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Long chapter, includes all three storylines, Dream's, Skeppy's, and Tommy's! Hope you enjoy!


George's POV

"You hear the Tubbo kid went missing two nights ago?" Sapnap asked.

"No, did he run away?"

"Apparently, we don't know where he went. Techno said not to worry."

"I must've missed that, I was more focused on Dream's absence." I glanced around the trail. We were in the middle of a forest. Sam was with us today, but he didn't talk much. Always kept a mask on as well, a mysterious guy.

"Gone for two days in a row, quite odd." Sapnap added. "Do you think he just didn't want to show up or something?" I glanced at Sapnap, noticing a bit of concern in his eyes. 

"I'm sure that's it. Techno would tell us otherwise." I patted his arm, trying to console him. He smiled a tight smile. 

"Ranboo hasn't said anything, I'm sure Dream is just attending business." It was an out of nowhere statement from Sam. I glanced at Sapnap, but he didn't seem like he heard. So I slipped back, walking next to Sam.

"I... do you know anything about us getting kicked out of the guarding position for Dream?" Sam looked down at me, his green hair covering up the top of his mask.

"I can't recall much, I overheard Techno telling Dream that you guys would be replaced since you were a threat to him. Not that I know much of the full story." Sam shrugged, looking ahead again. I looked him up and down, his gold armor shining in the sunlight. He had a dark, green shirt underneath the armor and black pants. 

"What does he mean a threat?" I looked up, noticing Sapnap had stopped ahead of us. He looked offended, his stance defensive.

"I don't know, maybe you guys sneaking Dream out made Techno see you as a thr- HEY" Sam yelled as Sapnap pushed him back. Sam was almost 7 inches taller than Sapnap, making him an immovable force. Sam growled, reaching behind his back for his trident.

"We did not sneak Dream out or even fucking risk his life!" Sapnap yelled back at Sam. I looked between both of them, noting their weapons out in the open.

"Guys, guys!" I stepped in between them. Sapnap looked at me, his eyes softening a bit. "How about we just talk about this some other time? No need getting out our... sharp, pointy weapons." I pushed Sam's trident down. He looked at me, nodding a bit. He quickly put his trident back behind his back.

Sapnap huffed, walking away with his sword still in hand. Sam and I watched him depart. 

"Can we," I looked up to Sam. "talk about this alone? Maybe it's better you know the whole story before we involve Sapnap."

"Fine by me, means my trident can stay a little cleaner." With that, Sam walked off. I watched him leave, noting the similarities he had to Dream. His green theme and mask made him resemble Dream.

Luckily, Sam seemed nice. Hopefully he can help us figure out what's happening.


Bad's POV

"Rise and shine!" I groaned as I heard Tubbo's voice and my door open. I opened my eyes, being met with the ceiling of Velvet's office.

"Come on, Bad! Wake up!" I heard the whiny voice enter my ears. I sighed, sitting up to see Skeppy and Tubbo smiling at me. Looks like they were getting along nicely.

"Skeppy, you aren't supposed to be up!" We all turned to see a frantic Harvey at the door. Skeppy laughed and sat down on my bed.

"I'm not up! I just... teleported over here!" Skeppy grinned innocently as Harvey groaned. Tubbo smiled at me, walking over to the other side of my bed.

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