Chapter Forty Four

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New York, 2023, the next morning

"Come on, I feel like I'm the only one eating." Bruce states as he pushes some eggs towards Alex and Scott. "Try some of that. Have some eggs."

"I'm so confused." Scott confesses as he looks Bruce up and down. Bruce sat at the end of the table in a mixture of him and his hulk form.

"These are confusing times." The green giant answered seriously.

"Right. No, no, that's not what I meant."

"No, I get it. I'm kidding!" Bruce laughed as he lightly threw his arms out. "I know. It's crazy. I'm wearing shirts now."

"Yeah! Wh...How? Why?" Scott questioned, still confused.

"Five years ago, we got our asses beaten. Except it was worse for me. Because I lost twice. First, Hulk lost, then Banner lost. Then, we all lost." Bruce explained as he looked down at the group.

"No one blamed you, Bruce." Natasha stated.

"It was a collective doing." Alex continued.

"I did. For years, I've been treating the Hulk like he's some kind of disease, something to get rid of. But then I started looking at him as the cure. Eighteen months in a gamma lab. I put the brains and the brawn together. And now look at me. Best of both worlds..." Bruce furthered explained before three kids walked up to him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hulk?" The girl quietly questioned with a growing smile.


"Can we get a photo?" She held up the phone in her hand to show Bruce.

"100%, little person. Come on, step up." Bruce grabbed the phone before holding it out to Scott. "You mind?"

"Oh, yeah." He agreed as he took the phone. Alex moved to stand out of the way as Scott prepared to take the picture.

"Thanks. Say 'green'!" The children and Bruce said Green as Scott took the photo.

"Did you get that?" Bruce asked.

"Did you wanna grab one with me? I'm Ant-Man." Scott asked the kids as he leaned forward to hand them back the phone. The kids look at each other awkwardly before Scott speaks again. "They're Hulk fans, they don't know Ant-Man. Nobody does."

"Wait, no, no, he feels bad. No, he wants you to...he wants to...You want to take a picture with him, right?" Bruce asked one of the kids but is met with him vigorously shaking his head.

"Stranger Danger." The boy muttered through a smile.

"He's even saying no he doesn't. I get it. I don't want it either." Scott protested as he tried handing the kids their phone back.

"But, come on, the kid! But he...but you..." Bruce continued.

"I don't want a picture with them." Scott stated as he shoved the phone past Alex and to the kids.

"He's gonna feel bad." Bruce said to the kids before turning to Scott. "Sorry. They said they'd do it."

"I don't want it anymore." Scott explained as Alex took the phone from Scott.

"No, feel bad."

"Just take the phone." Alex said as she handed it to the girl, who warily took it. "He'll get over it."

"Thank you, Mr. Hulk." They smiled before turning away.

"No, it's great kids. Thank you very much." He thanked before speaking at the same time with the kids. "Hulk out!"

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