Chapter Forty Nine

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New York, 2012, same time

"You promise me you won't die?" Scott voice floated through Alex's ears as she switched to a different magazine.

"You're only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia." Tony said as if it was nothing.

"That doesn't sound mild." Scott responded as the 2012 group continued to argue over the case.

"Do it, Lang!" Alex instructed in a firm voice as she saw thing escalating quickly.

"Get your hands off!" 2012 Tony yelled as he pushed Pierces hand away from him.

"Window's closing. Pull my pin!"

"Here goes!" Scott said before 2012 Tony fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Stark?" The group questioned in worry as they lowered him to the ground slowly.

"Look, he's convulsing. Give him air! Medic!" Pierce yelled out.

"Medic! You guys, some help!" Tony yelled out with them as he looked around.

"Good job. Meet me in the alley. I'm gonna grab a quick slice." Tony stated after grabbing the case that Scott kicked towards him. Suddenly, Hulk pushes the door to the stairs open causing Tony to go flying back. As Tony falls to the ground, the case opens and the cube goes sliding across the floor towards Loki's feet.

"No stairs!" Hulk roared out as every runs away. As everyone is running away, Loki grabs the Tesseract and uses it to teleport away.

"Shit." Alex muttered, watching the spot where Loki was seconds earlier.

"That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" Scott asked from a winded Tony's chest.

"Oh, we blew it." He muttered back as Alex held out a hand for him to grab.

"Blew it to pieces." She stated in agreement.

"Tony, what's going on? Tell me you found that cube." Steve questions before groaning. "Oh, you gotta be shitting me."

"Well we had it. Now we don't." Alex informed. As the three made there way back towards the alley they originally appeared in.


"Cap." Tony speaks, interrupting the silence that the three sat in. "Sorry, buddy. We got a– problem."

"Huh. Yeah, we do." Scott muttered from the back seat of the damaged car they sat in. Alex pushed herself off the wall across the alley way and made her way closer to the group.

"Well, what are we gonna do now?" Steve questioned after they had explained the situation.

"You know what? Give me a break, Steve. I just got hit in the head with the Hulk." Tony remarked.

"You said that we had one shot. This– this was our shot. We shot it. It's shot. Six stones or nothing. Six stones or nothing–"Scott ranted as he paced outside the car.

"You're repeating yourself, you know that? You're repeating yourself."

"You're repeating yourself. You're repeating yourself. You know– No." Scott said mocking Tony.

"Dude, come on." Alex muttered rubbing her temples. "My five year old son doesn't even act this childish."

"You never wanted a time heist, you went on board with the time heist–" Scott continued, ignoring Alex.

"I dropped the ball." Tony admitted.

"You ruined the time heist." The child-like man accused.

"Is that what I did?" Tony argued back.


"Are there any other options with the Tesseract?" Steve wondered, stopping the growing argument between the two men.

"No, no, no. There's no other options. There's no do-overs. We're not going anywhere else. We have one particle left. Each. That's it, alright? We use that– Bye, bye. You're not going home." Scott insisted.

"Yeah, well if we don't try, then no one else is going home, either."

"I got it. There's another way. To retake the Tesseract and acquire new particles. We'll stroll down memory lane. Military installation, Garden State." Tony spoke as a moment of realization hit him.

"When were they both there?" Steve questioned, obviously knowing what Tony was going on about.

"They were there at a– I've a vaguely exact idea." Tony admitted as he walked up to Steve.

"How vague?"

"What are you talking about? Where are we going?" Scott asked trying to include himself in the conversation.

"I know for a fact they were there–"

"Who's they? What are we doing?"

"-And I know how I know." Tony continued, ignoring Scott.

"Guys, what's up? What is it?" The man continued to ask.

"Well, it looks like we're improvising." Steve sighed as he walked around Tony.

"Right. What are we improvising?" Scott questioned as Steve handed the scepter to Alex.

"Alex, Scott, get this back to the compound." He instructed.

"Suit up."Tony said as he started typing into his suit.

"What's in New Jersey?" Alex questioned as she looked between the two men.

"0-4." Tony started.

"0-4." Steve repeated as he typed the same thing into his uniform.

"Uhh, 0-7."


"Excuse me..." Scott and Alex spoke at the same time but were still ignored by the men.


"Are you sure?" Steve hesitated.

"Cap. Captain. Steve, sorry, America. Rogers. Look, if you do this, and this doesn't work, you're not coming back." Scott informed.

"Thanks for the pep talk, pissant." Tony stated before turning to Steve. "Do you trust me?"

"I do." Steve replied.

"Your call."

"Here we go-"

"Wait!" Alex called out, stopping the two men from pressing there buttons. "If you're going back for more particles, grab more than you think you'll need. Who knows how many we will need."

"You got it." Steve nodded.

"And bring back the cube this time." She said before they disappeared. She stood quietly in the alley with Scott for a few second before muttering time herself. "I hate men."

"I am going to pretend I didn't here that." Scott spoke, slightly offended by the blondes words.

"Good." She replied before letting out a small grunt. She clutched her heart as a it tugged underneath her skin. She leaned back against the car that previously held Tony and Scott.

Slowly sinking to the ground she pushed back the small tears that formed that formed from the pain that tugged at her heart. Scott gently took the scepter as he watched the woman clutch her chest, not knowing how to help her. Alex barely heard the beeping sound of their suits before she felt the twist in her stomach and the pull on her heart grow stronger.

The world of red speed past her but she barely saw it. All she could see was the blinding pain that surrounded her heart. The felling of it tearing in two continued to grow at they flew through the the quantum realm. The feeling did not stop, even after everyone thrown out of the quantum realm. All of them except the one she wanted to see most.

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