Chapter Nine

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Washington D.C., 2014, midday

Alex and Bailey were currently walking down the streets of Washington when they saw multiple police cars run into a black SUV. Men in black uniforms exited black vans and started shooting at the car. The people around them screamed in terror as an explosion went off near the SUV.

"Can I trust you to get back to the apartment," Alex asked as her eyes followed the SUV and multiple police cars.

"Yeah, what are you going to do," Bailey questioned back as she looked at Alex, concern lacing her features.

"Something stupid," Alex said before running off towards where the car went.

"Alex," Bailey screamed after the blonde.

"Get back to the house," Alex instructed before she got out of earshot.

Bailey muttered to herself before running off to their apartment. "She's going to kill herself."

Alex had followed the trail of destruction to find the SUV being followed by multiple police. She materialized herself into one of the police cars and shot both men in it. She did the same to another car making it crash before materializing into the SUV.

"Get me off the grid!" The man she knew as Director Fury shouted.

"Calculating route to secure location." The AI in the vehicle stated before going quiet3.

"Who are you?" The man asked when he saw Alex.

"Alex. I'm a friendly. Got two of those cars off your tail." Alex explained.

"Right." Fury said before turning his attention to the road. Both people in the car squinted their eyes to look through the bullet-infested windshield when they saw a man clad in all black.

The man held up a gun and fired a disk from it. The disk flew across the road before attaching itself to the bottom of the vehicle. Moments later the SUV exploded in flames and flipped on its top. The car skidded across the road before slowing to a stop. Alex heard Fury groan as she shook her head.

"Come on. We got to get out here." Alex said as she grabbed his arm. He quickly pulled his arm out of her grasp.

"Do not touch me. I don't know you. You could be with them for all I know." Fury said as he pulled a small device out and it lit up blue.

"Do you really think that I would put myself in a car wreck if I was with them? Look if we don't get out now that man walking towards us is going to kill us. Are you coming or not?" Alex explained holding out her hand. Fury stared at it for a second before grabbing it, letting Alex materialize them both out of the wreck.

Alex and Fury appeared in her apartment moments later, scaring Bailey who sat on the couch. The girl screamed out before jumping up on the couch. Alex motioned for her to move.

"Move. Sit here and I'll fix up your arm." Alex instructed as she ran to her room before returning with a medical kit. "Let me see it."

Fury hesitantly moved his arm closer to her. He watched her closely as she wrapped his arm, similar to that of a professional. He noticed Bailey standing behind Alex with her arms crossed as she fixed his arm.

"Don't worry, she won't kill you. She hasn't killed me. She told me those days were over after she tried to kill-" Bailey cut herself off when she noticed the glare that Alex was giving her. "I'm going to go to my room."

"Yeah I think that's best." Alex said, still glaring at the girl. "Sorry about her. She starts ranting when she is in an awkward situation."

"She said that your killing days were over, who are you?" Fury asked, taking his arm back when Alex had finished wrapping it.

"My name is Alexandria Jordon. I used to be a weapon used to kill people. I was sent to New York on a mission. On said mission, I made mistakes. Got friendly with people I shouldn't have. Now I'm here trying my best to stay off their radar." Fury wasted no time reaching for his gun. Alex held her hands up showing that she meant no harm.

"What is your purpose in bringing me here?"

"To fix your arm. Look, I've been on the run for two years. I don't want to go back, I don't want to have that life anymore." Alex explained.

"What changed your mind?" Fury asked lowering the gun but not putting it away.

"Would you believe it was that girl in there?" Alex gave a small smile as she motioned to the door that led to Bailey's room. "She somehow managed to single-handedly break everything I was for and make me believe in everything I was raised against."

Fury gave a nod and put his gun away. "You mind if I stay here for a couple hours. It'll just be until dark then I'm out of your hair."

"Yeah, of course," Alex answered, walking towards the kitchen. "Stay as long as you need. Come back if you need to. Just tell me where I'm dropping you off when night falls."

"You don't need to take me anywhere," Fury said, sitting back on the couch.

"Are you just going to walk to the place you need to go after what just happened? I'll take you, it's no problem," Alex insisted.

"Well I was planning on going to see an old friend of mine," Fury stated.

"Well, I'll leave you to relax," Alex said, facing Fury. "Food is in the kitchen. Remotes over there. If you need anything, don't ask me."

She entered her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. What had she gotten herself into? She had been so good at keeping a low profile up until now. She moved every few months, kept quiet, and was friendly with the people around her. Yet, here she was with the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D in her living room after being involved in a high-speed car chase and shootout. She sat on her bed for a minute taking in what had just happened. The last thought on her mind before she laid back on her bed was:

This is going to be a long day.

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