Chapter 9

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I have been thinking for a few days about this party that Taylor is hosting. I have never been to party so I figured why not go to this party, it's not like it's just me who is going to a party with a bunch of strangers I'll be going there with the people I know from school but I know Marshall is not invited because they call him a loser which is not okay but Marshall doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all but I can tell he is no matter how much he says he is not.

I walk down to the school corridor completely alone because I don't know where Marshall or Shanice are. I see Taylor with her friends and I walk over to them "Sup Bulgarian chick" Clive smirks "Hi" I say shy "Have you thought about my offer?" Taylor asks me "Yes I have and I would like to come" I nod "Good choice" She nods and pulls me in for a hug. I see Anna glaring at me "Wear something sexy" Taylor says "I will, thank you" I walk away from her "So you are going to that party?" Shanice asks me

"Yes I am" I nod "Don't trust that bitch, something is fishy about her because she doesn't usually do this type of shit" Shanice says and I look at her confused "Look, I know you are new and all but don't trust her, she might pull something on you tonight" She warns me "I have never been to party" I tell her and her eyes widens "You have never been to one?" She asks me clearly sounding shocked "No never" I shake my head "Well, me and my dawgs are having a get together at The Shelter tomorrow midnight, you'll get the chance to see Marshall battle" Shanice smiles at me "I'll come" I smile "Great" She hugs me "Where is Marshall?" I ask her as she breaks the hug

"He ain't feeling well so he is missing school" She tells me "How come he didn't text me?" I ask her "I don't know maybe he didn't want you to worry" She shrugs "This is unlike him because he would have told me" I sigh "Girl chill, Marshall is okay" Shanice chuckles "I'll see him after school" I tell her "His address is" Shanice tells me the address to his house "I know his address" I chuckle "Really?" She asks me shocked "Yeah, he is my neighbor" now the bell rings "I have to go, class is starting" Shanice runs down the hall waving at me.

The whole day goes well now it's home time. I'm on my way over to Marshalls house and I know Marshall is not gonna expect me to come but I don't really care I wanna know if he is okay. I make it to his house. Kristy is still at school since she has after school football practice for an hour so this should give me plenty of time to hang out with Marshall.

I stand on Marshall's door step and I knock on the door. I hear footsteps walking closer to the door. I kinda get nervous because maybe it's not Marshall coming to the door since the footsteps sounds way to light, it sounds like a pair of heels. The door opens and this girl with dirty blonde hair kinda dark, with blue eyes looks at me. She looks surprisingly tall and very busty "Who are you?" She asks me "I'm Amanda" I introduce myself to her "Oh so you are the famous Amanda that my boyfriend won't shut up about" She rolls her eyes "And you are Kim I've heard nothing good about" I glare at her

She nods "Yes that's me and what the fuck do you mean by "nothing good about"?" She asks me with a glare "I heard that you are a cheating whore" I glare at her "Oh really? and if I was such a "cheating whore" then why did Marshall take me back?" She asks me with a smirk "He is blinded by your good looks" I smirk at her and she takes a step closer to me "Stay away from my boyfriend or I swear I'll make your life hell" Kim smirks at me and I take a few steps closer to her making her take a few steps back "You don't scare me" I smirk at her "You got balls, too bad they are not as big as mine" She laughs and I look at her like she is crazy "Nice meeting you but I have to go"

She tries to close the door but I stop her "Where is Marshall?" I ask her "In the shower, we had a killer night last night" Kim has a disgusting smirk on her face "If you know what I mean" She winks at me "You are disgusting" I shake my head "That's not what he said when I was screaming his name" She laughs and shuts the door.

'Til We Meet Again Book 1Where stories live. Discover now