Chapter Thrity Seven

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Wakanda, 2018, moment later

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa questioned through the ear pieces they all had.

"We've barely begun, brother." Shuri answered as a delicate and intricate construction of gold light hovers at her eye level. As she manipulates it, the tools reproduce her commands on the Mind Stone itself.

"You might want to pick up the pace." He ordered back, his breathing heavy.

"Okay, you can let go now." Shuri told Alex, who wasted no time setting the pieces down and walking towards the window.

"There's too many. They're getting over powered." Alex stated as she stared out the window. "I have to go help them"

"Wait," Wanda grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. "Look."

Out the window and in the middle of the battle field was a beam of colorful life. An axe, followed by lighting, fly out from the beam and chop down some of the aliens. The axe circles back to its throwers hands and they walk out of the beam. Thor along with a tree and rabbit looking creature stand in the middle of the clearing.

The battle is paused for a moment as everyone takes in Thors arrival. The battle soon continues as Thor runs forward before summoning his lighting to thrust himself up. As he gets closer to the ground, he raises his axe and slams it into the ground. Lighting shoots out from where his axe met the ground, killing any alien close to him.

From Shuri's lab, a deep rumbling can be heard. Wanda slowly moves from her spot by Vision to stand by Alex and look down on the battlefield. The two females see movement through the blazing forest between the troopships and the dome. When the disturbance reaches the edge of the trees, it turns into vast moving mounds of earth that easily bypass the force field and emerge on the inside of the barrier.

Alex holds her breathe as big circular weapons with sharp spikes start rolling towards the city. She watches as some of their troops start retreating. Alex looks at Wanda with a knowing look before glancing at Vision.

"You got things handled up here?" Alex questions as she starts backing away from the window.

"Yeah." Wanda answered as she followed Alex with her eyes.

"You destroy that stone the moment it's free." Alex ordered as she faced the window.

With a final nod from Wanda, Alex took off running for the window. Right before she collided with the glass she materialized out side and thrusted her magic away from the lab. She pushed herself so she was in front of the Thresher. She pushed her magic harder when she noticed Natasha and T'Challa's warrior fighting off aliens in front of the weapon.

Alex landed in a crouch before quickly standing up and thrusting her magic at the Thresher. She lifted the machine, eyes glowing purple, before glancing over her shoulder to see more aliens charging at them from behind. She pulled her hands apart, throwing them back behind her and listening as the aliens were crushed.

"Why was she up there all this time?" The warrior asked as she flipped her staff. Alex payed her no mind as she rushed up to Natasha.

"Are you okay?" She questioned as she took in the woman that held her heart.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Natasha quickly assured before the three jumped back into battle.

Alex continued to thrust her magic at aliens, tearing them apart before moving onto a new group. She danced around the field like she was preforming a piece she had memorized for years. She killed the aliens with such precision that many would have thought she trained to kill them.

"Alex! They're coming for the stone!" Wanda's voice exclaimed through the ear piece.

"Hold them off. I'm on my way!" Alex responses before thrusting her magic up and away from the ground. She pushed herself to go faster but didn't get far before being tackled out of the sky.

The alien that had tackled her raised their sword before forcing it down towards her throat. She summoned her magic to hold back the sword from cutting her throat as the alien pushed harder. While the alien was distracted trying to force the sword down, Alex twisted her legs out to the right and wrapped them behind the alien. She then threw the alien to the left and swiftly made a move to stand up.

While she was standing up, the alien had managed to stand and re-grab its sword. The alien made the first move to strike and Alex dodged. Alex pushed her magic towards the alien, forcing them back. With the momentary distraction, Alex glanced back towards the lab only to see Vision falling out the window with another alien.

"You and your kind will pay for keeping to stone from Thanos." The alien stated as she raised her sword. Alex turned around to see the aliens sword inches from impelling her stomach. She took a deep breathe, preparing for the worst, before seeing the alien flying to the side from the force of an icicle. Alex glanced to her right to see Bailey throwing ice at aliens.

"Thanks." Alex shortly said to the girl.

"Yeah," Bailey said as she continued to throw ice. "Like you said, you're not dying on me today."

Alex have a small laugh before pushing herself up with her magic. She paused in the air, trying to take in where she was needed most before flying away.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here." Sam informed.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve yelled

"I got him!" Bruce exclaimed.

"On my way." Alex stated before she was once again tackled out of the air. She landed with a roll in a ditch that had been created.

"He'll die alone. As will you." The female aliens voice spoke as she hopped down into the ditch beside Alex. Alex groaned as the alien forced her to roll on her back.

"She's not alone." Alex almost cried in relief when she heard the calm voice of Natasha. The alien turned to face Natasha before glancing over at the warrior that stood opposite of her.

The alien leaps for Natasha, who has joined her sticks into a full staff. She blocks the aliens blow with an electrical crackle while T'Challa's warrior runs around the slope to also attack from the front. Alex takes this as her time to scoot away from the fight and catch her breathe.

She grabbed her side in pain as the three fighting women duck to avoid getting hit from a Thresher. The women continue fighting as Alex rolls on her side to stand up. She watched as Natasha was forced back into the ground by the alien who then tried to stab at Natasha's throat.

Alex's anger grew deep and the pain she had felt subsided. She raised to a standing position, eyes glowing a vibrant purple as she raised the alien, causing her to get hit by a Thresher. Alex sank back to the ground with a plop as her anger went away.

"That was really gross." Natasha mutter as she sat up on her elbows.

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