Chapter Three

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New York, 2012, later the same day

Alex had been sent off to the lab with the rest of the Avengers while Steve and Tony talked business. It had been Bruce who suggested going to the lab while they talked so he could continue some work. Alex had taken a seat by some microscopes while the other Avengers stood around slightly on guard. Her jacket was neatly laid across the back of the chair.

"So, how did you meet Steve?" Clint asked crossing his arms leaning against a table.

"I ran into him in the street about an hour ago because I wasn't paying attention," Alex explained looking towards Clint.

"You met an hour ago?" Bruce asked in slight disbelief.

"Yeah. My jacket isn't suitable for this weather so he invited me here to repay for his half of the accident."

"Why didn't you have a better jacket on when you knew it was going to be cold today?" Natasha questioned almost like she was interrogating Alex.

"I normally spend winter down south with my mom," Alex informed.

"Why aren't you down there now?" Natasha asked again.

"My mom is sick so I decided to stay home until she gets better," Alex answered with no hesitation. She knew her story and she knew it well. She wasn't going to let a paranoid ex-assassin ruin her mission.

"What did you say your last name was again?" Natasha asked moving over to a computer, most definitely trying to find some information on Alex.

"I didn't." Alex simply stated with a small fake smile. Her and Natasha were in the middle of a stare-off when Steve and Tony entered the room.

"Well looks like the BFFs are having a falling out," Tony stated looking between the two females. Alex was the first to look away but still kept a watch on Natasha from the corner of her eye.

"We are not BFFs, Stark." Natasha sharply stated before typing on the computer.

"Not with that attitude," Stark stated before Natasha threw a pen with deadly accuracy at Tony. The pen flew past Tony's head as he looked up towards her.

"So what do you do, Andria," Tony asked, looking back down at his work.

"Oh, I'm a personal trainer at the gym over on 10th street." Alex fed the lie.

"Interesting." Stark shortly said eating the lie like a treat.

"Yep. It pays well so I'm not complaining." Alex said leaning forward onto the table. Her shirt inched its way up her back showing a small sliver of the gun she had on her.

"Gun," Natasha informed as she pulled her own out pointing it at Alex. Alex quickly pulled hers out pointing it toward Natasha. From then on it was a chain reaction. Tony summoned the hand to his suit and Clint pulled out his own gun, both pointed at Alex. Steve backed away from his spot next to Alex, and Thor grabbed his hammer. By now, Alex had two guns pointed at her, an Iron Man hand, a hammer, a disappointed look from Steve, and a confused look from Bruce.

Alex's gun was pointed at Natasha and her hand was held up towards the others. Granted this wasn't the way she wanted her mission to go but she was trained to go with the flow.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Steve tried to negotiate.

"It kinda seems like it has to be like this. Look, why don't we just put the weapons away and talk like adults." Alex said glancing towards him before looking at the others.

"Not going to happen." Natasha quickly shot down her idea. "Why do you have a gun? What do you want?"

"I don't want anything. I'm lawfully allowed to own a gun. I'm a single woman in New York, excuse me for being paranoid." Alex claimed with her gun still aimed at Natasha.

"Lower your weapon and no one has to get hurt. We can fix this, Andria." Steve tried to negotiate with her. He obviously didn't fully trust her at the moment so he was slowly walking towards her with his hands up.

"If I lower mine, they lower theirs." Alex wasn't stupid. She wasn't going to leave herself open for them to shoot her and she didn't want to expose her powers yet.

Steve looked back at his team with a look Alex didn't see. Thor was the first to lower his weapon, then Tony followed with Clint. Natasha was the last to lower her gun and Alex followed her movements. Alex put her gun back in the waistband of her pants and Natasha holstered her but kept her hand very close to it.

"Well, look at the time. You should get going before it gets dark. Don't want to be walking home in the dark." Tony said trying to get her out.

"Uh, yeah. It was nice meeting you guys." Alex said turning around to grab her jacket. "I'll maybe see you later, Steve."

"Yeah, I'll walk you out," Steve said getting ready to follow her.

"No, don't. It's fine. I can see myself out. You guys obviously have some things to talk about." Alex said walking out the doors of the lab and going to the hall.

She walked through the main floor and looked for the elevator. When she located it she got on and pressed the bottom floor. She quietly stood in the elevator as more people got on and off not giving them a second glance.

Alex had finally stepped back into the cold, not wasting a minute before she was off. The cold gust of wind sent her hair flying in all directions as she walked down the street. She hugged her arms close to her body, shoving her way past people littering the sidewalks.

She quickly made her way home and got inside her apartment before going over the events that happened today. She would need a way inside the tower again so she would have to find a way to get Steve's trust back.

As she was going through the information she couldn't help but let her mind wander back to the red-headed Avenger. The way her body moved perfectly with the weapons she held, the way her green eyes shot daggers at those who annoyed her. Alex couldn't help but think that she was the perfect woman.

She sighed, taking a sip of the liquor bottle that was left on the counter for her. A 'Welcome Home' gift from Him. The strong, Russian, liquor burned her throat as she shook all thoughts of the redhead out of her mind. She could not afford any distractions. Even if the distraction was perfect in every way to her. She took another large gulp. Her eyes burned from the harsh liquid.

"I can do this," she muttered, her Russian accent echoing against the lonely living space. "Я могу сделать это." (I can do this.)

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