Chapter 14

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It's been almost two weeks since my near-rape and you can get the hint that I am traumatized, my dad has no idea about what happened and nor does Silvia know about it and I don't intend to tell them, I don't intend to tell anyone not even to a shrink because they won't understand me, they won't understand what it's like nearly being raped by someone who is twice your size.

I go to school like normal but I avoid any contact with anyone, I do my homework and take my tests as a normal student. Taylor and her bitches somehow found out about the rape a couple of days ago and now everyone in school knows. I get boys catcalling me and ask to meet them in the bathroom. My teacher suggested I should talk to the school counselor but I declined since as I mentioned before they wouldn't understand.

I'm in the class sat down with my head buried in my book reading and I see a group of boys walk over to me, I quickly look down. The leader of the group of four lays his hand on my desk slightly leaned "Hey babe" He says with a smirk, I ignore him "You know" He slowly walks around the desk and sits next to the empty seat beside me. He wraps his arm around me but I push it off me "Leave me alone" I glare at him "You are so sexy when you are angry" He tries to wrap his arm around me but I push him "Chill out you slut I just wanted to invite you to suck my dick in the bathroom"

I slap him hard across the face "You are gonna pay for that" He grabs my hair "Let go" I wince in pain "Or what" I spit in his face. He looks dead angry "Let go of her hair" I hear Shanice yell and pull him off me. Before anything escalates the teacher walks in "What is going on here?" Miss Jenkins ask as she approaches us "I went to go talk to Amanda and all of a sudden she spits in my face" Shanice and I glare at him "Is that true?" She asks me "No, that didn't happen" My voice cracks "He came over to me and asked me to meet him at the bathroom, I slapped him across the face then he threatened me saying that I was gonna pay for it and he grabbed my hair" I explain "I saw Caleb grab her hair tightly" Shanice continues for me

"What about the spitting in his face part?" Miss Jenkins ask "That never happened" Shanice shakes her head and I stare at her shocked "Miss this is complete bullshit" He yells "Caleb you have detention after school for lying and harassing Miss Vanderwall" She glares at him "What?" Caleb yells "And I will also be calling your parents to talk about further punshiments" Caleb glares at me "I hate you Amanda" He yells at me "Please take your belongings and leave my classroom" She raises her voice at him.

Caleb does as he is told and leaves the classroom "I need to talk to you after class" Miss Jenkins smiles at me "Okay" I nod. Shanice sits next to me "I swear to god I'm gonna kill Taylor" Shanice says as she unpacks her things from her backpack "I'm right behind you girl" I high five her "I knew that bitch had problems but I honestly didn't think she was this sick in the head" Shanice says annoyed "Everyone silence" Miss Jenkins raises her voice at the class who is talking whilst unpacking their things from their backpacks, everyone becomes silence at her second demand for them to be silent just so she can start her lesson.

The lesson goes by really well, we were given homeworks like always and it's due on Monday next week. I get up to pack my things "You free this Saturday?" Shanice asks me "Yes I am, what are we doing on Saturday?" I ask her "We can chill out at my place although I hope you don't mind my annoying older brother" Shanice laughs "What time should I be there?" I ask her "2:30pm" Shanice writes her address on a piece of paper and hands it to me "That's my address" She smiles at me "It ain't that far from where I live" I smile at her "Then it should be a piece of cake to get to my place" Shanice winks at me.

I walk over to Miss Jenkins "what are you doing?" Shanice asks me "Miss Jenkins wants to talk to me" I inform her "Okay, well you know where to find me then" She waves at me as she walks out the classroom, I wave at her back "You needed to talk to me?" I announce my presents to Miss Jenkins, she looks up at me from her computer and flashes me a smile "Yes, please take a seat" I grab a chair and park it opposite of Miss Jenkins "I heard some nasty rumors about you coming from Miss Dawson about you nearly getting raped, is that true? Did you nearly get raped?" She asks me with concerned and I look down, I nod "I am so sorry, would you like to talk about?" She asks me softly.

I look up at her and nod "I went to this party with my friends and I met this guy name Bryce" I sigh "Go on" She smiles at me as she now writes down everything I'm saying on her notepad "I thought he was a good guy, he even seemed like a sweet guy at first but his intentions with me was to only do it and never talk to me again. Shanice had told me what he did to this girl Rebecca" My eyes burn with tears as I talk about that night. Miss Jenkins grabs a tissue box and allows me to grab a tissue. I grab a tissue from the box and wipe my tears with it "He ordered me a few drinks, non-alcoholic drinks to be exact and we ended up talking for nearly the whole night" Miss Jenkins nods for me to go on

"He started to touch me, at first I liked it until he forced me on my feet and dragged me to this room" I wipe away more tears "I was so scared so I pushed him off me and grabbed the closest thing I can find and hit him over the head with it, I run out of the bedroom and saw Marshall and Shanice walk towards me. They looked panicked" I finish what happened by telling her I stayed over Shanice "I am so sorry this happened to you" Miss Jenkins sighs "Did you happen to get his age and last name? It's important that you have gotten that piece of information so we can report him to the police since this is a serious crime" Miss Jenkins sounds stern

"No I didn't catch his last name" I'm so ashamed about not asking him for his last name "What about age?" She asks me "He looked like he was in his early 20's" I tell her and she nods "Well with very little details about him I cannot report him to the police" I sigh "But what I can advise you to do is to revisit where you met him and see if he is there. If he is there try getting one of your friends to talk with him and make sure to get his last name and age so we know who we must arrest" Miss Jenkins says

"Once we have made the arrest you can decide whether to press charges or not, if you choose to press charges we'll take this to trial and if he is found guilty he will be convicted for sexual assault and will be locked away for" Miss Jenkins pauses to think about how long he'll be locked away for "Around 48 months if court rules that or he'll be fined with $10.000" Miss Jenkins pulls the drawer open and grabs a flyer "Because of what has happened to you, I request that you go to Simon Pierce; the schools counselor to talk about what has happened to you during the club. I'm sure he will help you" She passes the school counselor flyer

"He is free on lunch times for half an hour to an hour depending on however long you want the session to be and he is available after school for an hour" Miss Jenkins smiles at me "Do I need to make an appointment with him?" I ask her "All the information you need about our counselor is on the flyer" She points at the flyer "I don't know if I should" I sigh "Let me tell you something" Miss Jenkins gets up from her chair and kneels down to me "I know that you will feel uncomfortable talking about this to someone you barely know but it will help a lot, please consider this because if you keep it inside you will only hurt yourself and it'll drive you insane" I nod and she gets up. I follow suit and put the flyer away in my bag "Thank you for speaking to me about what happened, I know it was hard for you but I am glad you did" Miss Jenkins smiles at me "Thank you for letting me talk about it" I smile at her

"You're welcome" She says as she sits down around her desk "Have a good evening Amanda and remember I am always here if you ever need me" She smiles at me "Thank you, Miss Jenkins, have a good evening" I walk to the door and she waves at me, I wave at her back. I hear her typing on the computer as I walk out the classroom. Talking about this made me feel better because now I feel a little more free as for talking to Simon I'll have to think about that but I'm sure he'll help me with my situation.

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