Chapter One

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Russia, 2012, Right after S.H.I.E.L.D. finds Captain America

"Опять таки,"(Again) the harsh Russian voice of the trainer screamed out. She once again got into the starting position with both fists up waiting for her opponent to strike first.

As her opponent threw a right hook toward her face she ducked and sent a punch to his stomach. She then sent a kick to his side sending him to the ground. He landed on his knees, catching himself with his hands before he fell all the way. With her opponent on all fours, Alexandria ran forward from behind, wrapped her legs around his neck, tucked her head under his body, and threw him over herself. His body went flying across the room, stopping when it crashed into the wall of the training room.

Two medics walked in with a gurney, loading the guy up and taking him to a medical room. Just as her trainer was about to motion for a new opponent to enter someone walked into the room, trailed by many guards.

"That's enough training for today." He said holding a hand up towards the trainer. He excused himself and left the room. "You, Rogue, are by far our best weapon. You are the most skilled fighter that we have ever had."

"Thank you, sir. I've trained my hardest to get where I am." She talked back to him in Russian as they walked down the halls with the guards not far behind.

"I know, which is why I have a very important mission for you. It will take a lot of training and preparation but I believe you are the only one who can complete it."

"Of course, sir. I will go pack my bags right away. What is the mission?" She asked with a slightly happy tone and an eyebrow raised. She was glad that she was getting out of the base she was in.

"There is no need to pack your bags right now. The mission will start later on. Right now our focus is training you so you will be prepared to fight him." He pointed to a picture on the board in a conference room they had walked in.

On the board, there was a picture of a man. His blonde hair was cut short, militarily style. His blue eyes piercings the person who looked into them. The bottom of the picture showed the shoulders of a blue, cloth outfit. The picture was weathered and browned around the edges showing that it was an older picture. The small date in the bottom left corner confirmed the thought. 1942.

"This is the mission," Alex asked moving her eyes across the board taking in the rest of the papers and information.

"Yes. We will give you six months to prepare for it and then you will be off."

"Yes sir." With the closing statement, Alex walked off to her room with two of the six guards following her. They would be posted outside her room all night to limit any attempts she tried to make at escaping. Though she would never try because she had no one to go to if she escaped, they could never be too careful.

As she sat on her bed, she thought back to the picture on the board. The man was very familiar. She had learned a lot about the man when she was growing up. They had taught her the history of the organization and the man had a big part in trying to stop it when it was first growing.

The man was a boy who science had turned into the man he had become. Now he was a man out of his time. Now Alex could not get the handwritten line that was taped below the picture out of her mind.

Steven Rogers, Captain America

The name was imprinted in her brain as she laid down on her bed and drifted off to sleep. She rolled over multiple times as the night grew darker, not getting as much sleep as she would have liked but she never did. Whether it was the mission she had just returned from, the one she was about to go on, or the hard mattress she slept on she could never tell. But tonight she knew for sure that it was the mission she was about to go on.

She was a trained assassin, a trained killing machine. She was trained since she was five to kill. Trained to show and feel no emotion yet she could help but get a little anxious at the mission that awaited her in six months. She had to kill Hydra's biggest enemy. Captain America.


For the past six months, Alex had been trained day in and day out for her mission. She was trained in every way imaginable. She trained with weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and with her powers.

Right now she was in her last training session before her mission. Different shades of purple wisps surrounded her hands and a circle of purple wrapped around her arm just above her wrist. She threw her hand out trapping one of the three guys she was up against.

She threw the guy she had trapped into another and waited for the third guy to walk closer. She teleported behind the guy and warped his mind. He fell to the ground with his eyes open as purple wisps swam across his eyes. By now the two guys that she had thrown earlier were up and advancing toward her. She quickly turned around a threw her left fist towards the guy closest to her. He landed on the ground and she used him as a step to wrap her legs around the last guy's neck.

She swung herself around his neck hitting a pressure point, making them drop to the ground. The guy fell forward on top of the other two allowing Alex, who was basically sitting on his shoulders, to catch herself with her feet.

She heard clapping from behind her as she turned her head. She moved from her position of standing over the last guy. She walked toward the clapping man as he began to speak.

"It seems you are more than capable of handling yourself on this mission. You will serve us well." The smile on the man's face seemed to spread more as he talked about her great work.

"I am. I will not fail this mission."

"Great to hear. Your bag is ready to go and in the car. The last thing you need is this." He handed her a medium-sized box, one similar to what you would wrap a Christmas gift in.

She slowly opened the box to reveal a handgun. One she had learned to be her favorite. She lifted the gun out of the box and admired it for a few seconds before nodding in thanks and slipping into her empty gun holster on her left leg.

After that and gathering the last of her things she loaded herself into the car and was off to the nearest airfield.

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