Chapter 18

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Tonight is the party and I'm gonna make sure to look sexy as hell. Shanice texted me saying she is gonna meet me at The Shelter. I throw on my ripped skinny blue jeans that make my ass look perky, a white turtleneck no sleeve crop top, my black leather jacket, and my bad girl style thin heel ankle boots. He is gonna find me so fire when he sees my outfit and my long dark brown hair let down loose that's straightened.

I spray some perfume and shove it in my purse. I grab my keys and leave the house. My dad is at the bar and Kristy is at my mom's place since she wanted to have a sleepover at mom's glamorous mansion with her glamorous new boy toy and her glamorous new son. I walk to The Shelter which is only 10 minutes from where I live, Shanice makes eye contact with me after making out with Deshaun, like literally making out with him "Damn girl" She smirks at me "You look sexy as fuck" Deshaun smirks "Heyy" Shanice slaps his arm "You know I think you are sexy, baby" Deshaun smirks at her "Girl, you look fine" I smirk at her "Let's get inside before these bitches turn into lesbians" Bizarre laughs "Shut up, Rufus" I laugh.

We walk inside and I see the whole place packed with a bunch of teenagers drinking, battling, and chatting. As we squeeze through the people, I come into view with Marshall spitting out a few bars "You gonna talk to him tonight?" Deshaun whispers in my ear "Fuck that, I came here to have fun not listen to Marshall whine like a little bitch because I didn't show up to the battle" I laugh "What's gotten into you?" Deshaun asks me "Nothing, he can go fuck himself, I don't give a fuck" I say with authority "Suit yourself, just don't cry like a little bitch when shit blows up in your face" Deshaun warns me and walks away.

Shanice taps on my shoulder "What happened with you and Big Proof?" Shanice asks me "That fucker wanted me to talk to Marshall but I didn't want to and said he can go fuck himself, obviously Proof was pissed off and said that I shouldn't cry like a little bitch when shit blows up in my face" I laugh "That's fucked up" Shanice chuckles "Right" I laugh. We walk over to the battle and I hear Marshall spitting out some rhymes. He is really good, he is putting a lot of energy and thought into what he is saying. He glances at me and quickly looks away, I glare at him "Are you sure you want to watch him battle? We can get a drink if you want" Shanice whispers to me and I nod.

We walk over to the bar and order some drinks "This is so much fun" I laugh as I dance with Shanice and grind on her in a sexy way "Damn right, Marshall has been checking you out nearly all night" Shanice smirks "Let him, I want him to see what he is gonna miss" I see a tall guy and smirk "I'll go dance with that dude" The guy has bleach blonde hair and green eyes, a muscular build, he is so sexy "That's Shawn, go get him girl" She pushes me to him and I accidentally bump into him "Woah there little lady, you okay?" I smirk at him "Now I'm okay" Shawn pulls my waist and closes the gap between us "You know you are so sexy" He moves his hand down my ass and smacks it "And you are so hot" We are both tipsy.

We start to dance on each other, grinding, all of a sudden we get interrupted by the sirens of a police car. Shawn being an absolute pussy storms away from me with the rest of the crowd, I feel an arm wrap around my waist lifting me up, carrying me away from everyone else "Hey, put me down" I start kicking "Shut the fuck up" Marshall says in a rather harsh tone "Marshall, I fucking mean it, put me the fuck down before you catch these hands" I threaten him "Yeah yeah, you can't do shit" He still runs with me "Remember how I nearly punched your head on accident, next time I'll really do it and it won't be an accident"

He runs me to the alley not saying a single word and puts me down "Finally" I try to make a run for it but he grabs my arm and pins me to the brick wall placing both hands on either side of me "Marshall, I'm gonna kick you in the balls if you don't let me go" I raise my voice "Would you shut the fuck up, I don't want the police to know we are here, I don't want you to get in trouble because your bitch ass is drunk" I glare at him "What the fuck do you care if I get caught by the police?" I ask him "Because you are my friend so shut the fuck up, I'm not a heartless bastard" I laugh "We are not friends," I say it in a bitchy way "Really? We had one stupid fight and you want to end our friendship" I look at him like he has lost his mind

"You were the one who ended the friendship with me over the phone because I didn't show up to your stupid battle" I raise my voice at him but he places his hand over my mouth shutting me "I was drunk and angry at you for missing it because it was important to me" Marshall hisses and now he removes his hand over my mouth "Then explain to me why you told the principal that we are no longer friends?" I ask him "You overheard us?" He asks me with a glare

"Yes I did, now answer the question" I demand "I hadn't heard from you in two days and I thought we were over" Marshall explains "I have been texting you and calling you, apologizing for not showing up to the battle so what the hell do you mean you hadn't heard from me for two days?" Marshall pulls out his phone and shows me the text message, there is nothing there, none of my text messages or missed calls. I think someone deleted them

"See I never heard shit from you" Marshall glares at me "But I did text you" I pull my phone out of my purse and show him my text messages and calls to him "Jenna" Marshall mumbles to himself "Jenna?" I ask him confused "Yeah some girl I used to fuck, I Ummm" Marshall seems like he doesn't want to talk about it "I hear voices" I hear one of the officers yell "Shit" Marshall aggressively grabs my hand and moves us down the alley, we turn and Marshall shields me from the light "I swear I heard voices" Over Marshalls shoulder I see a big white light scanning the concrete floor "Come on, Benjamin, there is no one here" I hear the other officer say as I look up at Marshall.

Our faces are only a few inches apart and I can feel Marshall's breath on my lips. I don't know what's going on here but whatever it is I like it. His eyes are locked onto mine, we are both scared of getting caught "I really thought I heard something" I hear the officer say but he is still scanning the area with his flashlight. I start to look really worried and then the next thing I know Marshall places his lips onto mine and kisses me to take away my worry. At first, I don't kiss back but then I give in and kiss him. 

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