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"I hate him," was all I could say as I shook my head. I know I've repeated this a million times since Chris and I been together. We were on his couch trying to catch up with each other, but it's been more so of me venting as he rubbed my feet listening to my drama.
"Like I real deal hate him Chris. It's enough I have to explain to our children we're not going to be together anymore and now I have to add that there's a possibility they'll have a new sibling. What kind of shit is that? How the hell could he be so reckless?"
"Baby relax. You don't need to be stressing yourself out like this. We're just going to take it one day at a time okay," he asked as he raised up from the couch making sure to place my leg down lightly. I watched as he went to my purse to grab out the medication I had to take before I went to sleep. He winked at me before he disappeared to the kitchen to grab me a glass of water.
"Right now I want you to take this so you can rest. I'm taking off tomorrow so I can spend my day with you."
"Awww, Chris you don't have to do that. I know you have a lot going on."
"Raya shut up and take that medicine," he waited for me to swallow these thick ass pills before he kissed me sweetly. "I don't care what I have going on, I'm still going to find time to be here when you need me to."
"See that's what I'm talking about. Big dick energy daddy," I swung my arms around trying to be "ratchet".
"I missed yo little crazy ass," he laughed before getting serious again. "It's so good to have you back bae."


"No, I still want the grand opening to remain the day we decided it to be on. Trust me, me and this boot will be there," Raya said. She was on the phone with Dorinda trying to get back on top of things on her end. I used this as a time to admire the woman I had in front of me. She was the most glowing shade of brown with the roundest dark brown eyes, and don't get me started on them plump ass lips. The shit she can do with them make a nigga wanna marry her right now. She isn't mine officially, but she got your boy feeling like the proudest guy around.
"Can you stop staring at me creepy ass nigga," she asked me as soon as she got off the phone.
"Ain't nobody looking at your ugly ass," I lied. She rolled her eyes smirking as she continued to write whatever she was writing in her planner. I walked over to her and peeped over her shoulder so I could see what she had up.
"Damn you creepy and nosy. Sir can I please do my business in peace?"
"No," I answered matter of factly. I decided to poke at her arm to entertain myself. She ignored it for a while until she stopped writing completely to give me a stank face.

"Stop. You're being annoying. Go find you something to do."
"I'm doing it," I told her placing kisses on the side of cheek. "We ain't seen each other in three weeks and four days. You about to show me some attention woman."
"You been counting, counting," she asked amused.
"Every single day. I missed my baby."
"I missed you too boo." She grabbed my face placing a kiss on my lips. Hers, were so soft. It made me feel like I made contact with pillows. Originally, the kiss started off innocent, but it didn't take too long for the energy to escalate. My lust hungered for her as I began to touch her body with need. I made sure to be gentle in the spots I knew she felt pain at. She began to moan in my mouth as I squeezed on her right nipple, a.k.a my favorite titty.
"Babbbyy," she whimpered when my hand made contact with her clit from the outside of the yoga pants she had on. You could feel the heat from that area alone.
"That lul pwussy on fire," I whispered in her ear. She immediately busted out in laughter.
"I fucking hate you," she hit my chest still laughing pretending to push me away. I knew I switched up the mood but I had to say it. "Stupid punk!"
"Yeaa yeaaah. You can't get enough of me."
"You're right sir I really can't and that shit is so crazy to me. I'm in the middle of the divorce and already can't keep my mind off you," she admitted pecking me on my lips once again. I was about to put my hands in her pants for real this time, but the doorbell rang. I sighed rolling my eyes to the back of my head.
"Hold that thought," I told her before getting up. As soon as I opened the door, there stood my mama with a big, country ass smile on her face and about 3 suitcases.
"Hey my angel," she pulled me in for a hug and planted a huge kiss on the side of my face. When my mom saw my unenthusiastic expression she placed her hand on her hip while shifting her weight on one leg. "You act like you ain't happy to see your mama?"
"It's not that ma, it's just so unexpected. What are you doing here?"
"I told you I was going to get my house remodeled. I would've stayed at a hotel, but who wants to spend money when they have a son with a whole mansion? Not I! Now get my bags boy and move out my way." She pushed me over rather hardly as she placed this heavy ass duffle bag in my hands, damn near making my knees buckle. Note to self, stop skipping leg day.
"Ma, hold up," I yelled but it was too late her fast walking ass was already down the hall. Once I dragged all of her suitcases in I sprinted over to the living room. I could only imagine how awkward Raya must was feeling right now. To my surprise though all I could hear was laughter echoing around.

"Now listen baby, it's going to take some getting used to but you'll be able to manage real soon," my mama told Raya. She had her sitting on the couch with her leg propped up on my coffee table with pillows underneath. My mom was a retired nurse so any time she had an opportunity to use her medical knowledge she took it.
"Chris why the hell you don't have this girl set up comfortably. You know she needs to be elevated."
"She was working. I've been taking care of her," I defended myself. Mama rolled her eyes, then straightened up the pillows on the loveseat.
"Excuse my son Raya. His mama taught him the right things to do and he still does his own stuff. Have y'all ate yet?"
"No ma'am," Raya answered sweetly. That made mama's dramatic ass throw her hands up shaking them as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Lord have mercy, it's a good thing I came when I did because this place is going underwater. Let me go see what I can whip up. Now Raya you do eat real food right? With that body you got I'm just assuming you live off of a grass and protein shakes?"
That comment made Raya and I both burst out in fits of laughter.
"Aye, don't let her fool you mama. This one can eat! She'll eat your plate, my plate, hers, and STILL have room for dessert."
"Don't do me like that now," Raya laughed again. "But yes Mrs. Brown I can definitely eat."
"You my kind of girl then honey. And just call me Mama J. You ain't gotta be formal with me. Well alright kids let me slave in this kitchen right fast."
A couple of hours later mama presented us with a spread of french toast, eggs, bacon, waffles, salmon, grits, and fruit. I don't know why this crazy woman made all of that for just us 3, but was I surprised? No. My mom could never just cook decent amount sized portions of food. You either were going to get a thanksgiving meal or nothing at all. It was no in betweens.
"Wow, that looks so good," Raya eyed the food on the table from where she was sitting.
"Come over here so you can see how good it tastes," mom told her. "Chris help her over here."
The plates were already set at the table for us.
"Okay, you guys dig in," mama prompted with an expecting smile on her. Raya didn't hesitate to pile her plate up and neither did I. My mama's cooking has to be one of the biggest reasons I miss staying with her. Hopefully, Raya can start whipping up a lil some some for ya boy. In due time though.
"Mmm mmmmm," Raya's eyes were closed shut as she shook her head back and forth. "Dang Mama J can you be my mama too?"
Mama giggled turning red. I know this woman wasn't blushing right now. "Aww, stop it! If you think that's something I hope you stay for dinner tonight."
"Ooh dinner? I can't wait!"
"You alright with me little girl. Chris, you finally did good," mom squeezed my cheeks.
"Chill out ma," I frowned trying to act like I  was mad. She dismissed me with a wave of her hand.
"Whatever boy," she went back to her own plate not paying me any mind. We spent the rest of the morning just talking, enjoying each other's company. Raya and mom got to know each other a little better, which made me a little happy on the inside. Safe to say, those two have hit it off rather nicely. The stars are aligning one by one and I couldn't be more grateful.

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