Chapter Thirty Three

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Upstate New York, 2016, that night

26 missed calls and 55 text messages later, Alex was partially convinced that Natasha had given up on trying to get in contact with her. Alex has been hiding out in the compound for the past couple of hours, trying to let things cool down. She was a wanted criminal and her future wife was on the side that was trying to bring her in. If she had known that helping Steve would have ended like this she probably would have said no.

She now sat in the middle of the empty gym floor thinking, contemplating, her next move. She couldn't stay here forever, Tony would come back and try to lock her up with the others. She could run again but that would mean leaving Natasha and Bailey behind. This was the first time that Alex was truly stumped on her next move.

"I thought you retired," Alex spoke into the darkness.

"Yeah, well. I couldn't stay away forever." Clint answered as he walked out of the shadows. "Thought you did too before I saw the news."

"You here to visit or help Steve?"

"Both but Steve is what I'm mainly here for. He wants Wanda to help and possibly you." Clint informed as he sat down beside her.

"I told Steve I was done after helping him with Barnes." Alex glanced at Clint before looking back out into the darkness.

"He told me you would say that. He also told me to not push you," Clint said as he stood up. Alex didn't look at him as he started to walk away. "Oh, almost forgot. Call Tasha, she's worried."

"I figured. I got almost 30 missed calls," Alex chuckled.

"So why didn't you answer?" Clint asked walking back over to her.

"I don't know. I was scared she would track me and I would be taken," Alex muttered, almost ashamed.

"Okay, I understand not answering her calls but you could have at least texted her," Clint shook his head. "If you plan on marrying her then you shouldn't hide from her and ignore her."

"Are you going to stay here and lecture me or are you going to go find Wanda," Alex questioned, trying to hide her annoyance.

"Alright, I'm done." Clint backed away with his hands up. "We'll be in Germany if you change your mind."

Though he had whispered it he knew Alex heard him. Alex continued to stare into the darkness only looking towards the door when Clint was fully gone. The Avengers were her first family, she couldn't just sit around and let them tear themselves apart. They were a family, they relied on each other, yet they were letting a packet of papers tear them apart. Alex would lose her mind if she sat back and watched while they destroyed the only family she had.

"Shit," She muttered to herself as she stood up and walked towards the locker room. She went to her area and opened her uniform closet.

She glanced over at the two uniforms in the closet before looking over at the dark dusty purple colored cloak. The cloak was staring at her from its place in the closet, practically calling her name. Alex slowly reached her hand towards the fabric and removed it from its hanger. She grabbed a white v-neck tank top, purple shorts, black thigh-high stockings, and her black booties before changing.


The next morning Alex was making her towards the parking garage that Steve and his team were meeting in. She watched from across the opening as Clint drove up in a van with Wanda and some other man. Alex had yet to make herself known and doubted that she would at this moment.

She watched as Clint and Wanda exist the van and talked with Steve, Sam, and Bucky. Clint moved towards the van, opened the door, and a man who looked like he just woke up stepped out. The man shook Steve's hand, longer than normal, and greeted everyone else. Alex continued to watch as a female German voice floated through the airport.

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