Chapter Fifty Six

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Upstate New York, 2023, five seconds later

"Where is he?" Was the first thing Alex heard as she returned back to the present with Natasha's hand still clutch in hers.

"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here." Bruce answered as he continued to look down as his computers. Alex glanced around at the small pad, noticing that Steve was nowhere to be seen on it.

"Well, get him back." Sam ordered as Bruce continued to type away.

"What's happening?" Natasha quietly asked Alex.

"I left with Steve." Alex answered. "He went to return the other five stones while I got you back.

"I'm trying." Bruce exclaimed as Alex and Natasha made their way off the platform.

"Get him the hell back!" Sam ordered again as he looked at Bruce.

"Hey, I said, I'm trying!" Bruce screamed out as he banged against his computer again.

"Sam..." Bucky called out from his spot away from the group. The four other adult looked in the direction the man was looking. On a bench down by the water sat an old man with greying hair. Sam and Bucky walked closer to the man while Alex and Natasha stayed close to Bruce.

"Bruce." Alex called out, gaining the giants attention. It was only then that Bruce noticed the red head that stood beside the blonde.

"Natasha." He breathed out, looking at the woman in shock.

"Hi, Bruce." She replied before the giant took her into a one armed hug. The red head gently hugged back, trying to avoid hitting his hurt arm causing Alex to make a mental note to it fix later. After the two broke their hug, Natasha excused her and Alex to go back up to Tony's cabin.


The walk back to the cabin was filled with the somewhat short and simple explanation of what had happened during the battle. Or as simple and short as Alex could make it.

"So you can control the stones?" Natasha asked, looking at her wife in amazement. She had known that the blonde was powerful but not to this extent.

"I think I can." Alex let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding in. The blonde sat down on the front steps of the Stark cabin, lightly pulling Natasha down with her. "I can use their power, I know that much. I just don't know the full extent of it. I didn't really get a lot of time to play with them."

Natasha just hummed in response as she laid her head against the taller woman's shoulder. Alex felt a smile slowly forming on her face as she wrapped her arms around the woman she had spent many years loving. They sat out on the wooden steps for what felt like hours, giving small greeting to anyone that passed.

"Mama!" The young voice of Dakota exclaimed from behind the couple as he ran towards them. The two women barely had time to brace for impact as the small five year old threw himself at his mothers. Alex and Natasha let out a few loud laughs as they grasped and tickled the small boy in their arms.

Bailey watched the small family quietly from the door. She didn't know why but it hurt seeing how close they were and the amount of love that clearly surrounded them. The young adult didn't say anything as she slowly turned around to enter the house but was stopped by purple wisp slamming the door shut.

"Where are you going?" Alex questioned as the wisp disappeared into the air.

Bailey didn't know how to answer as she opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. "Uh- I, uh-"

"Get over here, Little Monster." Alex waved the girl closer as Dakota moved into his red headed mothers lap. "You're part of this family, too, so don't go thinking otherwise."

"Plus, I do believe we have to introduce you to someone." Natasha spoke as Bailey sat down on the steps beside Alex. "Bailey, this is Dakota Raye Jordon-Romanoff."

"Bub, this is Bailey. She's your sister." Dakota only smiled brightly before jumping across his moms to hug the older woman.


The Jordan-Romanoff family had now moved into an apartment complex, not far from the original Avengers Tower. The four bedroom, three bathroom penthouse was lavishly decorated with many decorations from a high-end store that Pepper insisted on getting everything from. The blonde tried to tell the former Potts that she didn't need to decorate the new house that she had already forced Tony to buy the family but she was simply ignored.

"I've learned to just say okay to her when she gets like this." Tony had said as Pepper ordered the movers around, telling them what would go where and to be careful with some of the more breakable things.

After many thanks, and Pepper saying it was the least she could do, Alex had finally brought the rest of her family to the new house. She showed them through the main rooms quickly before leading them to their respective bedrooms. Dakota's was the first one they came across.

The boy's room was a dark shade of blue, with many space decorations on the walls. Dakota waisted no time in climbing up the ladder to his loft bed that was decorated to look like a planet. Under the loft bed was many box of toys, some of which Dakota had pick out while the others were curtesy of Tony's childish self.

Leaving the boy to play and explore his room, the three women moved down the hall to Baileys room. Opening the door they walked into a light grey room that was accented by many dusty rose decorations. In the center on the room sat a full sized bed covered in white fluffy blankets with a smaller pink throw blanket across the end. Bailey immediately upon seeing the room let out a loud squeal, running to jump on the fluffy bed. She then let out a series of giggles as she spread her arms across the bed.

The two older women shared a smile before they continued walking toward the room at the end of the hall that they would call theirs. Natasha's mouth opened in amazement as she looked around the large modern bed room. The king sized bed sat against the wall in the center with white and black covers across it. At the foot of the bed was a bench that sat flush against their bed. Across from the door was two sliding doors that opened to the bathroom and a walk in closet.

"Wow, this is beautiful." Natasha spoke after she took in the room.

Alex walked up behind the red head, wrapping her arms around the shorter woman's waist. "Not as beautiful as you."

Alex placed as short kiss on the woman's cheek before moving down her neck. Natasha let out a sigh in content as she turned around in the blondes hold. Leaning her head to the side to give Alex move access, she slowly brought one hand up to tangle in the blonde hair.

"We shouldn't be doing this right now." Natasha breathed out as Alex slowly backed her towards the bed. With a small flex of her magic, Alex sent purple wisps towards the door.

"Why? The door's locked, Kota is asleep and Bailey is to busy watching her TV. We have time." Natasha only hummed in response as her knees it the back of the bed causing her to bring Alex with her as she feel backwards. "What do you say to breaking in the new bed."

Natasha quickly grasped the blondes neck bring her back into a deep and passionate kiss. Their hands roamed over every possible surface of the other before they broke the kiss for much need air.

"I would love to."

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