Chapter 5

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I walk around the hallway leading to the cafeteria in search for Marshall. As I walk I see his foot pocking out and I hear him sob, I walk a little further and see Marshall hugging his knees sobbing into them "Marshall" I call out his name softly, he looks at me with bloodshot eyes and tears running down his cheeks, he covers his face again crying. I sit down next to him and look at him as he cries "I'm so sorry" I throw my arm around him "They always pick on me, man" He leans into me and wipes his tears "How come they pick on you so much?"

I ask him as I wipe his tears away "I thought you didn't want to be my friend" Marshall frowns at me and blinks a few times "Seeing how they treat you, I don't think I wanna be friends with them at all" I tell him seriously "Now, why is it they pick on you?" I ask him "I'm the schools loser, I'm always alone since I don't have friends, I listen to rap music like them except I write rhymes on my notepad instead of actually learning in school" I sigh at what he said

"That's not a good enough reason to bully someone" I shake my head "Things are worse for me at home because my mom abuses me and my little brother Nathan and my girlfriend treats me like shit" He frowns "Girlfriend?" I ask him "Yeah, her name is Kim and I love her so much but sometimes she can be a bitch" Marshall tells me "Then why are you with her if she treats you like shit?" I ask him curiously

"I'm so head over heels madly in love with her but just like any other relationships we do have our arguments but sometimes she hits me" I look at him shocked at what he said. I'm not planning on pissing him off any further so I'm gonna change the subject "You write rhymes?" I ask him "Yes I do" Marshall nods with a proud smile "For fun?" I ask him with a smile "Yes and I'm also hoping to be a successful rapper someday" He giggles "Can I hear what you have written?" I ask him "It's not good but here it goes" Marshall pulls out his notepad and flips through the pages.

He clears his throat "I trample and stamp liars like they were campfires cause vampires bite on my balls with clamp pliers and swing on my big thingamajig so I'm bringing my n* Proof for back up when I sing at my gig" He looks up from his notepad with the cutest smile ever after he rapped "That is amazing" I smile proudly at him "Really?" He asks me shyly "Yes" I nod frantically "You are gonna be a great rapper" I smile at him and nod.

"Do you wanna come by The Hip Hop Shop after school today?" He asks me "The Hip Hop Shop?" I have never heard of such place before" I say confused "I battle at the hip hop shop everyday after school" He tells me and I nod "Do you wanna come? You'll get to meet my best friend Deshaun who goes by Big Proof" He smiles at me sweetly "I wish I could but I have to pick up my little sister from school and take her to a toy shop to buy her a teddy bear and treat her to her favorite ice cream as well" I tell him "I have a little brother" Marshall smiles "What's her name?" Marshall asks me "Kristy" I tell him with a smile

"How old is she?" He asks me "eight years old" I smile at him "How old is your little brother?" I ask him "Nathan is three years old" He smiles at me and shows me a picture of his little brother with him and his mother "He is so cute" I smile at the picture "This is my little sister" I show him a picture of me and my little sister "She is adorable" Marshall looks at the picture with a smile

"No dad in the picture I see" He says "I do have a dad but I don't wanna get into that" I sigh "Touchy subject I assume" He assumes at my reaction correctly "Your assumption is correct" I look at him and nod "I don't see a mom either" He pulls me for a hug "Tell me about your family when you grow to trust me" He rubs my back "I will" I smile as I hug him tightly.  

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