Chapter 10

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"Leave her alone, man" Tony now tries to stop Marshall from walking over to me "Don't tell me what the fuck to do" Marshall pushes Tony back "Yo, you really gonna fight me over that bitch" Tony yells at Marshall "Don't you fucking call her a bitch, you pussy" Before Marshall had the chance to punch him I pull his arm back "Take me home" I look at Marshall with tears running down my cheek and his face softens "Yeah take her home Marshall, so you can fuck her" Tony provokes him "That's it you motherfucker" Marshall throws him a hard punch in the face causing Tony to fall on the floor "You are gonna pay for that Mathers"

Tony threatens as he holds his bleeding nose and giving Marshall a dead glare. Marshall now grabs Tony by the collar of his shirt "You are lucky I don't fuck you up right here, right now" Marshall hisses "Marshall stop" I grab his arm and he drops Tony back on the floor and kicks him in the stomach "Come on" Marshall picks me up in a bridal style and walks me out of the party with me in his arms.

He offers me a soft smile and I smile at him "Thank you" I wrap my arms around his neck and hide my face in his chest "You're welcome" I feel him kiss the top of my head. He walks me to his house and sits me on his couch "I should have come with you to the party" Marshall breaks the silence "I should have stopped them from doing this to you" Marshall sighs "Marshall, don't beat yourself up, nobody knew this was gonna happen" I tell him softly

"Still I should have protected you from them knowing exactly what they do to the ones that crosses them" Marshall sounds disappointed in himself "I shouldn't have gone to that party" I look down "No, you didn't know you just wanted to have fun" He cups my cheek "Yeah but look at me, I'm drenched in Raspberry punch" Marshall now licks my cheek and I laugh "You taste so good" Marshall laughs "Gosh, you are so gross" I laugh as he continues to lick my face "Marshall stop it" I try to push him whilst laughing so much.

He stops licking my face and frowns "I'm sorry about what happened earlier" He sighs "I shouldn't have been so awful to you" I shake my head "You don't need to apologize, Marshall, it's cool" Marshall now stands up "No, it's not cool" He shakes his head "I nearly let Kim drive our friendship apart" He starts to pace in anger "It's because you love her that's why" I tell him calmly "She clearly didn't feel the same way when she cheated on me"

Marshall stops pacing around and looks at me with a sad look. I hear the door open and I see Kim. She looks at me with wide eyes "What the fuck is she doing here?" She asks Marshall clearly pissed "Something went down at Taylor's party and now she is here" Marshall tells her calmly "You don't say because she looks like shit" Kim glares at me "Thanks Kim" I roll my eyes "Everyone is talking about you at Taylors party" She smirks at me "And you as well "Kim looks at Marshall "What the fuck are they saying?" Marshall asks her clearly angry "Well for starters they are saying that Amanda is a fucking bitch and they are right" Kim laughs "They are saying she deserved what happened" Kim glares at me

"And they are saying you punched Tony in the face for his remark" Kim glares at Marshall "Tony fucking deserved it for what he said about Amanda" Marshall glares at Kim "I don't give a shit because I'm your girlfriend not her" Kim yells "Shut the fuck up you fucking slut you were the one who jumped on someone else's dick" Marshall yells at her "Should I leave?" I ask Marshall and Kim "You should" Kim says with a fake bitchy smile "No, she stays" Marshall yells at Kim "And we are gonna continue this conversation in the morning" Marshall glares at her "Oh you really think I'm stupid, I know the first thing when I leave this house Amanda is gonna jump on your dick" Kim laughs

"You better watch your fucking mouth Kim because unlike you I don't fuck another bitch when our relationship is in trouble" Marshall glares at her "Really?" Kim rolls her eyes "Yes" Marshall nods "Then you sure have no problem explaining to me whose that bitch you fucked after we broke up" Kim smirks at him "Guys I'm just gonna leave" Marshall nods "Yes you should now" Marshall walks over to me and hugs me "I'll see you in the morning" Marshall smiles at me and Kim glares at us "Alright" I head out the door and I hear Kim yell "Are you fucking kidding me?" That was so awkward.

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