Chapter 19

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Me and Marshall kissed. It was good but at the same time I didn't enjoy it, not that I'm complaining because he did wonders with his tongue and was aggressive with the kiss since we were both pretty drunk, I never did imagine my first kiss to be like this, I had imagined my first kiss to be somewhat romantic after a cute date preferably out on a picnic munching on our favorite food, getting to know each other whilst staring at the beautiful light blue sky and hearing the birds chirp.

I guess this would be my first kiss; hiding from the cops. I don't picture Marshall as a romantic type, I see him mainly as a bad boy with a terrible cheating girlfriend, breaking the law and getting with every bitch in the D. I do have high hopes for him making it as a rapper, I heard him "spit" as how these rappers put it and he is hella talented.

Just like my regular day at school, I was given homework to do and nobody is bringing up my near incident at the club. I still need to talk to the teacher about meeting with the school counselor, I need to get what happened off my chest it's weighing heavy, and to be honest, there are some nights either I can't sleep or see nightmares that cause hypnic jerk, not fun. I didn't think I would be this affected by it for so long, thought by now I would get over it but I still think it. The only one that knows how truly traumatized I am is Shanice and she has been supportive as hell.

Later on today I need to talk about the kiss with Marshall, I would have done it at school but since he dropped out I can't. In class as everyone is pulling out their books and pencil cases from their backpack, I get a text alert coming from my pocket, luckily the teacher hasn't arrived to class yet since he is still at a conference discussing the school, new rules, etc. I pull my phone out and see Marshall had dropped me a text saying "We need to talk, meet me after school at The Hip Hop Shop" I smile to myself and respond "I'll see you later" I hear the teacher walk-in "Miss Vanderwall, what have we said about using phones in class?" I look up at him and give him an apologetic look as he walks over to me "I'm sorry, it won't happen again"

Just as I'm about to put away my phone, he coughs "No, no, no hand it over" I hand him over my phone "You'll get this back at the end of my class" He waves the phone at me and walks away from me. I don't have science class with Shanice only Maths, History and English. The class was so boring, we learned about elements and atoms but at least I got my phone back two minutes before the class ended. I walk outside my class where I accidentally bump into Taylor "Eww loser alert" She makes her stink face "Eww bitch later" I smirk at her "Look at you, didn't know you developed a pair of balls" She laughs "With bitches like you I don't see why I shouldn't develop them" I smirk at her, she gets in my face "Oh really?" I see Issac pull her back "Don't waste your time on her, Tay" Issac glares at me "Yeah listen to Issac like a dog" I laugh "You are pushing your luck" Taylor warns me

"Your manicured nails ain't gonna do shit" I laugh, I feel her push me back and I feel my back hits someone "Eyy, what the hell is going on?" I hear Shanice asks me "This bitch started it" I tell Shanice "Oh really?" I see Shanice clench her fist and Taylor looks afraid "I don't got time for this" Taylor leaves "Yeah keep running, bitch" Shanice yells and I laugh "Why I love you" I high five her

"I didn't see you leave the party when the police came, what happened to you?" Shanice asks me as we walk towards the convenience store just a few miles down from Lincoln High School "I didn't see you either, so you tell me?" I ask her "I was getting it on with Deshaun" I blush "I shouldn't have asked" I nervously chuckle "Okay now your turn" Shanice smirks at me "Marshall carried me outside The Shelter and took me behind this alley to hide me from the cops, one thing led to another he kissed me" I blush at the thought of my first kiss "Congratulations girl" She nudges me "He wants to talk to me at The Hip Hop Shop" I tell her "Maybe he is gonna tell you he wants to be with you" Shanice smiles at me "Maybe" I smile

We walk to The Hip Hop Shop "I'mma need to head home, I'll text you later" Shanice hugs me "Get home safely" I smile at her with a wave "Thank you" She waves at me back. I walk inside The Hip Hop Shop that's surrounded by a lot of people kissing, chatting, laughing, and rapping. I squeeze my way through the crowd and see Marshall battling on stage. He sees me but quickly looks away, I grow confused as to why he looked away from me so quickly.

After the battle, I make my way behind the stage and I see him take a sip of his water and shove it back in his pocket "Hey" Marshall looks at me with a small corner smile "Hey, how's it going?" He asks me "Not much, you?" I ask him "Just won five rounds and I'm happy" He smiles at me "Well done" I smile at him "Hate to ruin this moment for you but you mentioned we needed to talk" I point out "Yeah... umm" Marshall looks nervous "You need to sit" I grow nervous by the sudden change of tone and expression "Umm.. sure" I sit down on the armchair "What's going on?" I ask him "You know we kissed three nights ago at the alley" He rubs the back of his neck "Yeah" I furrow my brows together "We need to forget about the kiss" My eyes widen "Why?" I ask him.

"Well two days ago Kim came over to my house and she wanted to work things out so I agreed and now we are back together, I don't want this kiss to come in between us so it's better if we remain friends, only if you want to stay friends I'm not gonna force you to" I can't believe what I'm hearing with my own two ears, everything always comes back down to Kim "Yeah we can stay friends" I tell him calmly "No hard feelings?" Marshall asks me "Water under the bridge" I smile at him, I have to keep my cool "You are the best" I get up making an attempt to leave but instead he hugs me, I barely hug him back "I need to go home" I tell him as I pull away from the hug "No don't, stay a little" Marshall gives me a kind smile for me to stay "I can't, I have so much homework to do and I have to study for my history test"

Marshall looks a little disappointed "I get it, education comes first I guess" I give him a small smile "I'll see you around" I turn around and walk away, I feel Marshall's eyes on me as I leave him. I walk out of The Hip Hop Shop and head back home. Coming up to my house, I see two cop cars parked outside my house. What is going on?

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