Chapter Fifteen

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Washington D.C., 2014, minutes later

The five were now in the car on their way to the Triskelion to probably do something stupid. Sam was driving, Steve was in the passenger seat, Sitwell was behind Sam, Natasha was in the middle and Alex was behind Steve. Alex didn't like being cramped in the back seat but she wasn't complaining because Natasha was uncharacteristically close to her.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell said leaning forward a little.

"So why don't you try sticking a cork in it," Sam answered.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here," Natasha informed the two men in the front.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly," Steve said giving the plan to the others.

"What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea," Sitwell tried to inform. He was cut short by a thud on the roof and a hand breaks the window, grabbing him and throwing him out into traffic.

Natasha and Alex look at the hand with the gun before Natasha jumps into Steve's lap. Alex puts a force field above her stopping the bullets. She was then launched forward as Steve pulled the brake handle making the Winter Soldier roll off the car. Alex was launched forward again when another car rammed into theirs. The Soldier jumped back onto the car, shoving his metal hand through the window before ripping the steering will out.

"Shit," Sam exclaimed looking up as Natasha started shooting at him through the roof, Alex followed shortly after. They stop when the Soldier jumps onto the car behind them. Their car starts drifting off the road so Steve grabs onto his door and grabs Sam.

"Hang on," He yelled as he pulled the three of them out. They slid across the road on the door before jumping up into action.

"Let's go. Time to move," Alex instructed as she ran over to them from the place she materialized to. The Soldier followed by many other Hydra agents started shooting at them as they ran for cover. The Soldier fires something at Steve which causes him to go flying over the edge of the freeway.

Alex and Natasha start firing at the agents as Sam takes cover behind another car. Natasha then jumps off into the other lane of traffic when a bomb is fired her way. She is slung over the edge of the freeway as another one is fired under a car she ran behind.

The Soldier, agents, and Alex had a brief sharing match before Alex gave them a brief nod. She had thought of a plan to get herself out of the situation so she could then save the others. It was a stupid plan to not go over with the others but it would save them all. Hopefully. She ran and jumped over the edge of the freeway, using her magic to soften her landing.

She stood beside Natasha as the fired up at the Soldier who was looking over for them. They ran behind another truck as the Soldier ducked behind the concrete wall. Natasha started firing at him as he shot down at where he thought the girls were. They started running down the road when both girls had run out of bullets.

"I just wanted to say. Anything that happens between now and when this is over, I'm sorry. It's a stupid plan but I think it will work in getting us out of this," Alex said between breaths as she and Natasha ran. She ignored the look the redhead gave her as she ran faster. She noticed Natasha stop behind a car and make a recording on her phone before hiding behind another car. She ran further down the road and hid in an alleyway.

She watched for the alleyway as an explosion went off and Natasha jumped on the Soldiers shoulders. They fought before he threw her off into a car. He went to pick up his gun and fire at her but Alex materialized behind him and drop-kicked him in the back. Natasha threw a shock disk at him before running away.

"Извини, солдат." (Sorry, Soldier.) Alex spoke in Russian before running off after Natasha.

"Get out of the way! Stay out of the way!" She heard Natasha yell before a gunshot is heard flying past her, planting itself into the redhead's shoulder. Alex ran faster to Natasha and drug her behind some cars.

"You okay," Alex asked as she applied pressure to her wound. Natasha just gave her a nod before holding her shoulder so Alex could go fight.

Alex runs toward the Soldier and put a force field in front of her to deflect the bullets. She was about to attack him when Steve beat her to it. The two fight as Alex tries to usher people off the streets. She goes back to the fight when she notices the Soldier's mask being knocked off.

"Bucky," Steve asks in confusion.

"Who the hell is Bucky," He asks as he raises his gun to shoot Steve. Steve makes no effort to move from the guns line of fire when Sam swoops in a kick Bucky. He tries to aim again when a grenade is launched at him.

All eyes glance at Natasha before looking to where the Soldier had been. They stayed quiet eyes not moving from the spot until black cars pulled up around them. Men in black uniforms exit from them swiftly, yelling at them to get on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Steve," Alex whispered before pulling her gun out and aiming it at his head.

"Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down! Get on your knees! Down," Rumlow yells at Steve— whose hands were up in surrender— as he kicked the back of his knees. Rumlow noticed the helicopters flying above him a gave Alex a warning. "Put the gun down. Not here. Not here, Rogue!"

Alex lowered her gun and help escort Steve to the vehicle he, Natasha, and Sam would be in. She sat down beside Steve with a straight, expressionless face as they began to move.

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