Don't get excited...

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or do. I can't control you.

Anyway. As of the summer of 2022. I am finally starting the much-needed rewrite of Rogue. (yes this includes a recasting of Alex. I get it. you guys don't like dove cameron as her face claim. honestly neither do i anymore. maybe margot robbie is a better fit. she better be because that's who it is now.) In doing so I will be putting any projects that I have in the works, on hold. Which, if we're being honest, maybe a few. 

I am hoping to get the rewrite done before August when school starts back up and I have to focus on that so that I can pass my classes and get a degree. 

But, to keep you interested... here's a teaser list of others books I may or may not be working on. 

Eternals. yay!

Black Widow Movie. Whaaat? 

The Umbrella Academy. ooooo. 

some of those might be interesting. if you're into those sort of things?

As always, I'm open to suggestions. you can comment some book ideas or characters you would like to see. 

Rogue (Under Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now