Chapter 21

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After my mom and Brian had picked me up from the police station we drove back to the house to collect our belongings. We drove to their mansion and without saying a single word I just storm to an empty room and accidentally walk in on Ian putting on his t-shirt "I'm sorry" I quickly close my eyes "No that's okay, you can open them up now" I open my eyes to see Ian fully clothed "So you are gonna be living with us?" He asks me breaking the awkward silence "Yes for temporary time" Ian furrows his brows together in confusion "Temporary time? What do you mean? Is your dad getting released sooner than Sylvia and dad thought?" He asks me "No, I mean I'm going to college in two years time" I explain

"You know you can go to college and still live with us, I am" Ian smirks "That's not gonna happen" I shake my head "Why not? What is so bad about this place?" He asks me "It's too much for me, my mom married your dad for the richness," I tell him "My dad worked hard for all this so he can provide for me and my sister who is now living in Rome" I didn't know he has a sister "As great as that sounds it's not mine or my moms, it's your dad's success that we are barging into" Ian tells me "If my dad didn't want you and Kristy to have all this he would have convinced your mother to put you and her in foster care but because he loves her, he took you both in" Ian says a little offended

I sigh because I know he is right "You are right, I'm sorry" I surrender "Don't worry about it, you'll get used to this in no time like I did" I shake my head in shock when he said that "What do you mean?" I ask him confused "I was just like you, I thought this was all too much" Ian gestures for me to sit on his king-size bed. I sit down with him "How? He is your father and you were raised in luxury" I look at him confused "Well yeah but I'm not really his son" Ian admits "Huh?" What does he mean? "Brian only has a daughter, he took me in from an orphanage when I was 10 years old" Ian tells me "I usually never tell anyone about this part of my life but I feel like I can trust you" Ian smiles at me.

All of a sudden this nice little moment I'm having with Ian gets interrupted "Give me a second" I check the called ID and it says Marshall "I have to take this" I get up "Your boyfriend, huh?" He asks me with a smirk "He is not my boyfriend, we are only friends" I correct him "That's what they all say" Ian still has that annoying smirk "You don't know me" I say offended "Yeah but I know women" I shake my head and leave, I hear Ian laugh on my way out of his door. I head inside some room that's dark and turn on the light. I somehow ended up in Brian's office. I need to leave before Brian catches me but for some reason, I completely ignore what my mind is telling me. I walk to his desk and see some files on the table just beside his computer.

As I look through the files, I read this label that says "Loan Shark" Oh no I think to myself as I panic a little. I hear the door about to creak open "Honey, I'll be in my office to catch up on some work" I hear Brian say from the outside of the door "Okay, I'll get started on dinner" I hear my mom say from the kitchen. I hide in this closet and turn off my phone so it makes no sound to give me away. I hear Brian walk inside his office and hear him groan as he sits down on his office chair "Now let's get back to business" He talks to himself? He is such a creep, you are talking to yourself, you know? Screw you.

After some time watching him work whilst he is whistling, I see him pick up his phone. He looks pissed "Yes" I hear him say "What the fuck do you mean he ran away?" Who ran away? "I want my 10,000 dollars back David" Brian hisses "No no no you fucking listen to me if you don't find that son of a bitch by the end of this week a bullet is going through between your eyes" He threatens "If you do find him tell him I want my $10,000 back or he'll be sorry, you understand?" He yells and I hear him slam his hand on the desk hard.

This is who my mom is married to, does she know that he is a Loan Shark who kills people? I hear him hang up the phone and sit back down on the chair, I hear the door open "Hi sweetie, rough time at work" My mom tells him softly "You have no idea" I hear my mom peck his lips, Ewww "I heard yelling and wanted to check up on you, is everything okay?" She asks him "No, that fucker Bruce took $10,000 I had loaned to him a couple of days ago and disappeared with the money, I asked David to find him and bring him back to me by the end of this week so if he fails a bullet is going through his fucking head" Oh my god, she knows "I'm sure you'll get your money back soon" My mom tells him softly "If David can't find him I know exactly what to do so you don't have to worry about anything" Is the money for my mom?

"I didn't agree for you to give him that amount because I knew Bruce would run away with it, you should have given it to me instead" I hear my mom sighs "I know baby, I should have listened to you but I thought Bruce needed it more than you do" I hear Brian tells my mom "How can you say that?" My mom gets angry "I'm always gonna need your money" I hear her yell "You do realize you married a loan shark right? so I thought by now you would get that I loan people money and I expect them to give me my money back" I hear Brian yell "I'm sorry, you are right" I hear my mom sigh "Thank you" He pecks her lips again "I brought you something you have always wanted"

I hear Brian pull out a box and pass it to my mom. I hear the box open and my mom squeals "French designer shoes, oh my gosh I love them" My mom giggles "Only the best for my wife" Brian smiles "I love you so much" I hear my mom tell Brian happily "How can I repay you?" I hear my mom ask Brian "Bend over my desk" Oh god no, please no "I knew you were gonna say that, I'm already nice and wet for you" I hear my mom say in a flirty way. I cover my ears.

Just as my mom and him were about to get it on the door knocks "Ughh, I'm sorry baby" I hear him zip his pants "You were nearly inside me" My mom whines "Come in" I hear him yell, I hear the door open "Dad, someones here to see you" I hear Ian tell Brian "Who?" Brian asks him "A guy named Bruce" Shit

"I'll take care of him, meanwhile you and Amanda mustn't come out of your rooms til I say so" Brian says strictly "Why?" Ian asks "I don't need to tell you why just do what I say okay" Brian says sternly "I'll get started on dinner" I hear my mom say and leave the room "Have you seen Amanda?" Ian asks "Isn't she with Kristy?" Brian asks him "No, Amanda got a phone call from her boyfriend like half an hour ago and she is nowhere to be seen" He is not my boyfriend, you fuck "Maybe she got lost, this house is pretty big" Brian chuckles "She is definitely not lost since I checked all rooms in this house" Ian clarifies

"That's odd, have you checked the mini house close to the pool?" Brian asks "No, I haven't" Ian shakes his head and I'm in relief "Check there, I need to take care of Bruce" I hear them both walk out of the room, and quickly I step out of the closet and make my way to the door, I press my ears against the door and hear muttering. I open the door very slowly and run to the other door that leads to the backyard where the pool and the mini house was said to be. I run to the pool and sit down on the bench pretending to use my phone. What have I just heard?  

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