Chapter Thirty Four

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Germany, 2016, second later

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now," Vision says as he lands. Tony's team had arrived sometime during the small speech.

"What do we do, Cap," Sam asks, preparing for a fight.

"We fight," He replied.

"This is gonna end well," Natasha mutters as the two teams stride toward each other with grim determination etched on their faces.

"They're not stopping," The blue and red-clad man states.

"Neither are we," Tony replied as everyone broke into a sprint. Alex took this as her time to enter the fight. She used her magic to push herself up and over to the fight.

"Stop," She yelled, landing on the ground between the two groups and pushing her magic out to stop them. The two groups abruptly stopped, trying to keep from ramming into the purple force field. "Just stop."

"Alex," Natasha asked in surprise.

"No way! You're Rogue. I've seen you in the news," The spider boy spoke. "I'm Spider-Man."

"Yeah, kid, we talked about this," Tony stated to the kid. "What are you doing here, Alex?"

"I'm trying to stop you from tearing the Avengers apart," Alex informed as she looked between the two groups. "We're a family and you're fighting like you've been lifelong enemies."

"He started tearing us apart when he signed," Steve said pointing an accusing finger at Tony.

"Shut up, Steve," Alex ordered, her voice deadly. "It's not just his fault. It's yours too. I don't understand why we can't just talk about this like adults."

"We wouldn't get anywhere because-"

"Because you and Steve can't be in a room with going for each other's throats. You two are in a constant testosterone war and frankly, it's getting old," Alex interrupted with a glare at the billionaire.

"Ms. Rogue," The quiet voice of Spider-Man broke through the tension. "Perhaps we can't talk like adults because not all of us are adults."

"What? How old are you, kid?"

"Fifteen," He stated. The anger that was flowing through Alex flared. Tony had brought a kid into this.

"You brought a kid into this," Alex questioned Tony, her anger was about to go through the roof. "Do you know how dangerous that is for him?"

"Alex-" Tony started but was cut off by the kid.

"Oh, I'm not the only one," He stated. He paused for a moment like he was thinking. "Yeah, I know she's a couple of years older but still she's kind of young."

"Who else did you drag into this, Tony?"

"Uh, no one import-"

"No, you said Bailey could be a very vital part of this," The spider kid stated once cutting off tiny once again. Alex's anger flared at the mention of the girl she had taken under her wing.

"You. Brought. Bailey. Into this?" Alex's voice raised with every word until she was basically screaming. "Are you an idiot?"

"He asked if I wanted to help. I said yes. It's not all his fault," A female voice spoke from behind her. Alex slowly turned around to face the girl.

"I told you to stay out of this," Alex spoke, calming down slightly at the sight of the unharmed girl.

"You did but I can make my own decision." Bailey slowly walked towards Alex.

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