Chapter Twenty Five

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South Korea, 2015, noon the next day

"Two minutes. Stay close." Steve instructed as he and Alex got off the jet. They walk inside the lab Steve runs over to a wounded Dr. Cho. "Dr. Cho!"

"He's uploading himself into the body," Helen says as Steve helped her sit up.

"Where," Alex questioned as she looked around the lab.

"The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark," She informed.

"First I have to find it," Steve said trying to help the woman with her wounds.

"Go," She said pushing Steve away.

"Did you guys copy that," Steve asked Clint and Natasha who were on the jet.

"We did," Clint confirmed.

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him," Natasha informed.

"There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver," Clint informed as Alex materialized them to the freeway.

"Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron," Steve said as he jumps onto the roof of the truck before sliding back to the door.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way," Steve said as he tried entering the back of the truck.

"You're not a match for him, Cap," Clint stated.

"Thanks, Barton," Ultron blasts Steve as he tries to enter the truck, but Steve manages to get back onto the truck's roof. "Little help Alex?"

"Of course," The girl answered before using her magic to fly to the truck.

"You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies you," Ultron says as he lands on the roof of the truck.

"I wouldn't call it a comfort," Steve answered before throwing his shield at the robot. Alex put up a force field blocking the beams that Ultron was firing at them.

"Stop it," Ultron ordered as he threw Steve's shield into the road.

Alex continued to fight the robot as Steve made his way back on the truck. Steve runs and jumps on Ultron's back as he knocks Alex over the side. She grabs the edge, holding on tight as Ultron holds Steve but his neck. She moved closer to the truck as his shield comes flying up beside her. She looks behind her at Natasha on her motorcycle before pushing off the truck and landing on the back of the motorcycle.

"Hey, babe," Alex said as she grabbed the girl's shoulders to steady herself. Alex made a ramp with her magic for Natasha to get over the piece of road that Ultron brought up. Natasha speed up some stairs trying to avoid the beams that the robot guards fired.

"Out of the way! Coming through! Sorry, coming through! Clint, can you draw out the guards," Natasha asked. As she drove through the walkways.

"Let's find out," Clint said before Alex heard shots through her earpiece.

"Beep beep," Natasha said to the people in her way.

"Heading back towards you. So whatever you're going to do, do it now," Clint informed as the guards went back towards the truck.

"I'm going in, Cap can you keep him occupied," Natasha said as she got closer to the truck.

"What do you think I've been doing," Steve said through heavy breaths. Alex pushes off the bike and used her magic to push her to the truck. She watched as Steve and Ultron fought on a train from the inside of the truck. She help Natasha onto the truck and they began to work. The truck shook before lifting off the ground. Alex quickly grabbed Natasha's hand as they started to slide out of the truck. Her other hand grabbed the strap that was holding the cradle down, keeping them both from falling out.

"The package is airborne. I have a clean shot," Clint informed.

"Negative. We are still in the truck," Alex answered.

"What the hell are you-"

"Just be ready, we're sending the package to you," Natasha said cutting him off.

"How do you want me to take it," Clint asked.

"Uhh, you might wish you hadn't asked that," Natasha answered as she began cutting the straps.

"Nat, we gotta go," Clint said trying to get the girl out of the truck. Nat starts pushing the cradle with Alex's help and it drops into the jet. Alex turns back to help Natasha get into the jet but her foot gets caught by Ultron and she's pulled away. Alex goes to help her but is shot with a beam.

"Nat! Cap, you see Nat," Clint asked frantically.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go," Steve ordered.

"Do you have eyes on Nat," Alex asked through her grunts.

"Go," Steve ordered and Clint reluctantly followed.


"Anything on Nat," Bruce asked as Tony walked into the lab. Alex was patching her wound in a chair as the two talked.

"Haven't heard. But she's alive, or Ultron'd be rubbing our faces in it," Tony answered.

"This is sealed tight," Clint informed after he jumped off the Cradle.

"We're going to need to access the program, break it down from within," Bruce stared.

"Hm. Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet, old school spy stuff," Tony asked.

"There are some nets I can cast. Yeah, alright. I'll find her," Clint says before walking off. Alex stood up with a grunt, holding her side and following after Clint. They made their way into a room filled with computers and radios under the lab and got to work.

"I tried to save her," Alex quietly spoke.

"You're too hard on yourself," Clint said as he moved to face her. "I know you tried to catch her. You were shot so you couldn't. Same thing with Bailey. You were immobilized so you couldn't save them. We will find them, both of them."

Alex didn't answer as Clint went back to searching through radio stations. She put on her own headset before starting her own search. It was quiet for the next fifteen or so minutes before static started coming from one of the radios. Alex and Clint both looked away from what they were doing as rhythmic taps came through. Alex wrote down the taps before handing them to Clint who typed them into a computer. They watched as the computer zoomed in before stopping and showing the base they had attacked earlier.

Alex noticed Steve and the twins walk into the lab before they started talking to Tony and Bruce. Alex hit Clint's arm to get his attention before pointing up through the glass. They watched as Pietro ran around unplugging the computers before stopping above the glass.

Alex smirked, grabbing her gun before aiming it in front of his face. She moved away from the fallen man as Clint put his foot on the boy's chest.

"Pietro!" She heard the female scream.

"What? You didn't see that coming," Clint smugly asked. Alex pushed herself through the now broken glass as Bruce took the girl in a chokehold.

"Go ahead, piss me off," Bruce growled in her ear before she pushed her magic through herself at Bruce. Alex aimed her gun at the girl's head who was backing up towards Alex. The girl froze when her head hit the barrel of the gun.

"Move. I dare you," Alex spoke before lighting struck the cradle and Thor appeared.

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