Chapter 12

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Amanda's POV:

What a terrible night last night. I got humiliated in front of everyone because of that bitch Taylor who made Tony pretend to like me. I can't even express how I felt in that moment when I was soaking wet but thank goodness for Marshall who came to my rescue. In the early morning I picked up Kristy from Edna's house and she wanted to visit mom for a few hours so now I'm on my way to pick her up.

I make it to the door step of my mom's house and begin to knock on the door, it's so weird being back here since the last time I visited my mom we got into an argument. My stomach does twists and turns as soon as I hear heels on the floor growing closer and closer to the door. The door now opens and my mom flashes me a soft smile "Hey" I don't say anything to her, I just walk in "Amanda, say something please" I hear her sigh as she shuts the door "I have nothing to say to you" I look at her over my shoulder "You have to talk to me whether you like it or not I am your mother" I chuckle at what she said "I thought I made it clear that you are not my mother, Silvia"

I glare at her "I don't believe you mean what you said" She crosses her arms "And I didn't believe you would leave us but here we are" I laugh "I didn't leave you and Kristy, I left your father" She raises her voice at me "Whatever helps you sleep at night" I glare at her "What is that suppose to mean?" Silvia asks me confused "You have convinced yourself that you have only left dad because you can sleep better at night" I chuckle "Face the reality, Silvia, you left all of us for your own selfish needs" I glare at her and she finally shuts up "Where is my sister?" I ask her and all of a sudden I see Brian walking towards us "Hi, you must be Amanda Vandarwall" He sticks his hand for me to shake it

"And you must be Brian" I shake his hand "What brings you here?" He asks me, I guess he doesn't know that I'm here to pick up my sister because Silvia must have not told him "I'm just here to pick up my sister" I tell him "What's the rush? please sit down and make yourself at home" He smiles at me "Sir, I really must be going" I nervously chuckle "None sense, please sit down" He is creeping me out. I can't do anything as of right now so I sit on this big white leather sofa and sigh "Would you like to have a drink?" He asks me

"Water" I tell him "Anything else besides water? I treat my guest with good drinks" He sits down next to me "Uhh.. well.... do you have orange juice?" I ask nervously "Yes we do, the orange juice is made with fresh oranges squeezed by me" Brian diverts his eyes to Silvia "Get the girl some orange juice" He demands rather harshly "Would you like some ice?" Brian asks me "No thank you" He nods and I now look over to my mom who pours me orange juice in this fancy glass cup and passes it to me "Thanks" I say coldly "I'll go get Kristy" She says and disappears into this big room that leads to this long hall way with two big stair cases on each side

"So your mom tells me you are in school?" He asks me as he scoots closer to me "Yes I am" I nod nervously as I take a long sip of my orange juice "What grade?" He asks me "8th grade" I tell him "What school are you attending?" He asks me as he places his hand firmly on my thigh "Please stop" I tell him getting a little freaked out "Stop what?" Brian asks me with a smirk as his hand trails up near to my sex "Don't touch me" I yank his hand off my thigh "I'm just trying to be friendly, Amanda" He glares at me "You nearly touched me there" I yell at him as I shoot up from the couch and Silvia walks in with Kristy in her arms "What's going on here?" She asks us confused

"Why don't you ask your husband?" I raise my voice and I now see Brian getting up from the couch and walk over to Silvia, he wraps his arm around her waist "I was trying to make small talk with Amanda and she thought I was touching her" Brian begins to laugh "That's because you were" I yell at him "Shut up, Amanda" Silvia yells at me "Stop lying all the time" I stare at her in absolute disbelief "You believe him?" I ask her shocked "Of course I do, he is my husband" She yells at me "But I am your child" My voice shakes "Not anymore" She says coldly "You are such a fucking bitch" I look at her in disgust "Don't talk to your mother that way" Brian yells at me as I walk over and grab Kristy from her arms "Let's go Kristy, we are clearly not welcome here" I kiss her forehead "Bye mommy" Kristy says her bye to Silvia

"Bye baby, we'll see you again" I look at Silvia and glare at her "There is no way in hell you are ever gonna see her again" I say coldly "You are not serious" Silvia begins to laugh as I stare at her coldly "I'm being dead serious" I say harshly "She is my daughter, Amanda, how can you be so cold hearted?" She asks me in disappointment "I'm the one that's cold hearted" I yell at her "You didn't believe what I said about Brian and you said that I am not your daughter so I'm making this easy for you" I turn to the door "You no longer have any daughters" I open the door "Amanda" I hear her voice crack but I don't care, I leave her house leaving my 'mother' feel like shit.

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