable of, it's good you didn't become friends with her because she would have sucked you into this lifestyle where drinking and going to parties is fun and she loves destroying other peoples lives for her own pleasure," Tony tells me

"I became friends with her for a day and then I stopped being friends with her after what happened in the cafeteria" I sigh "What happened?" Tony asks me "Her and her little "minions" bullied Marshall to the point he ran off crying" I explain "I heard you and Marshall are not talking an-" I cut him off "Does everyone know about this story?" I ask him in shock "Yeah, Marshall told his friends that you are a little bitch" I feel my heart breaking "What has got him so worked up?" Tony asks me "Three days ago he called me up to meet him at The Hip Hop Shop to watch him battle and refused because I was busy doing chores because my dad is strict and then he got angry at me, said something to me which hurt and hung up the phone" I explained what happened "Did you say three days ago?" Tony's eyes widen "Yes why?" I ask him

"Ummm... well, I'm not supposed to be telling you this since he wants you to figure it out yourself but I owe you since what happened at the party sooooo" Tony stalling "Stop stalling and tell me already" I glare at him "Well the battle he had was the most important battle for him since his argument with Kim from two weeks ago caused him to lose a battle and he got booed off stage, he thought about quitting but Deshaun helped him back on his feet, so three days ago he won his first battle after nearly quitting and earned a lot of respect"

Now I feel awful for not showing up "What was the argument he had with Kim about?" I ask him "She was saying that he is never gonna amount to shit and that he is just some trailer park trash, the argument messed with his head that he lost a few battles that night" I nod "What else happened?" I ask him "That, you need to talk to Marshall about because I'm in no position exploiting what went down when it should be him talking about it to you," Tony tells me "Thank you for telling me" I smile at him "Anytime" Tony gets up from bench "Where are you going?" I ask him "Doctors appointment," Tony tells me "Okay, hope you get better" I smile at him "Thank you" He waves at me and leaves.

The rest of the day at school goes by well, I was given Maths and English homework to do over the weekends which is gonna be a pain because they are quite long. The English homework is about Of Mice and Men, I have to read the book and write an essay on it which is due on Thursday so I'm gonna start reading the book as soon as possible. My Maths homework is Statistics, this will be difficult because I'm not good at equations at all. Algebra, fractions, times tables, and probability I'm good at but statistics I have trouble with it and trigonometry.

I did bump into Marshall a few times on my way to History class but he didn't say anything. He is in my Maths, History and English class so you can imagine how awkward it is. In English I sit next to him, in Maths I sit three seats behind him and in History class I sit two seats away from him. As I walk out of the school, I see Marshall heading down to the principal's office. I stand by the door and eavesdrop on the conversation "I want to drop out of school" I hear Marshall "Why?" I hear the principal ask "I can't do it anymore, I don't care much about school, I keep failing all my classes and getting bullied" I hear Marshall "Mr. Mathers you are failing your classes because you never study and turn in your homework, also if you are getting bullied you should tell the teachers or your mother" The principal says softly

"My mother doesn't care that I'm getting bullied and the homework is just too difficult for me to do, it interferes with my writing," Marshall says "Don't you have friends here that you can hang out with and maybe tutor you?" She asks him "I have no friends here" I feel pain in my chest when he says that "Aren't you friends with Miss Vanderwall?" She asks him "No, me and her are no longer friends, we are done," Marshall says "I'm sorry, are you sure you want to drop out of school?" She asks him "Yes, I have failed 9th grade three times already," Marshall says "Alright then" I hear the principal sigh.

After the conversation between the principal and Marshall, I hear footsteps heading towards the door "Good luck with your life" I hear the principal say, before I got the chance to hear what Marshall may say as a response to her I bolt away from the door "Did you hear that?" I hear Marshall asking "Yes I did, no running in the hallway" I hear the principal yell as I run down the steps. I wanna go to the party to have fun not talk things out with Marshall, I no longer give a fuck about what he has to say, I no longer care about him. We are done, officially done.

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