Chapter 4

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It's now lunch time and I make my way to the cafeteria where I was told by Taylor to meet up. I haven't seen Marshall for nearly all day, I don't know where he is or what happened to him but I don't care, he asked me in the rudest way possible to leave him alone so guess what I'm doing; I'm leaving him alone.

I walk inside the cafeteria and the sight of Taylor waving at me catches my eyes. I flash a sweet smile her way and walk over to her. As I walk over to her table I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me back, I turn around and to my surprise it's Marshall looking at me with a frown and has a gentle grip around my wrist not wanting me to walk away from him.

"What do you want?" I ask him annoyed "I want to be friends" He says shyly "I have other friends" I laugh shaking my head at him "Really?" He asks looking over at Taylor who is glaring at him "You wanna be friends with those people" He looks at me disappointed about my sudden choice in friends "At least they didn't talk to me as rude as you did" I yank my wrist away from his grip "I have apologized to you over and over again, why can't you forgive me?" Marshall asks me with a sad look on his face "Cause you know exactly why I don't make friends and when I do make a friend or two somehow things get fucked up" I tell him "Don't worry about what I said" He shakes his head at me with a chuckle "These people gonna say and do far worse than how I spoke to you" He warns me about my new friends.

I hear a few footsteps coming towards us "Ewwww loser alert" Taylor laughs at Marshall "What is with the hair? looks like something died on your head" This guy who is quiet tall and thin figured with black hair and light blue eyes laughs "Issac you gotta do better" Taylor says shaking her head "Leave me alone" Marshall tells them not really feeling to argue with them "You hear that Clive" Issac punches Clive's arm

"He wants to be left alone" Issac says like a baby as he looks at Marshall with a pout "Yeah, we'll leave you alone" This girl with short brown hair and pale green eyes says with a giggle "Anna, shall I do the honors?" Issac asks Anna with a smirk "Do what?" I ask confused at what's about to happen "Watch, girl" Taylor wraps her arm around me and smiles "Yes, you shall" Anna smirks and nods slowly "Guys please" Marshall begs and tries to leave but Clive and Issac pulls him back and give him a really big and hard push on his chest that makes him fall on his butt.

He starts to cough as they throw their trash at him and laugh out loud and so does the rest of the cafeteria, me, well, I feel so bad for him. As the incident pans out Marshalls sad looking blue eyes are fixated on me "Marshall" He ignores me and attempts to pick himself up. He tries to make a run for it as he gets up like a racer ready to run on the track but Clive pushes him again which makes him land on the floor face first this time "So long loser" Taylor laughs.

Marshall gets up and looks at me with tears flooding his eyes "Go cry to your dad" Issac laughs "Oh wait, you don't have a dad" They all laugh and I feel sick to my stomach at how they are treating Marshall. I can see Marshall is trying to hold himself together but fails and runs away crying. I remove Taylors arm off my shoulder and without letting her say a word I run after him "Marshall" I yell after him but no response. Where on earth did he go? I ask myself.

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