Chapter 16

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Two days of not hearing from Marshall sucks, I have been calling him texting him, and still nothing. He made up his mind about never talking to me again but a piece of me thought that he didn't mean it and the next day we would be back to the same old us, but he really did mean it and I'm sad about it. I want to find out what was so important about the rap battle that he had to end our friendship because I didn't show up.

As for Deshaun, he gets the memo that Marshall is pissed at me and doesn't want to get involved in any way at all which I understand because Marshall is such a drama queen, and at times hanging out with him all he does is start shit with others who give him a look he doesn't like, Deshaun, Rufus, Kuniva, Swifty and Denuan always try to talk him out of beefing but him being an absolute hard-headed ass he is refuses and ends up starting shit.

To be honest, is really fun hanging out with the guys and Shanice, I get to forget my shitty life. After we part ways and head home for the night I'm automatically reminded how shitty my life is the minute I step my foot on the silver rug laid right in front of my doorstep inside the house I grew to hate with a burning passion. My home used to be the one place I felt safe and secure because my loving father and mother suddenly became my worst hell. It's a place where I constantly sit on my couch and have mental images of flying away from this nasty place.

I picture myself spreading my wings and flying to a safe environment for me and my little sister to live in where dreams are possible to capture, where the sun shines bright and no rain or sadness. It's a place where I'm dying to live but have no knowledge on how to get there. The safe haven is perfect. My dream is to go to college after I graduate high school and major in either Music Marketing or Business.

If I were to major in Business I would start my own company where I would sell high-quality makeup to teenage girls and adults who would love to look like princesses in their proms, weddings, parties, dinner parties, etc but the price would be fairly decent, I don't want to go overboard with making the prices unnecessarily expensive I want to leave my customers satisfied not rob them of their money just to look beautiful for a certain amount of days the makeup lasts depending on how often they use it. I want them to keep coming back for more.

If I were to major in Music Marketing I would love to work with artists by promoting the products the artist would sell, the albums they'll release. It would be a lot of fun to work with artists in the music industry although I hope some are not stuck up jerks who think they are better than everyone else because they are loaded with cash and being famous because I know I will encounter a lot of divas and assholes in the industry.

My day in school is going well, Shanice is still not in school, hopefully, she'll come tomorrow which is Friday. It's lunchtime and as I'm walking to the cafeteria I see Deshaun sneaking into the cafeteria meeting up with Marshall.

Quickly, I race over to him and he smiles at me "Hey shortie" Deshaun hugs me "Cut the shit and tell me why is Marshall is so angry at me" I don't allow him to hug "Can't help you out, girl, you gotta talk your shit out with Marshall" Deshaun chuckles "He is avoiding me" I sigh "You fucked up" Deshaun laughs "It's not funny, Deshaun" I glare at him "I just want to know why he was so angry at me" I frown "There is a party Friday night at The Shelter, I'll sneak you in" Deshaun winks at me "Why do you need to sneak me in?" I ask him "Because Marshall doesn't want you to show up at any parties and shit," Deshaun tells me and I look down

"Look, doodie is my best friend and I'm not supposed to be doing this but I want to help you become his friend again. Marshall has not shut up about you since he's met you" I smile at him "Really?" I ask him "Yeah man, he loves having you around" He is so sweet "What time is the party?" I ask him "10:45 pm," He tells me "I'll be there" I nod "Wear something sexy" Deshaun smirks at me "Noted" Deshaun looks over my shoulder "Marshall is coming, you have to go" Deshaun shoves me slightly and all of a sudden I feel like shit again.

It's good to know Marshall speaks about me to his friends which gave me small butterflies in my stomach. I quickly leave the cafeteria before Marshall catches me. On my way over to the quiet green area where the students all sit on benches or on the grass having casual conversation, I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, spinning me around. I come into contact with someone I hoped would never see again "You"

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