Chapter 15

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It's finally the weekend after a long week of school and doing so much homeworks. I'm keeping my grades up to an A because once I graduate from high school I would love to go to a really good college and study Business or something like that, I don't know I'm kinda just guessing what I want to major in college. I'm over at Shanice's house and we have been talking for an hour about school, her brother. I'm kinda nervous about telling her the chat I had with Miss Jenkins and also about going to a school counselor.

I still haven't talked to the school counselor and I know I should because it will help me and blah blah blah but I just can't and now I don't even know why, it's weird. I still haven't told Marshall about the conversation I had cause I know he will be extremely pissed off and I honestly wouldn't understand why.

Marshall got back together with Kim so whatever Shanice was saying about him liking me was complete bullshit because he doesn't like me, he only likes me as a friend. We will never be together since he is to hang up on Kim and I can understand why because she is beautiful, well, I'll never be as gorgeous as her. I don't have very strong feelings for him because I don't know him well enough but maybe just maybe I will.

"Earth to Amanda" Shanice snaps her fingers at me "Oh what? What happened?" I ask her confused "I was telling you about how I am going to kill my brother if he continues to hide my stuff" Shanice repeats what she says "Girl, I need to tell you something" I sigh looking down "What's up?" She asks me with concern in her tone. I begin to tell her about my conversation with Miss Jenkins "You need to go to therapy" Shanice says "I can't because what if they don't know what it's like to almost be nearly raped" I sigh "You would be surprised what some therapists have been through" Shanice smiles at me "Yeah you are right" I nod "Wanna go out for lunch or something?" She asks me "Actually I need to get home"

I get up from her couch "How come?" She asks me as she looks up at me "My dad will be home soon and will be pissed off if I haven't done my chores" I tell her. I see her get up and give me a quick hug "Okay, good luck at home" We pull away from the hug "Thanks for chilling with me even though it was only for two hours" She sighs "I had fun with you, we should do this again" I smile at her and she nods. I leave her house and head back home. Once I got inside my dad glares at me "Where have you been?" He asks me "At a friends house" I give him a cold answer "Better not be that Mathers kid" I walk to the kitchen "None of your business" I glare at him and he yet again races up to me. Instead of saying anything to me he drags me down to his basement "Hey, let me go" I hit his arm for him to let go "You will listen and show me some fucking respect" He throws me on the floor and locks the door of the basement "You little bitch"

He whips out his belt "No dad please" I beg him as I move backwards from him "You are gonna learn to show me some respect" He begins whip me with his belt. Since I'm crying so hard from his whipping I don't hear a thing he says to me. He finally finishes whipping my back, stomach, arms and legs and leaves without saying a single word to me. I hear the door slam shut and he locks me in. I crawl to the corner of the room and cry silently to myself. This is what my dad would do as a form of punishment; he would beat me with his belt and lock me in the basement for an hour, I'd do what I'm doing right now; sit in the corner of the room, hugging my knees, crying into them.

Few minutes of crying none stop, my phone buzzes in the pants pocket of my jeans, I slide it out and check who texted me, it says Marshall "Hey girl, you down to hangout at The Hip Hop Shop today?" I smile at the text "I can't, I'm busy today, how about tomorrow?" I text him "Ummm... I don't know if I'm free tomorrow" Marshall texts me "How come?" I ask him "Kim invited me over to her parents house, wish me luck haha" I sigh "Have fun" I text him "No seriously, wish me some fucking luck" My eyes widens "Why?" I ask him "Because her fucking parents hates me" I'm pretty sure Marshall is angry "I see, well good luck" I wish him luck "Yeah thanks" He sounds awkward "What you doing?" I ask him "I'm about to murder a motherfucker on the mic, what you doing?" He asks me "About to do the dishes" I text him

"Boring old dishes haha, seriously come down to The Hip Hop Shop, I want you to see me battle" Marshall's text makes me smile "I'm sorry, I can't" I frown texting "I get it, doing the fucking dishes is more important than hanging out with me" I sigh at his text "I'm sorry, Marshall" I text him "Fuck you, Amanda, I thought you were the shit but you are just a fake bitch" I get emotional reading his text "Don't bother calling me or texting me again, we are done" Why is he being so dramatic? It's just a battle, I'll see him battling some other time "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it" I text him and shove my phone in the pocket. My friendship with Marshall is over all because of a goddamn rap battle that I couldn't attend.

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