Chapter Fifty Four

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Upstate New York, 2023, same time

The blast from the space ship started to rain down upon the battlefield, flinging Wanda and Alex away from the giant as they tried to shield themselves. Alex took a few deep gasp of air before regaining her strength and flying away to find the gauntlet.

"I got this. I got this! Okay, I don't got this. Help! Somebody, help!" Alex heard a young voice that she was vaguely familiar with scream out before making her ways towards it.

"Hey, Queens, heads up." She heard Steve call out before throwing Mjolnir into the teen to latch onto. Peter shoots a web and glides along, only for it to get cut by a blast and Pepper catch him.

"Hang on. I got you, kid." She says before dropping him on Valkyrie's Pegasus. Alex throws her magic out, creating a path for the winged horse to fly through.

"Hey! Nice to meet you– OH, MY GOD!" Spiderman screams out as Valkyrie flies around, narrowly avoiding being hit by blast.

Another cannon fire knocks Peter off the Pegasus. Alex lands down beside the teenager that lay amongst the rubble, clutching the gauntlet close to his body.

"Are you okay?" She questions, kneeling down beside him. Her powers seemingly worked on their own as they attacked any threat nearby while also shielding the two from the blast.

"What the hell is this?" Sam asked through the comms as the weapons on the ship stopped firing at the battlefield and up at the sky.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., what are they firing at?" Tony asked his AI system.

"Something just entered the upper atmosphere." The voice replied before a bright yellow light flies down towards the space ship, tearing through it resulting in an explosion and the ship crash-landing in the lake below.

"That was awesome." The teenager replied as they watched Carol flying through the air.

"Danvers, we need an assist here." Steve stated before the woman landed before the teen and blonde Avenger.

"Hi. I'm– Peter Parker." He introduced as he continued to hug the gauntlet close.

"Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" Carol asked as Alex helped Peter to his feet.

"I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that." Peter states before handing the gauntlet off.

"Don't worry." Wanda answers as she lands beside the three.

"She's got help." Alex continued as Okoye, Pepper, Valkyrie, Mantis, Shuri, Hope, Gamora and Nebula start walking forward with her.

Thanos' army charges while the women help Carol get through the army of aliens. The women start fighting the army as Alex flies up to take out some of the bigger aliens with Wanda and Valykrie. The blonde haired woman pushes her magic to thrust her as fast as it can go when she sees Carol soaring past her. Thanos, seeing this, starts running to Carol Danvers, but is stopped by Pepper, Shuri and The Wasp, who blast him backwards. The titan, after seeing Carol fly past him once more, throws his double sword at the van, destroying it and the quantum realm tunnel, throwing Carol backwards and losing her grip on the Gauntlet, which falls to the ground.

Alex quickly changes directions to go after the gauntlet, not wanting her power to weaken to the point where she is no help. She finally spots the gauntlet which Thanos and Tony are running towards. Thanos runs to get it, but Tony is quick to tackle him. Thanos rams his elbow into Tony's chin causing him to fly backwards. Alex lands in front of the gauntlet quickly shoving Thanos back with her magic as she stand protectively in front of it. Thor arrives seconds later with both his axe and his hammer, swinging both at Thanos. Alex send her magic at any aliens who make their way close to the group as Steve runs and jumps on Thanos' back to help Thor.

However, Thanos overpowers them and knocks them both out. With Alex distracted by the aliens surrounding them, Thanos shoves her out of the way and into a pile of rock. She groans from impact before going to assist Carol in removing the gauntlet from Thanos' hands. Carol keeps punching him, but Thanos grabs her by the arm and flings her away before flicking Alex away with his hand again.

Thanos puts on the gauntlet, gamma radiation from the stones eating at him as he tries to snap, but Alex and Carol arises again, trying to stop his fingers from colliding. Alex wraps her magic around the giants hand as Carol uses her strength to keep them apart. Thanos headbutts her, but it does nothing. Just as Carol is gaining the upper hand by rising up and forcing Thanos onto his knees, Thanos pulls the Power Stone out of the Gauntlet and uses it in his free hand to hit Carol away.

Alex, to focused on keeping the giant from snapping, misses the moment shared between Tony and Strange. Thanos puts the Power Stone back into the Gauntlet, yelling from the gamma radiation coursing through him, until Stark makes one last attack on Thanos, pulling on the Gauntlet before Thanos punches him away. Alex screams in pain at the amount of power around her as she is forced to her knees, letting her hold on Thanos go.

"I am– inevitable." Thanos spoke before snapping his fingers. Alex watched and waited in horror for something to happen. Thing only thing that happened was a small metallic "clink." He looks at the gauntlet in shock to see the Infinity Stones missing. Thanos and Alex look over at Tony who has the stones on his own gauntlet, the gamma radiation coursing through him, to both of their surprises.

"And I– am– Iron Man." Tony replied before snapping his fingers with a loud "CLANG" and a blinding flash of white.

"No." Alex simply states before pushing her magic out towards Tony, who still sat kneeled on the ground.

She screamed in agony as she absorbed all the power coming from the stones. The pain quickly subsided as she looked across the battlefield around her. A mixture of purple, green, blue, orange, yellow, red, and her own violet surrounded her as all the aliens turned to ash. Alex slowly turned away from Tony, the stones detaching from is gauntlet and obediently following after her.

All the colors of the stones swam through her eyes as she faced Thanos, who looked at her in horror and shock. Alex's magic flowed around her, slowly rising her up from the ground. She tilted her head to the side the smallest amount as she watched Thanos sit down in defeat.

"Who are you?" He questioned, still in shock.

"I'm Alex. No, I take that back." She corrected as she lowered herself to the ground in front of him. "I am Rogue and I am Power."

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