Chapter 13

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Another long night meaning another freaking party but this time it's with Marshall and his friends at the shelter in Saint Andrews Hall so again Edna is looking after Kristy and again my dad has disappeared somewhere I have no idea where. I'm currently in my room rummaging through my closet trying to pick out an outfit with Shanice who is sat on my bed with her legs crossed "Come on girl, we are gonna be late" She groans becoming impatient "I know, I know but I can't find anything to wear" I tell her. I hear her get up from my bed and turn her heels on.

She stands beside me and pull out a white halter top from my closet "Here" She presses my white halter top on my chest "I can't wear this" I tell her as I take a look at it "Why?" She asks me confused "It shows off too much skin" I frown "You sound like a nun, just put it on" She snarls "Fine" I walk to my bed and take off my hoodie. Underneath my hoodie I'm only wearing my black lace bra that I need to remove since the back of my halter top is bare.

I quickly remove my bra and put on my halter top "Skinny blue jeans or mom jeans?" She asks me as I walk over to her "Mom jeans" I tell her "Skinny blue jeans it is" Shanice laughs "What? Heyyy" I shove her laughing. She takes a good look at me "You need to wear halter tops more often, your breasts looks amazing" She smirks and laughs as I cover my chest "Shut up" My cheeks becomes super red "Here" She passes me my skinny jeans and I take them out of her hand.

I put on my skinny blue jeans that's low waist and I can see a smirk forming on her face "Why would you cover an ass like that? I don't get you girl" She laughs and I become insanely shy "Marshall is gonna be drooling all over you when he sees your fine ass" She giggles "Oh my gosh stop commenting on my ass and why would he? he is with Kim, what good am I to him?" I ask her rhetorically "He and Kim broke up again a couple of days ago" Shanice says "I don't mean to be rude but can we talk about something else, I don't really wanna talk about Marshall and Kim's on and off relationship I am already dealing with enough drama as it is" I tell her as I put on my Nike Converse and my leather jacket

"What's going on?" She asks me as she walks with me out to the living room where I see her brother Ali sat on the couch "Mom's new life drama" I tell her and now I see Ali looking up at us "You girls need more time getting ready? I know females take long to get ready" Ali asks us laughing "We just got to the living room and you are already talking shit" Shanice rolls her eyes at him "Chill girl, I was kidding and you know how much I love to piss you off" Ali laughs out "Oh because it's so funny to see mom and dad scolding at me for something that I didn't cause" Shanice shakes her head "Yes it is" Ali gets up from the couch and head over to us "Can we just leave him here and I drive to the party? I really don't wanna hear my brother bitch about how he is the favorite child" Shanice asks me

"Genius, you know you can't drive" Ali says "Yes because I don't have my drivers license" She rolls her eyes. We leave the house and hop into the car, we blast Biggie and Tupac songs singing, well more like screaming the lyrics and I can clearly tell me and Shanice have annoyed Ali because he keeps looking at us with a glare then we burst out laughing. We made it to The Shelter, as we walk inside you can hear people talking and rapping. I see Marshall in a middle of this big circle with some guy with dread locks, they appear to be rap battling.

As we get closer I can hear Marshall spitting a few lines and changes his flow slightly, he is so good with words that has left his opponent speechless. I stand behind this muscular guy with very familiar looking hair. I feel like I have seen him before but I can't remember. As Marshall battles his eyes diverts to me and gives me a sweet smile, I give him a smile as well. I now hear him go harder with his words, this time he is brutal.

I'm witnessing with my own two eyes the side of him I never knew existed and honestly I'm slightly scared of him but I know he wouldn't hurt me like that because we are friends. I don't want to ever lose him because he is the first real friend I have made and he seems super sweet. I look over at Shanice and Ali to see their eyes fixated on Marshall with joy on their faces as they bob their heads a long with everyone else.

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