Chapter 3

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"Well go on then, what are you waiting for?" The teacher is starting to become impatient but still keeps a warm smile on her face. She is a champ cause if I had to wait for a student to introduce themselves taking as long as me I would get mad "My name is Amanda Vanderwall, I'm 15 years old and I'm from Bulgaria. Me and my family moved here in Michigan when I was a year old and then for a short time we lived in Canada before officially moving back here" I smile at the rest of the class, they all look intrigued about my story including Marshall

"Which high school did you attend before attending this school?" The teacher asks me "I went to Dakota high school" I respond to the teacher's question as I look at the students. I look over at my teacher who has the same smile on her face as before "Thank you, Amanda, that was a lovely introduction to yourself" She nods "Everyone give her a warm round of applause" She diverts her eyes back to the students and they do as she says.

"You may take a seat" I nod and walk back over to my seat next to Marshall "You from Bulgaria?" Marshall asks me "I thought the way I look would give it off" I giggle "I'm not good with guessing where people are from just one look" He laughs "Well at least now you know where I'm from" I smile at him "Now, was that so hard to introduce yourself in front of the whole class?" He asks with a chuckle "Shut up, your smirk didn't help at all" I shove him "I think I was pretty helpful" He smirks.

I punch his arm with a laugh "Owww, you are big meanie" He rubs his arm "You'll get used to that" I smirk "Man, and I thought I was a jerk" He shakes his head "Awwww but you look so soft" I pinch his cheeks "Mistook me cause I look soft" He removes my hands from his cheeks and smirks at me "I'll show you how much of a jerk I am" I raise my brow at him as he has his stupid smirk on his face "And that's supposed to scare me?" I ask in complete disbelief "No, it's a warning to back off" I look at him shocked. This prick is being for real right now. The teacher walks to the class and introduces herself as Miss Evans and begins the lesson.

For nearly the whole lesson Marshall has been really quiet writing in, what appears to be a notepad he pulled from his backpack earlier on. Usually, Marshall would have a smart-ass remark to say but he is so dead focused on writing god knows what "What are you writing there?" I ask him as I make an attempt to check what he's writing but he quickly covers the page and glares at me "None of your business" He sounds mean "Roar... someone's a sour puss" I laugh "Come on, what are you writing?" I ask him and he shakes his head looking even angrier "Can you leave me the fuck alone" Marshall says harshly.

I don't say anything to him for the remainder of the lesson, I hear him sigh "I'm sorry I shouldn't have been rude to you" I don't look at him "I don't care" I continue to write in my English book what's written on the whiteboard "Class is over" The teacher announces. I stand up and pack everything in my bag "Amanda, I mean it I'm really sorry I was rude to you for no reason"

He looks at me with an apologetic look but I don't say anything instead I throw my backpack over my shoulders and leave him be. As I walk down the hallway I hear Marshall chasing me down the hallway, I feel him grab my wrist "Amanda, I swear I didn't mean it" This is why I don't want friends.

I yank my wrist off his grip "Just leave me alone" I finally meet his eyes, they look sad "I knew I shouldn't have agreed to be friends with you" I turn on my heels and walk away. I walk to my next lesson and I see this blonde with short hair and sweet chocolate eyes with a bitchy look walk over to me "Was that Marshall Mathers you were talking to?" She asks me in a bitchy tone

"Yes, why?" I ask her and she bursts out laughing "He is the school's biggest loser" She says laughing out loud "He seems really sweet" I smile "All he does is write in that stupid notepad of his" She shakes her head "Anyway enough about that loser, my name is Taylor" She smiles at me "My name is Amanda" I smile at her "You are new here, aren't you?" She asks me "Yes I am" I nod

"Well... at lunch time come chill out with me and my friends at the cafeteria" She smiles at me "That would be great" I smile at her "See ya" Taylor blows a kiss at me before walking away to her next lesson. Marshall doesn't seem like a loser, he just snaps quickly and seems to love writing, so I don't see the problem with that.

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