Chapter 1

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I would hate to start off my story about my life crumbling into a million pieces the way I just started off, but it's a start. And to get a feel of who I am, I must tell you about myself first, so come a little closer, don't be shy we are all friends here, no secrecy, no disloyalty, just pure honesty.

My name is Amanda, I live in a small two-story house just off the streets of Dresden with my once loving father to a violent one and my eight-year-old little sister Kristy. She is my whole world, I love her more than anyone thinks.

My mother, well, she left my father for a wealthy man who has a son around my age, I never did bother talking to him or form any sort of relationship with him as I see no point in doing so cause we barely see each other. Yes, I still talk to my mother but since she is too busy with her new family we don't talk much let alone hang out.

She made a few attempts to invite me to hang out with her in her new luxurious house but I always rejected her, first and foremost, I don't enjoy her new lifestyle, I mean, I know she means well when she wants me to spend the day with her in a mansion and I know she wants me to adjust to this new lifestyle she found for herself and wants to share it with me and Kristy, but I just don't want it, simply because I'm not interested in this particular lifestyle of being filthy rich.

Ever since my mom left us my father has been leaning on alcoholic beverages, partying every night, and consuming drugs just to feel better. He parties every night with random bitches and some of his friends from work. He is no longer that sweet caring father he once was, he is now completely broken and projects all his pain, anger, and frustration he has for my mother onto me and my sister, well, me more since I remind him of mom every time he lays his dirty brown eyes on me.

I remember my father being this funny man, he would read my sister bedtime stories every night and gently tucks her in as he would plant a loving kiss on her forehead. Every night he would peep his head through the door to see if I was sleeping okay.

I remember my father being a really happy man no matter the environment we lived in, no matter the lack of money he had, and no matter how hard he worked to provide for us, until one day my mom handed him divorce papers as we were all cuddled up on the couch watching cartoons. The look on my dad's face is something I'll never forget; it was a look of pure devastation, pure pain, and sadness. He was heartbroken.

That night while me and my sister were cuddling in bed attempting to drift off to sleep, my mom and dad were screaming at each other, my mom said "I'm not happy here anymore, I'm not happy with you anymore" and I heard my dad throw something against the wall and it shattered "Get the fuck outta my house, you fucking bitch" I heard him scream at her, my poor baby sister was crying so much into my chest but I had to be strong for her no matter the heavy weight I was feeling on my chest.

The annoying sound of my alarm clock wakes me up and I groan against my pillow. I look to my right and see my sister's big smile as she crawls into bed "Hi sissy" She cuddles with me "Hey baby" I place a gentle kiss on her forehead "You ready for school?" I ask her and she shakes her head quickly "I just wanna stay with you" She looks up at me with her big baby blue eyes like our mothers "When I pick you up from school, what do you say I treat you to your favorite ice cream?" I ask her with a heartwarming smile and kiss the tip of her nose "Yes, yes, yes" she yells the last yes in excitement "Shut the fuck up in there" My dad yells from the downstairs living room, suddenly I can see my sisters cheerful look turn into a frown "I want my daddy back" I give her a sympathetic smile "As long as we have each other it's all we need in this world" I kiss her cheek "I love you sissy" She throws her arm around my neck and snuggles close to me "I love you more, now let's get ready for school" She lets go from the hug and leaps off the bed.

I follow suit and let out a really long stretch to wake me up before I proceed to the bathroom to do my usual morning routine "Do you need help with picking out an outfit for school?" I ask her "No I got it" She opens the wardrobe doors as I approach the bathroom. I do my morning routine.

As I wash my face after combing through my hair, I see a half-shattered mirror above the sink and sigh knowing well my dad did this out of rage last night from not getting laid. Today is my first day at Lincoln High School and I'm very nervous, I hope it goes smoothly.

'Til We Meet Again Book 1Where stories live. Discover now