Chapter Forty Two

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Upstate New York, 2023, midday

"Dakota!" Alex yelled from the kitchen to the little boy in the living room. "Lunch is ready."

"Yay!" The little boy exclaimed as he came barreling into the kitchen.

Alex placed the sandwich and small bowl of macaroni in front of the boy, who was grinning from ear to ear. Dakota wasted no time before jumping into the food. Alex ruffled his hair, placing a gentle kiss on his head before moving to clean up. She gently removed the silver ring that sat on her left ring finger, placing it aside before turning the sink on. She scrubbed the dish with soap before rinsing them with warm water.

"Mom?" The boy questioned. "Why do you take your ring off to wash the dishes?"

"Because I don't want it to get messed up." Alex admitted as she turned the water off. "It's a very special ring that your Mama gave me."

"Why is it special?"

"Because it shows how much a I love her." A voice answered before Alex got the chance. Alex turned her head to face the red head before giving her a smile. The two shared a kiss before breaking away so Natasha could give Dakota one on the head.

Alex sat back in her chair to admire the woman she had come to love and cherish. Natasha's hair had grown out past her shoulder blades and was faded from her natural red to blonde. A small smile made its way onto Alex's face as she watched the green eyed woman move around the kitchen.

"You're starring." Dakota whispered as he leaned over to his mom. Alex glanced at the boy before giving a small chuckle.


"Okay, time for bed." Alex grunted as she picked the boy up and walked towards his room.

"Do I have to?" Dakota asked as Alex laid him on the bed and covered him with his blanket.

"Yes, Bub." Alex answered as she stroked the boys forehead. She gave him a gentle kiss on the head before reaching to turn the light off.

"Mom?" Alex paused. "Who's Bailey?"

"What?" Alex questioned as her breathing hitched.

"Who's Bailey?" He asked again as he got up to shuffle through his nightstand. "I found this picture."

Alex took the picture with delicate hands as she looked over it. The picture was one her and Bailey had taken after they moved back to New York. Bailey was holding the camera with a wide smile and Alex was leaning over her shoulder with a smaller smile. Alex smiled and let out a small laugh as she tried to rid herself of tears.

"Uh, Bailey was someone who, um," Alex coughed to clear her throat. "She was someone who was very dear to my heart."

"What happened to her?"

"She, um, well. She went away for awhile." Alex explained with a sniffle.

"When will she come back?"

"I don't think that she ever will, Bub." Alex explained as she stood up. She gently placed the picture in her pocket before turning the boys lights off. "Goodnight, Dakota."

"Night Mom." Alex heard the boy reply before she shut his door. She took a deep breathe before moving towards the kitchen-dining area of the compound.

"Yeah, we boarded that highly suspect warship Danvers pinged." Alex heard Rocket inform as she entered the room. Natasha stood making a sandwich as the holographic images floated. Nebula and Rocket together, then Okoye, Carol, and Rhodey all on their own.

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