Chapter Seventeen

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Washington D.C., 2014, minutes before leaving for Triskelion

"You don't have to go, you know," Natasha spoke from behind Alex who was looking at the pair of clothes she hadn't seen in two years.

"I do. It's just, the last time I put this on I tried killing Steve," Alex said holding the shirt in her hands.

"And me," Natasha added with a laugh.

"No, I never planned on killing you. Truth is I had already fallen for you," Alex confessed before she could stop herself. Her back stiffened as she realized what she had said before turning to face the redhead.

Natasha didn't say anything as she walked forward. She stopped a few inches in front of Alex, having a silent debate on what to do next. Natasha leaned closer, standing on her tiptoes, and grabbed the back of Alex's neck. She paused before gently touching their lips together. Alex lightly kissed back as she placed her hands on the shorter girl's waist.

"Yes," A voice squealed forcing the two girls to jump apart. They looked in the direction of the squeal to find a blushing Bailey with her hands together. Bailey laughed before running out of the room, leaving the two girls alone.

"Come back to me. Safely," Natasha said before walking towards the door.

"Always," Alex replied smirking. She quickly got dressed and went to meet Steve, Sam, and Maria.

They exited the base and started walking through the forest. They paused in a clearing to look at the Triskelion in the distance before walking again. The four walked in silence through the trees as they prepared themselves for battle.


Steve, Alex, Sam, and Maria stood behind a closed-door waiting for someone to come open it to look at the dish. Sam and Maria have their guns out and are ready to aim at the person who opened the door. Steve and Alex made a move to walk forward into the room.

"Excuse us," Steve politely said as the man moved out of his way. Alex walked ahead of him, throwing a man out of his chair so Steve could use the intercom. She then moved to stand on a table and pulled out her own gun.

"Make a move to stop us and I won't hesitate to shoot," She commanded as she pointed her gun around the room. She gave a nod to Steve so he could start his speech.

"Attention, all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by Hydra. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The Strike and Insight crew are Hydra as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, Hydra will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

"Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head," Sam asked with a smirk.

Steve and Sam move out of the room to get into their positions. A couple of minutes pass and Alex had gotten all of the agents out of the room and into another so they didn't have to watch them. Alex moves towards the window to look out when Maria spoke up.

"They're initiating launch," She said to Steve and Sam through the earpieces they had. Alex watched as Sam took off in his Falcon suit as gunshots were being fired at him. Alex was the backup in case they needed it, otherwise, she was to help Maria.

"Falcon, status," Alex asked through the earpiece.

"Engaging," He replied before talking to Steve. Alex was quiet for a minute while Sam fought off the bad guys before giving Steve a warning.

"Eight minutes, Steve."

"I'm working on it," He answered. He was silent for a few minutes before speaking up again. "Alpha locked."

Alex looked at Maria who gave a nod before speaking to Sam.

"Falcon, where are you now," She asked.

"I had to take a detour! Oh, yeah! I'm in. Bravo locked," He informed.

"Two down, one to go," Maria spoke as Alex looked out the window again. Alex turned away from the window when Maria called her over to the computer. She pointed to the two Hydra agents making their way to the door. "Charlie Carrier's forty-five degrees off the port bow."

Alex walked toward the door and pulled out her gun just as the door busted open. She wasted no time shooting both men in the head before walking back to the computer.

"Six minutes," Maria spoke.

"Hey, Alex, I'm going to need a ride," Steve said through deep breaths.

"Got it. Let me know when," She said moving over to the window.

"Just did," He said as he jumped off the helicarrier.

"Jesus Christ, Steve," Alex muttered as she materialized to Steve, quickly grabbing him and materializing to the last helicarrier. Sam was there to meet them when they arrived. "You know, you're a lot heavier than you look."

"I had a big breakfast," Steve said as they walked inside. Steve was suddenly pushed over the side from the shove the Winter Soldier had given him.

"Steve," Sam yelled as he tried going after Steve but the Soldier was quicker, grabbing his wing and throwing him back.

Alex quickly pulled out her gun and started firing but he just blocked them with his arm. Sam starts shooting at the Soldier as Alex ducked behind some crates to reload. The Soldier shot a grappling hook at Sam's wing before yanking on it, tearing the wing off. He then kicks Sam's wind causing him to free fall.

"Cap? Cap, come in. Are you okay," Sam asks letting Alex know he's okay.

She didn't wait for Steve's reply as she started to attack the Soldier. She ran and jumped on his back trying to get him in a chokehold but he grabbed her arm and threw her over him. She landed in a squat before standing up to face the Soldier.

"Ты выбрал не ту сторону, Роуг." (You chose the wrong side, Rogue.)

"Нет, я выбираю правильную сторону. Вы бы тоже, если бы они не разрушили ваш разум." (No, I choose the right side. You would too if they had not destroyed your mind.) Alex ran up to him again but was thrown aside like a rag doll. She watched from her place on the ground as he made his way to Steve.

"Falcon," Maria spoke getting Alex's attention.


"Rumlow's headed for the Council," She informed.

"I'm on it," Sam said as he went quiet.

"I'm on my way to the Council," Alex grunted as she stood up.

Sam looked at her in concern as her face twisted in pain. "You okay, Alex?"

"Never been better," She muttered before materializing to the room the Council was in.

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