Chapter 11

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Marshall's POV:

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Kim screams at me "Keep your fucking voice down you stupid bitch I'm fucked up right now" I'm so fucking drunk right now I can't deal with this shit "I don't give a fuck you don't hug some bitch like that right in front of me" She yells at me and I can't help but laugh at her "Rich coming from a cheating bitch" Kim glares at me "You cheated on me too" Kim crosses her arms over her chest "When the fuck did I ever cheat on you?" I ask her looking at her like she lost her goddamn mind "With that Jenna slut" I begin to laugh

"I fucked her after we broke up" I tell her laughing "It took you a day after our breakup to fuck some girl" This bitch is on drugs I swear to god "And it took a couple of hours after our argument to go fuck some prick" I scoff "I was heartbroken and Dean was giving me comfort and reassurance" Kim yells "I had a weak fucking moment" Kim yells at me trying hard to justify her cheating "I don't give a fuck about your weak fucking moment you were supposed to come to me and sort this whole shit out" I scream at her "Not going to that motherfucker for comfort and reassurance" I yell at her

"You ended up fucking Jenna after our breakup" She screams "Don't fucking bring her into this you bitch" Kim is getting in my face "I fucked her after we broke up and let me tell you she was a good fuck" I smirk at her until I feel a burning feeling on my cheek. She fucking slapped me, I grab her hair and she whimpers in pain "Hit me one more fucking time, I dare you" I hiss at her and she tries to hit me again "Fuck you, Marshall" I throw her on the couch and sit on top of her. I hold her hands above her head "Tell me why do I fucking deserve the way you are treating me?" I ask her surprisingly calm "Because I fucking hate you" Kim yells at me and now she stops squirming.

Kim drives me fucking insane. God, I fucking love her but I hate her so much. I'm so fucked up on the alcohol I can't even think straight "Too bad you bitch cause I fucking love you" Kim calms down a little but I can still feel her anger towards me, she is not done being a psychotic bitch just yet but I know one thing that helps her calm down and stop hating me less; I give her a long hard kiss. At first she resists but soon she gives in and kisses me back. The kiss is so hot and heavy she begins to rip off my clothes and I do the same to her.

We have sex on the couch first where I take her in all sorts of positions but I show her no fucking mercy because I'm still so fucking angry and neither does she but we like hard sex anyway, only angry sex just makes a little better because we are both so aggressive. We fucked nearly the whole night in my room where it became kinda sweet and soft, if you must ask; we ended our night on a good note. I wake up and roll over to reach for Kim but she is gone, I guess she must have went back home in the early morning.

My morning goes by well so now I'm sitting out on my porch with my notepad placed on my lap with the pen on top of a fresh clean page and my walkman blasting music. Tonight is the party where Amanda will finally meet my friends, I know she'll have a good time. I look up from my notepad after writing down a few lines and see Deshaun walking over to me "Sup man" I get up and bro hug Deshaun "Sup doodie" Deshaun smiles and sits down on the porch next to me "I heard what happened between you and Kim last night" Deshaun chuckles "That bitch is gossiping to her friends is she?" I ask Deshaun knowing damn well she is "Yup" Deshaun laughs "Fuck" I mumble

"Why the fuck you back with her, dawg?" Deshaun asks me "Because I love her, man" I sigh "Seems like she doesn't because she is making you seem like the bad guy" Deshaun says "What the fuck is she saying about me?" I ask Deshaun "She is saying how you cheated on her first with Jenna and shit like that, she also mentioned that you came off super desperate last night to get her into bed" Deshaun chuckles "Fucking bitch" I mumble "Just dump her man, she is not gonna do you any good but bring you misery" Deshaun says "Yo dawg, you know how much I fucking love her" I tell him and his phone rings "Yo, I gotta take this" Deshaun gets up and walks away.

After a few minutes he comes back "I gotta go home, man, my mom is pissed" Deshaun says "Why?" I ask him "She found my report card" Deshaun laughs "When's the funeral?" I ask him laughing "Haha very funny" Deshaun rolls his eyes "Seriously dawg, how bad did you do?" Marshall asks him "I got lots a D's and F's" Deshaun says "Oh shit, your mom is gonna kill you" I chuckle "Yeah no shit" Deshaun shakes his head "Gotta go, man" Deshaun waves at me and takes off running.

I spend a good two hours on the porch writing and listening to Run DMC and I feel someone pat my shoulder, I look up and see Jenna "What do you want Jenna?" I ask her "Kim is totally talking smack about you" She sits down next to me "Yeah I know, Deshaun told me" I tell her as I concentrate on my writing "What are you writing?" She asks me as she tries to take a peep of my writing "None of your business" I glare at her "Awww you don't need to be so secretive" She giggles "Why the fuck are you here?" I ask her annoyed

"Besides telling you that your ex girlfriend is talking smack about you, I actually wanted to know if you are available tonight" She smirks at me "You are disgusting Jenna, you know I'm back with Kim" I glare at her "I know I'm not stupid but I wanted to have one last night with you to show off what you'll miss" She tries to move closer to me but I scoot away from her "I'm not gonna miss some cheap whore like you" I look at her with disgust "You know I'm the only one who can suck you better than Kim" This is Jenna, she is one of those free pussies that you can fuck without having to fight for it.

I fucked her so many times when me and Kim broke up but I have never fucked her when I was with Kim "I have only ever fucked you when me and Kim broke up, why the fuck do you think I'm gonna fuck you when I'm back together with her? Are you fucking stupid or something?" I ask her "Seeing as Kim cheated on you the way she did I thought you maybe wanted to take revenge on her" Jenna sighs "You thought wrong" I glare at her "You were just some easy pussy I got when I was angry, now get the fuck outta my sight" I push her "You are such a fucking dick" She glares at me "I am" I smirk at her "Don't ever call me again" She walks away "Wasn't planning on it" I yell for her to hear and she turns around and glares at me.

I spend a good few minutes writing until I hear a sweet voice that I recognize "Hi" I look up at her "Hey Amanda" I smile at her "You look busy, should I come by later?" Amanda asks me "Nahh I just finished up with work" I tell her "Sit" I pat on the step for her to sit "Are you okay?" She asks me as she sits down "I'm fucking pissed" I tell her "What happened?" She asks me looking over at me with a curious look

"Kim is fucking gossiping about me behind my back to her bitch friends saying that I cheated on her and I came off as desperate last night to get her into bed, then Deshaun came by saying that I should dump the bitch and I told him I couldn't because I love her and Jenna asked me to fuck her" Her eyes widens "I really don't wanna fucking talk about this shit because it's making me fucking angry" I say frustrated "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" She looks down "No don't apologize" I smile at her and she nods "So what's going on with you?" I ask her "I went to visit my mom with Kristy a couple days ago" She tells me "Yeah, so how did that go?" I ask her

"At first it was fine and Kristy was having a good time until my mom dragged me out to her balcony to ask me why I wasn't happy and I told her that I didn't want to be there and it all went to hell" She sighs "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask her "I rather not talk about it, my mom betrayed us for a perfect life with a new fucking family, as far as I'm concerned she is dead to me" She says "I feel the same way about my dad" I sigh I never knew my dad since he left me at 18 months old" I tell her "I'm sorry" Amanda sighs

"Don't worry about it, I really don't give a fuck" I tell her. We sit on the porch and talk for a long time that I get side tracked from my work "I have to go, I need to pick up Kristy from my moms" She gets up "Are you still able to come down to The Shelter tonight?" I ask her "Yes I am" She nods "I have to go, I had a good time with you" Amanda smiles at me "Me too" I smile at her and she bends down and gives me a hug. I gladly hug her back "Bye" She lets go and walks away from me.

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