Chapter Thirty

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Legos, Nigeria, 2016, minutes later

Alex coughed as she came around. The thick smoke was still fresh in her lungs as she tried to move around. She managed to get some of the rocks off her upper body but couldn't find the strength to uncover her legs.

"Al-Alex-" She heard a voice cut through on her earpiece but could make out who said it.

"Alex-Do you-py?" The voice broke through again. She couldn't find the strength to answer as she coughed again. Her limbs felt heavy and her eyes were begging to be closed.

"Cap-got a he-nature. 15 fee-your loca-ion." The earpiece went static and started to give the girl a headache as she started to closer her eyes.

"I've got eyes on her." She heard a voice say but it wasn't cut off. It was a solid voice like the person was right beside her. She felt someone tap her face multiple times before they spoke. "Come on, Alex. Keep your eyes open for me."

She tried to open her eyes wider but find she couldn't. Her eyes had a mind of their own. She felt the voice pick her up and start carrying her out of the rubble before her world went completely dark.


Alex slowly opened her eyes as she took in her surroundings. The constant beep of a machine told her she was still alive. She felt a hand in hers and look to the side. She saw Natasha's sleeping figure curled up in a chair with their hands connected. She gave the girl as strong of a squeeze as she could muster as watched as the redhead immediately opened her eyes.

"I told you you were not dying on me," Natasha warned as she sat up in the chair.

"I didn't," The girl countered.

"You could have," The redhead shot back. "Do you know how stupid that was? You could have killed yourself, Xandria."

"I'm sorry, Nattie. I didn't think about that. I only thought about getting those people to safety," She apologized as she slowly sat up in her bed. She swung her leg over the edge of the bed and brought Natasha to stand in between her legs.

The redhead stood up and wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulders. She gave her a tight squeeze before pulling away slightly and giving her a big kiss. Alex immediately kissed back and moved her hands to the girl's waist. She enjoyed every kiss like it was their first. She way Natasha's soft lips met her was something she would always long for.

"Marry me," Alex blurted as they separated.

"What?" The redhead looked confused before feeling Alex's hand move to her left hand.

"Marry me," Alex said more confidently as she materialized the ring she had been saving. She slipped the ring on the redhead's ring finger before she took her hand away. Natasha admired the ring that sparkled on her finger as Alex gave her a big smile.

"Yes. Of course, I will," The redhead responded before giving the girl a passionate kiss.

"I love you, Natasha Romanoff."

"And I love you, Alex Jordon."

"Oh, get a room." Alex heard the familiar voice of the now non-teenager. Alex glances over at Bailey who stood in the doorway of the room. Her arms were crossed and her face held a small smirk.

"We had one before you walked in," Alex fires back at the girl. Bailey gave a small laugh as she moved further into the room.

"Well, I won't be here long. I just came to check on you and Steve wanted to know if you were awake yet," She informed.

"Wow. I feel loved. You only came to see me to benefit Steve's knowledge of his team." Alex laid her head against Natasha's chest and shook her shoulders in a fake sob. Natasha and Bailey shared a look as if they were asking 'why is she like this'.

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