Chapter Thirty Two

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Vienna, 2016, during the Accord meeting

Alex and Bailey sat in a small cafe across the street from the building where the Accord meeting was being held in. They sat quietly, sipping their drinks and watching the news.

"At a special United Nations conference, 117 countries have come together to ratify the Sokovia Accords." The News anchorman continued to drone on about the meeting.

Alex tuned him out as she glanced at the busy street and the building. She counted the floors to the one that Natasha was on. She saw the faint figure of a man looking out the window before people started shouting on the streets.

"Stay here," Alex order the younger girl before standing up and walking out of the cafe. She hears people yelling to get back before a loud explosion goes off. She instinctively ducks and puts a force field up to protect as many people as possible. She coughs as the smoke spreads and looks at the damage that was caused.

She rushes forward, asking if people were okay along the way. She gets closer to the building seeing damage up passed the floor that Natasha was on. She pushed herself to materialize up to the floor. The destruction and devastation that coated the room was almost unbearable. Alex made her way through the destruction, helping people stand and directing them towards the stairs as she searched for the redhead. She found her crouched beneath a table with another woman and relief flooded through her. She let out a breath as she made her way to her.

"Natasha." Alex helped the girl stand and took her in a hug. Natasha buries her head in the girl's chest and lets the moment sink in. Alex reluctantly released Natasha and helped the other women up. She showed her the way to the stairs and turned back to Natasha.

"Xandria, I'm okay," Natasha informed when she saw Alex looking over her body for injuries.

"I know. I can't help but worry about you sometimes, Nattie. I can't have my future wife dying on me," Alex said as she wrapped her arms around Natasha once more.

"I would never imagine," Natasha answered. The two savored the moment before slightly breaking the hug to exit the building. Natasha wrapped one arm around Alex's waist while Alex put an arm around her shoulders. The two walked out of the building and to an ambulance to get Natasha checked out.

"You can't stay here," Natasha softly said.

"I know. I just had to make sure you're okay," Alex's voice was soft like she was talking to something fragile.

"I am."

"I know. I, uh, I should get back to Bailey. I'll see you back at the compound?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then." The two shared a quick kiss before Alex walked off to find Bailey.


"I need your help," A voice said immediately.

"Yeah, sure. Hello to you too, Steve," Alex sassed as she walked out of the cafe with Bailey.

"I need your help to find Bucky. I can't let anyone else get to him first." He informed.

"Yeah, I hear you." Alex stopped walking and looked around her, searching for anyone who could have been listening. "Listen I need to drop something off at the house first but I can be there in fifteen minutes."

"Good. Meet on the roof of the building a block from here. We're going to Bucharest." With that Steve hung up and Alex slipped the phone back into her back pocket.

"Who was that," Bailey asked as they started walking again.

"Steve. He needs my help," Alex answered as they walked further away from the commotion.

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