Chapter 25

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Marshall's POV

After Amanda had left I passed out on my couch after I had another round of vodka I found under my moms bed. I feel someone hit my shoulder "Woah, what the fuck?" I jump "Did you drink nearly all my fucking vodka, you little shit?" My mom glares at me as she hold the vodka in her hands "Is that why you woke me up about?" I run my hands down my face in frustration "I know you fucking did, don't fucking lie to me" My mom yells "Put your fucking voice down, Nathan is asleep" I raise my voice at her "Don't raise your fucking voice at me, boy, just fucking tell me if you drank my vodka" I get up from the couch

"Yes I drank some of your vodka" I grab a water bottle from the fridge and fill myself a cup of water "I knew you did it, you little shit" I laugh "Why the fuck is that so funny?" My mom glares at me "My mom is arguing with me over a bottle of vodka that's what's funny" I laugh and I feel my mother push me hard "What the fuck was that for?" I ask after choking on my water "Get the fuck out of my house" This bitch lost her mind but I don't feel like fighting since I'm hungover "Fuck you" I yell as I grab my things and Nathans things "Nathan is not going any-fucking-where" She yells from the living room but I ignore her and wake Nate up "Brubba" He says in a baby voice "Hey little man" I kiss his forehead

He looks at his and my bags packed up and looks confused "Brubba, what's going on?" He asks me ash he sits up and rubs his eyes with his tiny little hands. I can't tell him what's going on because then he'll start crying and it breaks my heart to see my little brother crying "Is mommy okay?" Nathan pouts "Yes mommy is okay, do you wanna spend a few days at Amanda's house?" I ask him. He has only met Amanda once so he is confused as to why I asked him that "Who is Amanda?" He asks me confused "She is my girlfriend" It feels good calling Amanda my girlfriend "I thought Kimmy is your girlfriend" Nathan says "No, she isn't" I shake my head.

Nathan gets up and heads to the bathroom, I sit on his bed and grab my phone out of my pocket, I text Amand "Hey baby, do you mind if I stay with you til Thursday?" I send the message. A few minutes later, she texts me back "Of course, I just have to ask Brian but come over still" I smile at her message "What's your address?" I text her and she sends me her address "I'll be over in less than 30 minutes" I text her, a few seconds later "See you later" I put my phone away and grab mine and Nathans backpack and throw it over my shoulders "Lets go little man" I take his hand and walk out to the living room "Where the fuck do you think you are going?" My mom asks as she sat on the couch with a glass full of vodka "Bitch, you kicked me out so you have no fucking right to ask me where the fuck am I going" I glare at her "You are just like your fucking worthless father" I look down at Nathan "Nathan, baby, go wait in the car" I unlock the car "Okay brubba" He runs to the car and gets in

"Don't you fucking dare bring my deadbeat dad into this" I yell at her "You ain't taking my son anywhere" I see her make an attempt to get up but I push her down on the couch "He isn't gonna stay with a drunk bitch, god knows what you'll do to him" I hiss "I never touched the hair on that little boy" My mom yells at me "It's gonna stay that way because if you do I'm reporting your ass to the police" I warn her "Then where are you gonna live?" She smirks "With Aunt Edna or Amanda" She laughs "You think they want you to stay with them" She continues to laugh "Yes they will when they found out what kind of a mother you are" I yell at her "You are so fucking ridiculous if you think they'll open the door for you" She laughs "Edna treats me like her own son and Amanda likes me" I'm about to lose it. I have to get out of here before she has a chance to say something; I storm out the house.

I get in the car and I'm shaking in anger "Brubba, you okay?" Nathans voice cracks, I look at him from the rearview mirror and smile "Brubba is good" Nathan looks relieved. I begin to drive and as I'm driving I see Kim arguing with some guy just outside this store, I pull over "Stay in the car" I tell Nathan and he nods. I get out of the car and walk over to them "You are such a fucking bitch, Kim" I hear the guy say "Hey man" I glare at him "Marshall?" Kim looks at me in shock "You know this fucker?" He completely ignores me "He is my ex-boyfriend" Kim looks at me "Marshall, what the fuck you doing here?" Kim asks me angry "What the fuck is this faggot calling you a fucking bitch for?" I know it's not my business to interfere since me and Kim broke up but I felt bad when I saw she nearly started crying "Who the fuck you calling a faggot, huh?" The guy grabs the collar of my jacket "Get the fuck off me" As I'm about to punch him Kim grabs my hand "Leave us alone" Kim glares at me

"I'm not going anywhere Kim because if this asshole lays a hand on you it's gonna be on me" I say sternly "I'm so fucking out of here" The guy says, I can't help but grab him and throw three punches at his face "Marshall" Kim yells as she pulls me away and stands between us with her hands pressed on our chests "You have no fucking right to be angry at me when you cheated on me" Kim yells at him "Of course I'm gonna cheat on a slut like you, you wouldn't suck my fucking cock" The guy laughs, I can feel the anger building up, I really want to attack him but Kim slaps him hard "Fuck you" He spits on the floor and leaves. I hear Kim sigh in relief, she turns to look at me and all of a sudden she hugs me "Thank you" I expected her to throw a fit, I hug her back "It's cool" She pulls away from the hug "He is crazy" I hear the panic in her voice

"What happened?" I ask her "I was walking out of the store because mom told me to buy some groceries for dinner tonight and all of a sudden Mitchell sees me and started to yell at me like it was my fault he cheated on me last night" Kim sighs "I'm sorry" I feel bad for her "I have to get home, these groceries are heavy and they are killing my hands" She chuckles "I'll drive you home" I smile at her "You sure?" Kim asks me "Yeah" I take the groceries out of her hands and walk to the car. Kim gets in the back seat with Nathan "Did your mom kick you out?" Kim asks as she notices our bags "Yeah" I nod as I start to drive "Where are you staying at?" She asks me "I'm staying with Amanda for a few days" Kim nods "You can stay with me and my family" She smiles at me "I already told Amanda I would stay with her" I tell her

"My parents always are happy to see you and Nathan" Kim lies "Kim, shut the fuck up" I get angry at her "I'm staying with Amanda and that's that" I glare at her from rearview mirror "Of course, the bitch comes first" She mumbles loud enough for me to hear "Keep Amanda's name from your dirty cock sucking mouth" I am so glad Nathan is sleeping "She won't be staying with you for long when she finds out you are fucked up" She smirks "Get the fuck outta my car" I raise my voice at her quietly "Fuck you" I pull over and she gets the car, she flips me the bird and I do the same.

I begin to drive to Amanda's house while Nathan is still sleeping in the backseat of my car. I pull up to her house and look back at Nathan "Nate" I whisper "Nate wake up" I see him opening his eyes and he smiles at me "Where are we?" Nathan yawns "We are at Amanda's house" I tell Nathan with a smile "Yay" He cheers and I smile at him.

We get out of the car and head to the door, I knock on the white with gold frame double doors. The door opens and this male in his mid 30's gives me a warm welcoming smile "You must be Marshall" He says "Ummm, yes" I say nervously "Who are you?" I ask him, I feel stupid for asking this but I want to know who the fuck this is "Oh where are my manners, my name is Brian Carson, Amanda and Kristy's stepdad" I nod and he looks down at my little brother "And what's your name cutie?" Brian asks him "Nathan" Nathan says in a cheery tone "He is so cute" Brian looks up at me "Come in, make yourself at home" Brian lets us in. I walk inside this massive ass living room and look astonished, this is how Amanda is living life now "Where is Amanda?" I ask and now all of a sudden I see Amanda run up to me and hugs me tightly "There she is" Brian laughs "Hiiii" Amanda hugs the life out of me

"Someone is happy to see me" I pick her up and spin her around "Of course I am" She kisses my cheek, She kneels down to Nathan "Hi Nathan" Amanda says in a soft baby voice "Hiii" Nathan hugs her and lets go "I'll take you both to your rooms" Amanda takes us both to our room, the room is huge with a chandelier dangling in the middle of the ceiling with a grey carpet in the center of the room, there is a TV in my room that's mounted to the wall and two beds, one queen size bed and other just a regular bed, there is also a cream color sofa and armchairs around the coffee table and a balcony "Goddamn, this room is bigger than my home" I laugh "make yourself at home" I step inside the room with Nathan and he quickly runs to the bed and lays down "Thank you, aren't you gonna stay with us?" I ask her

"I would love to but I have to study for an exam I have on Monday" Amanda tells me in a hurry "What's the exam?" I ask her "Maths, English, Business and Science exam" My eyes widen "Goddamn, good luck baby" I give her a kiss "Thank you" She mumbles against my lips and leaves. I'm gonna have a good time with Amanda.

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