Chapter Thirteen

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Washington D.C., 2014, moments later in the parking lot

The trio stood outside of the mall for a second so they could figure things out. Steve stood between the two girls with Alex on the right and Natasha on the left. Alex was the first to speak and break the silence that surrounded them.

"Where are we going," She asked as she crossed her arms.

"Wheaton, New Jersey," Steve answered.

"Okay. Well, we can't get a taxi there and a rental car place takes time we don't have. So, pick one," Alex said giving a small motion to the parking lot in front of them. The two seemed confused by the blonde's vague directions. She waited for a second, trying to get them to understand before sighing. The blonde turned towards the redhead. "What's your favorite color?"

The redhead raised her eyebrow. "What?"

"Favorite color. Hurry," Alex instructed. She looked the woman in her eyes as they stared back at her. Alex could have stayed like that for hours if they weren't rushed to leave.

Natasha didn't know how to answer the woman with blue eyes. Her eyes never left the blondes as she spoke, "uh, blue?"

Alex clapped her hands together, pivoting on her heels. Her eyes scanned the parking lot looking for the first blue car that popped out at her. It was a nice-sized truck and would definitely fit the three. "How about that one?"

"AJ? Alex?" Alex heard the familiar voice from behind her. She swiftly turned around to see Bailey standing a couple of steps away.

"Bailey? What are you doing here," Alex asked as Bailey walked closer to the three.

"Well, I was bored at the house so I decided to come to the mall and look around," Bailey said with a shrug of her shoulders. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. Nothing important," Alex answered quickly before speaking again. "Why don't you come with me?"

"Okay, I need a ride home anyway," Bailey said as she followed Alex, with Steve and Natasha soon following after the two.

"Well, we're not going home, not right now," Alex said as she walked up to the blue truck.

"Oh, where are we going?"

"I'll explain later," Alex shortly said before materializing into the driver's seat. She clicked the lock on the door and climbed into the back seat. She waited for everyone else to climb in while Steve hot-wired the truck.

Silence filled the air as they pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. Steve was driving, Natasha was in the passenger seat, Alex was in the back behind Steve, and Bailey was behind Natasha. All three girls were looking out their respective windows until Bailey spoke up.

"So, where are we going?" She leaned to look through the front window when Alex answered her question.

"New Jersey."

"Oh," Bailey replied in a whisper. "Are we leaving again?"

"What? No. This is more like a day trip," Alex assured the girl.

"Holy shit," Bailey whispered again. "That's Captain America!"

"Yeah," Alex said trying to contain her laugh as the girl tried to contain her squeal.

"Are you going to introduce us or just pretend like he's not there," Bailey asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh my god," Alex muttered before leaning forward. "Bailey, this is Captain America. Steve, this is Bailey. She really wanted to meet you."

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