Chapter 7

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After my date with my little sister buying her a teddy bear and treating her with her favorite ice cream we arrived home. I open the door only to see the living room and the kitchen completely trashed. The ashtray is on the floor along with coffee table, ashes from the cigarette my dad smoked is on the floor, the empty cans of beer are laying all over the floor, the brown drapes that hung over the window is on the floor and the TV is on the floor but thankfully the screen hasn't been shattered since I don't see any glass on the floor. My dad is nowhere to be seen but I know he did this out of rage.

"Oh my god" My eyes widens at the sight "What happened, sissy?" Kristy tugs on the sleeves of my coat and looks at me with a worried look in her eyes "I don't know baby" I look at her and kneel down to her level, I grab both her hands "Go to your room and hide there, once I have cleaned everything I'll come by to your room" I tell her softly with a small smile "I don't want to leave you alone" She looks down and sniffles "Baby" I lift her chin up and she looks at me with tears in her eyes "I'll be fine, I promise" I wipe her tears away, she nods and hugs me tightly before proceeding to run upstairs to her room. I stand back up on my feet and look at the mess, I shake my head "This is gonna take awhile" I sigh as I talk to myself.

I lift the TV and place it back on the TV stand, the screen has a few minor cracks but Kristy can still watch her cartoons, and the screen also has some smudge marks from the beer stain. I shake my head. All of a sudden I hear a knock on my door and groan, I walk over to the door and open the door "Hi, I'm yo--" My eyes widen at who is standing on my door step "Amanda" Marshall's eyes widens in shock to see me "You live here?" He asks me "Yes I do, how did you find me?" I ask him as I lean against the door frame and cross my arms

"I'm your new neighbor, I have been going around greeting myself to my new neighbors but some of them are assholes, they would open the door, give me a cold look as I introduce myself then I would get a face full of door" He laughs "I swear this one motherfucker" Marshall points at the house across the street and I cringe since I know who he is "said that if I didn't leave he would get his bulldog to sick on me, at first I didn't believe him since there was no sign of the dog anywhere but then he pulled out his very angry barking bulldog and I took off running before that fucker had the chance to eat my face off" I laugh at what he said.

"I noticed you cringed, do you know that guy?" Marshall asks me "Unfortunately I do and just to be clear he isn't very friendly so stay clear of him" I warn Marshall "Noted" Marshall nods. He looks behind my shoulders and sees my very messed up living room and kitchen "Woah, what happened?" Marshall asks me in shock at the sight "My dad went ape-shit" I laugh "Can I help you?" He asks me sympathetically "No you don't have to help me, I got this" I nod "Please let me help, I owe you" He cocks his head to the side when he said he owes me "You owe me?" I ask him "Yeah, at the cafeteria earlier, you chose to come after me instead of staying with your new friends" Marshall smiles at me "Oh, they are not my friends anymore" I tell him "You can do so much better then being friends with those jerks" Marshall keeps that cute smile on his face "and you can help me" I nod "Thank you so much" I let him inside my house.

"Seems like you started already" He looks at me "Only the TV, I still gotta clean up everything which would have actually taken me forever to do but now that you are here I'll get it done faster" I smile at him "See, having a friend comes in handy" Marshall laughs "Oh shut up" I shove him with a laugh "Where is the mop and bucket?" He asks me "In the bathroom, I'll get them" I run to the bathroom and fill the bucket with warm water and soap, I pick up the bucket and the mop and head back over to Marshall. I toss the mop to him but he misses and falls to the floor "Butterfingers" I laugh "Not funny" He jokingly frowns and picks up the mop "Your fingers work, finally" I tease him

"My fingers can do more than handle a mop" He smirks at me "Oh my god, why did I let you in?" I cover my face as my cheeks begin to turn red "You wanted help but didn't say shit about not making any dirty jokes, so you are stuck with me for the next hour maybe" Marshall smirks at me "I'm totally regretting this already" I run my hands down my face and I can hear him laughing.

We clean up the whole living room and kitchen "Wow, looks good as new" I smile "Thank you, Marshall" Marshall says in a girly way and I glare at him jokingly "Come on, say it" Marshall smiles at me in a cheeky way "Thank you, Marshall" Marshall hugs me tightly "What are friends for" He smiles. I hear my little sister clear her throat, I see her hugging her teddy bear "Hey baby" I walk over to her "I told you to stay in your room" I pick her up "I heard talking" She looks over at Marshall "Who is he?" She snuggles her head in the crook of my neck as I walk over to him

"That is Marshall, I told you about him" I smile at her "You must be Kristy" Marshall walks over to her "How do you know my name?" She asks Marshall in a baby voice "Amanda told me" She nods and doesn't say a word to him.

'Til We Meet Again Book 1Where stories live. Discover now