Chapter 6

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After having a long conversation with Marshall, cheering him up from crying so much after the incident that just happened in the cafeteria. I had to attend two lessons; History and Music. I did have fun on the first of day of high school, it was certainly pleasant but after what I had just witnessed from the group of populars who were suppose to be my new friends I can tell I wouldn't have gotten along with them at all, I'm just not the bullying type.

I don't think I'll hang out with them, I'm better off being friends with Marshall who they consider him as the schools loser which is unfair because just talking to him for twenty minutes he seems like he'd be a good friend. Taylors friends are the biggest jerks in high school especially Issac, he was just horrible to Marshall.

I make it to Kristy's elementary school, this was her first day in the third grade, I'm so happy for her but I'm also so sad because she is growing up so fast and the next thing I know it she'll be in high school and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.

I'm her older sister but it seems like I'm her mother, I'm raising my sister like a mother raising her daughter. It's sweet if you think about it, I understand it comes with so much responsibilities but it's worth it because I get to watch my baby sister grow up to be an amazing woman. I stand outside her school watching all the little girls and boys run out of the school entrance over to their parents hugging them and getting into their cars.

I see Kristy run up to me and I can't help but smile widely at her as she wraps her small arm around my waist and rests her head on my lower stomach, I hug her back and run my fingers through her hair "Hey baby, how was your first day of school?" I ask her "It was so much fun" She looks up at me and giggles "I'm glad you had fun baby" I kiss her forehead "Did you make any new friends?" I ask her and she nods "Yes I did, her name is Cassidy" She smiles at me "What a lovely name" I giggle "Did you make any new friends Amanda?" She asks me with glowing light in her innocent eyes "Yes I did" I smile at her "His name is Marshall" I continue "Ooooo Amanda has a boyfriend"

She starts to jump and squeal as she claps her hands together "No I do not" I giggle as I grab her hand and start to walk away from the school "What did you do in school today?" I ask her "We didn't do much since it was first day so we just drew and watch a movie" She smiles at me "The teacher let us drink milk from the carton" Kristy continues "Sounds like you had a good day at school" I smile at her as she skips whilst holding my hand "I did" She giggles.

We finally made it to the toy shop and Kristy runs in "Be careful" I watch over as runs over to the shelves with random stuffed animals. I walk over to and bend down "Did you find something?" I ask her as she looks at all of the stuffed animals. She gasps as she sees a white furred teddy bear with some pink on the white fur. She grabs the teddy and hugs it "Can I buy this Amanda?" She asks me with hope in her eyes "Of course" I stand back up and take her hand. I walk over to the till and the cashier with short brown hair tied up into a bun with light blue eyes smiles at us

"Hi, ladies, how are you both doing today?" Nancy Mayfield's name written on her tag asks us as I place the teddy bear on the conveyor belt "We are good, I just picked up my little sister from middle school and now I'm buying her a teddy bear of her own choice" I tell her and she nods as she grabs the teddy bear and scans the bar code "What grade are you in?" She asks Kristy "The 3rd grade" She smiles at Nancy "That'll be $5.67" Nancy passes the teddy bear to Kristy.

Nancy passes me the receipt "Have a great day ladies" Nancy waves at us "You too" Me and Kristy waves at her as we leave the store. Kristy skips all the way to the ice cream store just a few miles down from the toy shop. We enter the ice cream parlor "Do you want to eat here or takeaway?" I ask her "Eat here" I nod and walk to the till.

We look through the display and see an option of different ice creams "Which do you want?" I ask her "Buttered Pecan ice cream" Kristy smiles at me "What are you having?" She asks me "I'm having Cookie Dough ice cream" We order our ice cream and we found a seat at the booth parked near the window, we sit down and Kristy licks her bottom lip as she looks down at her ice cream on this little purple and pink fade with red roses pot and smile "It looks so yummy" Kristy looks at me with sparkles in her eyes of pure enjoyment "It really does" I giggle.

As she begins to eat I pull out my phone from my backpack and unlock it "Say cheese" I smile at Kristy as I hold the phone up in position ready to snap a picture of her "Cheese" She smiles at me widely, I snap the picture and show her the picture I took of her "I love it so much sissy" She giggles at the picture "You look like a little princess" She cocks her head to the side with a cute smile as she bats her eyes at me.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I read the caller ID "It's mom" I answer her call in a way that says I'm dreading this phone call "Hi mom" I roll my eyes and my sister shakes her tiny head as she eats her ice cream. My little sister loves mommy so much despite her leaving us, well, technically she didn't leave us, she left my dad only and seeing exactly how my dad is and how he treats his daughters my mom is better off without him. He is a horrible man.

"Hey baby" She says in a cheery tone that made me smile just a little "What's up, mom?" I ask her "I called you up to invite you and Kristy to hang out with me for the whole day tomorrow" She giggles and I shake my head. My mom tends to forget that me and Kristy have school since her step son Ian is homeschooled "Mom, me and Kristy are at school tomorrow" I remind her "I'm so sorry baby, how about after school tomorrow? I want you to spend quality time with Ian and get to know him, he's a good kid" My mom sounds like she is begging, I look at Kristy to see her look at me like "pleaseeeeeeee" and I nod "Fine, pick me up after school" I surrender "Thank you so much, baby" She sounds happy again "I love you both so much" Kristy's eyes light up as she hears her mom say that "I love you too, mommy" Kristy smiles "I love you too, mom" I kinda smile "Bye, see you girls tomorrow" We say our byes to our mom. She hangs up the phone and I put it in my bag. Help, I'm so dreading this.

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