Chapter Twenty One

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New York, 2015, three days later

"Move aside boys," Alex said as she hits the cue ball making a solid color ball go it. This was the third round Steve, Sam, and Alex had played.

"How does she does this?" Sam asked in disbelief as she shoot two more balls in before missing.

"I'm a trained assassin, Sam. I have impeccable aim." She says he misses his shot. She bends down and hits the cue ball at a solid yellow ball. The ball rolls forward at an angle, knocking the eight ball towards a pocket.

"Yes!" Sam and Steve cry out when they see the ball going towards the pocket. They do a quick hug and Alex takes this as her chance to throw her magic at the ball causing it to go in the complete opposite direction.

"Your turn, Steve," Alex informed, breaking them from their hug.

"What? No, you lost."

"No, I didn't," Alex stated as she pointed to the eight ball.

"What? How did it get over there," Sam asked in disbelief.

"You cheated," Steve accused.

"I did not. Are you going to play your turn or continue to whine?" Alex gave them a smirk before Steve took his shot.

"Ha ha." Alex laughed as the eight ball rolled into a pocket. The boys sighed as Alex started dancing around the table.

"Another round?" Sam asked, refusing to take the loss.

"No, I better go talk to some other people but you two have fun practicing," Alex stated as she put her stick on the rack.

She wandered through the party talking to different people, most of which she didn't know. She made her through the crowd when she saw Natasha at the bar making a drink. She made her way over, taking a seat, not removing her eyes from the redhead.

"How did a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?" Alex leaned her forearms on the counter.

"Gal done me wrong," Natasha answered playing along.

"You got a lousy taste in women, kid."

"She's not so bad. Well, she has a little temper. Deep down she's all fluff. Fact is, she's not like anybody I've ever known. All my friends are fighters. I thought that I would want someone who doesn't run head first into danger but here comes this girl, who's an amazing fighter, dragging danger by its ear." Natasha explained.

"Sounds amazing," Alex whispered.

"She's also a huge cuddlier. Chicks dig that." Natasha said as she took a sip from her drink. "So what do you think should I fight this, or run with it?"

"Run with it, right? Or, did she...was she...? What did she do that was so wrong to you?" Alex seemed to stutter over her words.

"Not a damn thing. But never say never," Natasha says as she grabs her drink and walks away.

"It's nice," Steve said as he walked up beside Alex and grabbed a beer from behind the bar.

"What is," Alex asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You and Romanoff. She seems very relaxed with you." He smiled.

"No, Natasha, she...likes to flirt," Alex explained.

"I've seen her flirt, up close. This ain't that. Look, as maybe the world's leading authority on "waiting too long", don't. You both deserve a win," Steve said before he walked off into the party.

"Wait, what do you mean, "up close"," Alex asked with a tinge of jealousy. She walked behind the bar, grabbing a shot glass and downing a shot of the first bottle she saw.

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