Chapter 27

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Walking inside the school I get knots in my stomach, I'm still nervous about my exam and now I'm even more nervous because the time for me to sit and take my exam is coming painfully slow. I sit down on the bench and go through my study notes. My exam is in an hour and I got to prepare. I haven't seen or heard from Shanice since the party, her brother told me she dropped out of school and went to look after her sick grandmother in Chicago with her mother. She found out her grandmother is terminal with breast cancer and has gone to see her, I don't know when she'll come back I just hope it's soon because I miss her but I'm also mad at her for not telling me about this.

I hear the teacher yell for everyone to enter the hall where the exam will be held in. I put my books away and head inside the hall, I get told by the exam invigilators where I will be situated. I take a seat and see the exam paper; Maths. I write down my information and my student ID. Half an hour into my exam, the teacher walks over to me "Miss Vanderwall, you have an important phone call to take" I furrow my brows "Can't I take the phone call later?" I ask her "No miss, you have to take the phone call now" I nod and get up.

I walk out of the exam hall and take the phone call "Yes" I say nervously "Hi Miss Vanderwall, my name is Simon Dontez, I'm calling from the Michigan State Penitentiary about your father" I haven't gotten this phone call since my dad was arrested "What's happened?" I ask him "Nothing has happened, your father has requested to see you today" I sigh "I'm in the middle of an exam, can't it wait?" I ask him "I'm sorry Miss, it can't" He tells me "I'm on my way" I tell him "See you then" I hang up the phone "Thank you" I say. I'm dreading this visit so much.

I exit the school and hop on the bus. I make my way to the penitentiary with absolute no thoughts in my head, I completely blanked out considering what my dad had put me and my sister through. How can he want to see me now? He knows I never want to look into his dirty brown eyes ever again, every time I looked into them all it ever reminded me was the times he beat me and had to beg him to stop but he didn't listen, he always made himself feel superior and us two little girls inferior. He always had a way with women, treated them better than us and my mother is being so nice to me and is looking after my sister well but I just can't open up to her because I don't trust her.

I make it to the penitentiary and sign in, I walk inside the visitation room and see my dad on the other side of the glass looking scruffy in his orange jumpsuit. I sit down and he flashes me a smile. Fake, I pick up the phone and he does the same "What was so important you had to drag me from my exam to see you?" I cut straight to the point "Is it so bad I want to see my daughter?" He asks me "Funny you should say that when me and Kristy lived with you before getting arrested you treated us like dirt" I laugh in disbelief "I'm a changed man, Amanda" He sighs "A few days in jail doesn't change a man like you" I glare at him "You have no idea what it's like here" He glares at me "Well why don't you enlighten me?" I roll my eyes "Is not a joke?" He raises his voice at me

"These inmates are fucking killing me" He yells "You should have thought about that before you decided to treat me and my sister like shit and rob a fucking liquor store" I yell at him "Watch your mouth, young lady" I laugh "You don't get to tell me what the fuck to do anymore because as far as I'm concern you are dead to me" I hiss "You are gonna regret you ever said that" He warns me "Oh really?" I smirk at him "I'm eligible for parole half the time I serve" He smirks at me "How long are you serving?" I ask him. I have to get the fuck out of here and run from my dad with my sister "If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise" He leans back on his chair and smirks "I'm done here" I put the phone back and leave. I can't get his words out of my head, he is gonna get out and I have no clue when.

I grab my phone and text Marshall "Can we talk?" I text him "Aren't you doing your exams?" He texts me a few seconds later "No, I'm going back soon, I just need to see you" I text him "Meet me at The Shelter" Marshall texts me "See you" I text him. I make my way to the shelter and see Marshall standing outside smoking his blunt "Hey baby" He tosses his blunt and smashes it on the floor with his shoe, he walks over to me and gives me a hug "Hey" I don't sound happy at all. Marshall pulls away from the hug and takes one good look at me "You don't look happy, what's wrong?" He asks me "Did I fucking do something to upset you?" He continues "No, I went to visit my dad in jail" I tell him "How did it go?" He asks me "Shit" I explain to him what happened "That guy is fucked up, no offense" He chuckles "None taken, he said he is eligible for parole and now I'm terrified" I admit "Hey, you have me, I'll protect you" Marshall kisses me softly "I know that but it's not enough" I sigh

"Tell me you are not thinking of leaving Detroit because of one motherfucker with empty threats" He gets angry and I don't say anything "For fuck sake Amanda, we just got together and you are fucking thinking about leaving me" Marshall yells "This isn't about you, its about me and my sisters safety, that guy is a fucking nightmare" I yell at him "So you are leaving" He yells "In the near future maybe" I glare at him "You know what, fuck you Amanda, do whatever the fuck you want I don't give a shit no more" You can cut the tension like a knife "Fuck you too" I glare at him. All of a sudden we are making out like we haven't seen each other in years "You know I love you" Marshall mumbles against my lips "I love you too and I'm not gonna leave you" I kiss him "You better not cause I will find you" He smirks at me "Are we still on for Friday?" I ask him with a smile "Yes we are, baby" He smiles at me

"I have to go, I have an exam to take" I tell him "Good luck" He kisses me and I leave. I head back to school and continue with my exam which is only an hour long. I managed to answer all the questions and surprisingly I remember everything I studied so I hope I will pass my exam. I really can't shake off my dads words to me, they are replaying in my head and I'm scared of him so much because I know what he is capable of.

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