Chapter Twenty

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Above the clouds, 2015, in the jet

Alex sat a few seats away from Bruce, deep in thought as they flew back to the Tower. She held her hand in her hands as they flew, not wanting to look at anyone. She listen to the opera music that Bruce was playing loudly through his headphones. Alex went further into her mind as Natasha talked to Bruce.

"Alex?" Natasha whispered as she shook the blonde's leg. "Alex. Hey, Xandria. Come on. Wake up."

"Hmm." Alex hummed as she slowly moved her hands away from her head and opened her eyes.

"We'll find her. I promise." Natasha placed her hand on the girl's cheek and the blonde leaned into the touch.

"Yeah," Alex whispered. The hurt look didn't leave her eye as she continued. "I just can't help but think that I failed her."

"You didn't, Alex. There was nothing you could do." Natasha tried to make the girl feel better, Alex appreciated it, but she couldn't help the thoughts. Alex didn't say anything after that so Natasha moved to sit next to her.


Alex and Natasha helped unload Clint from the jet and into a medical room. Alex let go of the gurney, letting Natasha and the other nurses help Clint. Alex walked to the temporary room that she was given in the Tower.

She slowly sat back on the bed looking out the window. The screams filled her head as she sat in silence. She looked around the room, which was beginning to look like her old apartment in Washington.

"Ahh!" Alex could hear Bailey scream through the door as she walked up to it. She unlocked the front door, walked in, and closed it.

"I've told you this a million times, keep it-" Alex was cut off by a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down to see a bleeding bullet hole before looking back up at the men in her room. She slid down the wall and watched helplessly as the four men dragged a screaming Bailey out of the apartment through the window.

"Alex!" The girl screamed before one of the men stuck a needle in her neck. Alex tried her best to crawl across the floor to the window they had disappeared out of but collapsed halfway. Alex pulled out her phone before dialing the one person who could help her.

"Hello?" The voice of the redhead spoke through the speaker.

"Help." Alex simply whispered before dropping the phone and passing out on her floor.

Alex shook her head as the room changed back to normal, holding her stomach where she was shot. Her eyes remained fixed on the outside as someone knocked and the door to her room opened. She saw the transparent reflection of Steve walking into the room before he stopped beside her.

"You okay?" Steve asked in his big brother voice.

"Yeah. Just thinking." Alex answered, crossing her arms.

"About?" Steve pressed further.

"Her." Was the blonde's short reply.

"We'll find her. She's got to be out there somewhere." Steve tried to encourage her.

"I know, but where Steve?" Alex asked turning to face the man. "I spent two and a half years with her. I developed a bond with her mind and now I can't find her. What if she's-"

"Don't do that to yourself, Alex. She's still alive." Steve cut her off before she could finish her thought.

"But for how much longer?" Alex asked before walking out of the room and to the lab where Clint was being treated.

"You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together." Alex heard Natasha joke as she entered the room.

"There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with a simulacrum." Dr. Cho responded.

"She's creating tissue." Bruce simplifies.

"Oh no, doc. Don't give us that kind of hope." Alex joked walking to the other side of Clint.

"If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes." She explained.

"Oh, he's flatlining. Call it. Time?" Tony said as he entered the room.

"14:54," Alex answered back looking at her watch.

"No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic." Clint bragged as he took the drink Tong handed him.

"Here's your beverage."

"You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference." Dr. Cho explained.

"Well, I don't have a girlfriend," Clint answered.

"That I can't fix. This is the next thing, Tony. Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust." She bragged as Clint handed his drink to Alex with a disgusted look. Alex quickly passed the drink to Natasha who gladly drank it.

"Well, that is exactly the plan. And Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday." Tony informed.

"Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties." She said before pausing. "Will Thor be there?"

Alex gave a small laugh which Natasha elbowed her for. She thought the crush the doctor had on the god was adorable.

'What?' Alex mouthed holding her hands up.

'Behave.' Natasha mouthed back before turning around and walking out of the room. Alex quickly ran after the girl, throwing her around the redhead's shoulders when she caught up.

"So, what do you plan on where to the party?" Alex innocently asked.

"I don't know, why?" Natasha answered looking up at the blonde.

"I was just wondering. Wanted to know if I should prepare for a night of fun or not." Alex joked with a smirk.

"Only in your dreams." She answered before walking away from where they had stopped.

"Oh, come on. Don't do this to me, Nattie!" Alex yelled after her. The blonde shook her head before going to her room to change.

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