Chapter Eight

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New York, 2012, later the same day

Alex had gotten back to her apartment as quickly as she could so she pack her things. When she walked through the front door she immediately walked through her the house to get to her room. She grabbed the duffel bag that sat at the bottom of her closet and started stuffing her thing in the bag.

"AJ? Are you leaving?" Bailey asked as she entered the room.

"Uh, yeah. I messed up, I messed up bad and now some people will be coming after me. Pack your things." Alex said not pausing as she spoke. Her hand shook slightly as she packed but she clenched her fist tightly and ignored them.

"What did you do?" Bailey continued to ask.

"Look Little Monster, I will explain everything when we are away from this place. Pack your things and anything you want to bring." Alex instructed as she pushed Bailey out of the room.

She continued to pack the last of her things making sure to grab the files that she had made. She met Bailey in the kitchen as they both finished packing. Alex exited the apartment with Bailey behind as they made their way out of the building and down the street. They managed to flag down a taxi that took them to the airport.

After paying for the taxi, Alex pushed Bailey towards the entrance of the airport. Once inside, Alex grabbed Bailey's arm tightly so as to not lose her in the crowded lobby. She led the girl towards the nearest bathroom.

In the bathroom, she checked under every stall for people before locking the door. Alex worked fast as she placed her bags down. She dug through one as if she was looking for something. Pulling her hands away from the bag she released a deep breath. The knife in her hand shines back at her with a taunting look.

Holding her arm over the sink she placed the knife on the inside of her bicep. She pushed against it without a second thought, dragging it along her skin a few centimeters before dropping it into the sink.

"Oh my god," Bailey exclaimed. "What are you doing?" Small trails of blood dripped down her arm and into the sink as Alex dug two fingers into her arm. Alex looked away from her arm to meet Bailey's eyes.

"I'm taking the tracker out of my arm," she answered. She would have followed with a flat 'duh' but she had to remind herself that she was talking to a normal teenager. "Look, it's a long story. I'll explain in the car. Hand me that shirt."

Bailey picked up the white shirt that Alex had pointed at and gave it to the blonde. Alex grabbed the shirt in both hands before ripping it. She ripped it a few more times before taking the piece of clothing and wrapping it around her bleeding arm.

"What car," the teen questioned as the blonde slipped her jacket back on.

Alex grabbed her bags in one hand before speaking. "I don't know yet. Let's go." She grabbed the teen's arm once they had reentered the crowd and made her way to the exit.

They crossed the street and entered the car park. Alex dragged the teen up the flights of stairs until they reached the third floor. The older woman paused to look around for a few seconds.

"What's your favorite color?"

Bailey gave the blonde a confused look. "What?"

"Favorite color. Hurry, we're on a time crunch."

"Uh, pink, I guess," she rushed out. Alex shook her head.

"Too obvious. How do you feel about black," she question as she spotted a small black SUV a few spaces away.

Bailey followed the woman as she made her way to the car. "I wouldn't say it's in my top five but it's not a bad color, I guess."

Alex didn't answer as she materialized into the front seat of the car to unlock the doors. Bailey put her bag in the back seat before closing the door and opening the passenger's side door. She got in a closed the door, turning to face the blonde as she did so. The blonde, however, was doubled over in the front seat messing with wires from under the dashboard.

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