Chapter 22

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"Amanda" I hear Ian yell my name, I wave at him as I put my phone away in my pocket "Oh, there you are" Ian approaches me with a smile "I was looking everywhere for you" Ian chuckles "Well I'm right here" I smile at him. He plops himself next to me "How was your conversation with your boyfriend?" He smirks at me "He is not my boyfriend and my conversation went well with him" I get up "I would love to stay and chat but I have something to do" I tell him "What is it you need to do? Maybe I can help you" Ian offers "No, you really can't" I refuse his help "Why not? We are friends" Ian pushes it "We are but I have to do this on my own" I want him to leave me alone "You seem jumpy? Is everything okay?" Ian asks me confused "Look, I really have to go" I run away from him and head inside the house again

As I walk to the door to leave the house I hear Brian clear his throat "Going somewhere?" He asks me as he approaches me with blood-red stains on his apron painter usually wears "Yeah, to a friends house" I point at the stains on his apron "Are you painting or something cause you have red paint stains on your apron?" I ask him "Yes, I'm repainting the inside of the shed where I keep my tools in" I furrow my brows together "In red?" I ask "Well I want the interior to match with the exterior of the shed" He smiles at me "Makes sense" I nod "I have to get going, can't keep my friend waiting" I nervously chuckle "Okay, be safe now, we wouldn't want you to get hurt now would we" He smiles at me "Yeah" I nod

"Have fun now, be home in time for dinner" He informs "We are having Chicken prepared by me and your beautiful mother" Brian smiles at me in a sweet way "Sounds good, bye" I wave at him as I open the door "Humph" Brian doesn't say anything and walks away. I sigh in relief and dash out of the house. I walk to Marshall's house in Dresden and knock on his door. I hear footsteps approach the door. I see the door swing open and I see Marshall rub his eyes "Amanda, I called you, why didn't you pick up?" He asks me getting straight to the point "And good to see you too" I roll my eyes and walk inside his house.

I plop down on the couch "I'm serious Amanda, I went by to your house to check on you when you didn't answer my call and nobody was there" I can't help but blush at what he said and I smile "Amanda, what is going on?" He asks me crossing his arms and glaring at me "My dad got arrested and I have to live with my mom and her husband" I sigh "Oh man that sucks, why did your dad get arrested?" Marshall asks me "I don't want to talk about it" I tell him "That's cool, you want a beer?" He asks me as he opens the fridge and grabs himself a beer "Nah, I'm good" I shake my head with a smile "Suit yourself" He pops open the beer and nearly downs the whole thing

"I called you because I wanted to tell you that my birthday is around the corner and me and the guys are celebrating it at The Shelter, I want you to come" Marshall says as he sits down and put his feet up on the coffee table as he now takes a sip of his beer "I would love to come" I nod "Your bitch ass better buy me a good ass gift or I'm throwing you out of my party" He smirks at me "I'll be sure to come empty-handed" I smirk at him "fuck you, bitch" Marshall shoves me and laughs with me "Yeah yeah, I love you too" I giggle "You know it girl" He winks at me and takes a sip of his beer "I'm gonna get so fucking drunk that I'm gonna drive to a nursing home and fuck an old bitch" I cover my face with my hands "Oh my god, Marshall" I laugh out loud

"Hanging out with you is always so entertaining" I laugh and shake my head "Well when you are raised in a fucked up family everything is a fucking joke" Marshall laughs "Not funny" I look at him seriously "I'm sorry" Marshall sighs "Don't be, I came down here to tell you I found out about something" Marshall gives me his attention "What is it?" He asks me "Brian is a loan shark, I heard him yelling over the phone about some guy named Bruce who hasn't returned his 10 grand and disappeared then he showed up at his doorstep" I tell Marshall "That's so fucked up, man" Marshall sips his beer "I would have let you stayed with us if my mom hadn't taken in that bitch" I look at him confused

"Huh?" I ask him confused "Don't fucking worry about it" Marshall sounds angry "I wanna know since it slipped out of your mouth" I cross my arms "Amanda, drops this or get the fuck out of my house" He hisses as he takes a sip of his beer and glares at me "Fine" I get up "Woah, where you going?" Marshall asks behind me "Home" I keep it short "Why? Was it because I refused to talk about me and Kim?" Marshall asks me as I hear him get up, I turn to face him "Yes" I don't hesitate on answering him "Fuck you, bitch, it's not your fucking business to know what's going on between us" Marshall bites "Good then don't ever fucking talk about Kim to me ever again" I glare at him "Don't tell me what the fuck to do, bitch, if I wanna talk about Kim to you, I fucking will" Marshall hisses "Then I'm not gonna pay any attention" I smirk at him

"Fuck you, Amanda" He glares at me. We stand in awkward silence and I head to the door "Amanda" Marshall sighs "I'm sorry" I hear Marshall say "It's fine" I say without turning to look at him "I'll tell you what happened as long as you stay with me" I feel him grab my hand but I quickly yank it away "I don't want to hear it" I turn to look at him, finally meeting his eyes "You are right it's not my business so you don't have to tell me" I give him a small smile "Amanda please, I trust you" Marshall says in a low tone

"I do too but it's not my business to know" I shake my head slowly "You are really throwing my trust for you in my face" Marshall laughs in disbelief "Marshall" He cuts me off "Get the fuck out of my house" Marshall opens the door and shoves me out "Don't ever come back here again, I mean it" I stare at him in disbelief as he slams the door shut in my face. That went well.

'Til We Meet Again Book 1Where stories live. Discover now